MeetFighters News

Testimonials, Faster Page Delivery and Video Poll

It's been a while since the last site update, but that does not mean what I haven't been busy working on MeetFighters! Let's see what's been going on.

I've been thinking about adding video streaming to the site. It would work similar to the picture gallery: you could upload your private videos, and share it with other site members. So, the question about that is:

Would you upload your private videos to MeetFighters?

This poll is closed.

The new site design garnered mostly positive feedback. Thanks everyone who participated in fine-tuning the site's look and feel, I got a bunch of useful ideas and helpful feedback. I tried to incorporate most of them into the design. I am much happier with this one than the previous one (which I now call "Orange Gym"), but if you prefer that one, you can use if by selecting it on the Administration page.

The site now uses the CloudFlare Content Delivery Network for distributing photos and other static page content. CloudFlare operates 23 data centers across the globe, and will be helping your web browser render our web pages faster. What this means for you is that the site will feel a bit more responsive, especially if you are located in Asia or Australia, abd a more modest speedup in North America. It will also lighten the load on our main server. This is a big change in how our site is operating, so there might be some snags. I'll fix these as quick as I find them.

There is a Testimonials page for your positive feedback. So far, there's two, and a lot of crickets chirping. :( If you have 5 minutes and want to spend it making me feel better about the site, give it a go.

Also, the MeetFighters Matchmaker is here for your singing and matchmaking needs. It's one of those awesome-useless features (like the Who Fought Whom page); if it makes you smile for 5 seconds, it was worth it.

Your comments come here:

Last edited on 1/25/2013 1:58 PM by Admin



Sam M (5)

1/25/2013 2:43 PM

Sorry, I don't speak English.


lxesoheces (0)

1/25/2013 4:12 PM

I would upload but I have no video... yet!


wrestle13 (0)

1/27/2013 9:16 AM

(In reply to this)

same here, no video to upload so my vote is useless


ForcedAbTrainer (21)

1/25/2013 5:10 PM

Video streaming is dangerous. I have seen other sites shutdown because people were uploading copy written materials without concern for the consequences to the site. It could turn out to be an administrator's nightmare. Be careful!


BelgiumWrestler (19)

1/25/2013 5:36 PM

Hi !

I think it is dangerous because the site could become much slower.

One of the major qualities of meetfighters is to be fast (certainly in front of other similar sites) keep this quality first of all please.

Thank you very much for all work and a great hello to all fighters !


Gyaku63 (13 )

1/25/2013 5:41 PM

"ForcedAbTrainer" is right. I knew a site which closed because some members uploaded lot of BG east videos for example ...


spirit6060 (27)

1/25/2013 5:52 PM

i think its a great site i have made some great friends a long the way ,

all i like to see if theres some way of marking any one how ywe re wrestle as some guy s i have met more than once it be good by some way of showing this

keep up the good work and thank you for a great site


Lion Mike55 (56)

1/25/2013 7:04 PM

(In reply to this)

I do have video`s , I like to upload here


Lugi (136)

1/25/2013 6:04 PM

The point about the website running slower because of the videos isn't really true.
(cp this issue here)


Wrestlfun (6)

1/25/2013 7:17 PM

There are so many ways to give a link to other places you can download videos if you wish to do so. But be careful before you make the move on meetfighters. It is an open door to trouble for the administrator. Sincerley your's



1/25/2013 8:05 PM

i have liked the improvements so far and welcome a continued diligence to improve. I would add to the other comments to exercise caution regarding copyright material, and would advise you use caution in moving ahead. keep up the good work, buddy!



1/25/2013 8:05 PM



musclebear2b (4)

1/25/2013 8:30 PM

I agree with forcedabtrainer - no uploading of videos. Wouldn't want to risk this great site being forced to close due to copyright issues, as others have before.


olderguy (12)

1/25/2013 9:39 PM

i realise that the cautions that have been expressed need to be be weighed carefully in deciding how to go forward and maybe for now it's better to have a way of referring people to somewhere else that designed for handling video material


bulkybull (0)

1/25/2013 11:37 PM

yes but i dont have any video


Richard (2)

1/26/2013 12:42 AM

i think this site works very well as it is. If you add in videos you will make it more complicated. You will also create a two tier system of members, that is, those who want to show videos and those who don't for whatever reason. ALso, what will happen is that you will attract some idiots who will just join the site to show odd, weird,fake etc videos. We already have some jokers on here, who are frankly just fooling around.

In addition, I would say that almost all of the people I know on this site would not want to show videos.

The only improvement I would like to see would be a venue discussion section, ie a place where we could swap notes on venues and discuss how we could find or even set up some new venues. Lack of venues is one of the biggest obstacles that many of us in the UK face.



1/26/2013 8:57 AM

(In reply to this)

You mean something like the Venues page? :)


Richard (2)

1/26/2013 10:55 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes, something like the Venues page but not the same.

So it would have a different name/title, maybe Venues Forum. If we had that it might spur some of us, ie encourage us to set up or find some additional wrestling locations. Maybe we could call it Finding New Venues, which would really be to the point.

I would say that at least half the people whom I link with here or who link with me cannot host.

Thank you for your interest.



Physical (65)

1/26/2013 11:21 AM

A Fantastic site - personally "The Best" for ease of use and a less cluttered interface, I'm happy to support you in your work as it clearly costs you a lot in server running and maintenance. However I have to say that I would not think video uploading is a good idea for you.

How many petabytes of storage would be needed? and at what cost? when a significant number of the site users are not supporting financially. I think the costs would be prohibitive to you. By all means allow the embedding of links to YouTube or a user's own website but I would urge against it.

A great Site !! keep up the good work :-)

Nick (aka Physical)


wresto (39)

1/28/2013 12:00 PM

For me option to upload your own video is a great idea. It can bring some problems but it will add extra quality also to the already excellent site.


gpau1900 (6 )

1/28/2013 12:05 PM

Videos are a double edge sword. On the one hand they can make a site very popular and attract new members (for example, on the other hand they can bring a site down due to copyright issues and complaints to the site hosting company about inappropriate material (for example Also if you add videos, you have to accept the percentage of members who never meet will go up - they just join to watch the videos. As much as I love videos, with so much material already available elsewhere I am going to vote no.



1/28/2013 11:01 PM

I would like to ask everyone to assume that I can handle the technical challenges associated with videos. At the risk of sounding conceited, I am pointing out the fact that I managed to keep this site together with an increasing feature set, a growing membership and several upgrades over the past 4 years.

I am more concerned with the social ecosystem of meetfighters and how videos would affect our members. One legitimate concern that came to my mind is that the private videos on this site could attract people who are not interested in fighting, just want to watch some vids. (Granted, youtube is a more straightforward alternative for them. Still.)


the punisher (22)

5/19/2013 6:52 AM

i def got no prob uploading my pro matches on the site in fact it might hel everybody get more matches and show people there real
