MeetFighters News
Update on Video. Also, T-Shirts!
Hi everyone,
First of all, I have a New Old Idea: MeetFighters T-Shirts. This has been suggested before, but up until now I haven't considered it seriously. Now I do. I have a few designs in mind, here is one draft:
Yes, I know the ❤ (heart) is corny and dated. This is just work in progress, OK?
I'm going to come up with some new ones, this is just a "working draft". I will also make several colors available. Now the new question is:
Would you buy MeetFighters apparel?
Select as many as you want. (Do not combine the "Yes" and "No").
- Yes, I would buy a T-shirt (basic, slim fit, tank top, long sleeve etc. size M - XXXL) for €25-30. (90 votes: AbsBoy, aggroskinhead, Ajax, Andyman, anton2411, Asics, asics 11, BCNBOXER, Bearhug4u2, benhard63, B-Grappler, Bigboy5604, blackwolf, bobster1948, borededucator, BoxingBear1, Boxingmarco, cake, catman chan, Chokeuk, chrisinsuffolk, cloudshadow, cmhmatman, Cruptonium, Darkanger, DazzFighter, DCJobber, dnaeel, Dragon1965, drpdaz, enthusiast, fightape, Fighterdreams, grappleruk, Grapplervir, gures, hairytxwrestler, hunk71fi, ikf, Jay-Ryan, jockster, joeran, lederfighter, llama4711, Londonfightfan, luttecatch3, maeCR1, matt13226, MCRLON30UK, Meilo1, midblue, munichsubfight, musclebear2b, OrlandoFight, Peteuk, pinsam1, prosubsladuk, Rainerpvc, rasslefight, rberto89a, Ringer 43, rjw1a, Ruffbear7, ruffhouse30, rumbletumbleUK, SKDave, smoek2, sparring buddy, Sportsfanatic, SPWrestler, StrikeFighter, Sturdy, superfighter, Swemoro, tapout, thelittlebadwolf, the punisher, TheWrestler, Tomkat44, txpapabear50, ulises007, unngghh, worcesguy, wrestlerdave, wrestletop, wrestlruff, yiffwrestler, zimaguy, zmaccs, zypgutpunch)
- Yes, I would buy a hoodie or sweat shirt for €35-40 (27 votes: AbsBoy, Ajax, Bearhug4u2, B-Grappler, bigt730, CelticFire, cencal, DazzFighter, DCJobber, Fighterdreams, hairytxwrestler, ikf, Jay-Ryan, Micha2, midblue, munichsubfight, rasslefight, rberto89a, Ruffbear7, rumbletumbleUK, sparring buddy, Swemoro, thelittlebadwolf, the punisher, Tomkat44, txpapabear50, wrestlruff)
- Yes, I would buy a mug or a baseball cap for €15. (34 votes: anton2411, Asics, asics 11, B-Grappler, Bigboy5604, bigt730, bobster1948, cencal, DazzFighter, drpdaz, Fighterdreams, grappleruk, Grapplervir, gures, hairytxwrestler, Jay-Ryan, joeran, llama4711, luttecatch3, lycraman74, manuz, matt13226, NYCTUFF, rasslefight, Ricotewrestler, Ruffbear7, Scunlad1, SKDave, sparring buddy, thelittlebadwolf, the punisher, txpapabear50, worcesguy, wrestlruff)
- Yes, I would buy something else (like iPhone cover, drawstring bag, etc.) (31 votes: Andyman, bigt730, bobster1948, Boxingmarco, brooklinewrestle, cencal, cyberwrestler21, DazzFighter, drpdaz, Fighterdreams, gures, hairytxwrestler, Jay-Ryan, matt13226, pulsar 79, QCProWrestler, rasslefight, rberto89a, Ruffbear7, Scunlad1, Sportsfanatic, StrikeFighter, SurreyGuy, Swemoro, tapout, ThaiBrasil, thelittlebadwolf, the punisher, txpapabear50, ulises007, wrestlruff)
- No. (239 votes: 2011q, 40some, Abbraxas, agrofighter, amateurwrestler, Anfänger, antaeusX, athens123, AyeAye, ballfight, bardobrat, Barriobruiser, Basildon Bloke, BattleBeast, BeefyWrestler, Bennyfighter, Berlin, Big Guy, bigmscl1, Billboi, bjjfighter, BobL1957, BoxerBoy, boxingscripper, braintreejack, brightonguy, brolicbro, buchi, Cadu, CaliKid20, calwrestler, Catcher, chameleon, ChiBox, ChineseGrappler, Chris2012, cool bln, Cornerman, cum4fight, cumplay8080, dany 2808, David, dcgrappler, denverjock, DomSquashMatch, Doodvid, edv45, Elemental, EthanAxelAndrews, fedeboy, Fenrir, fighterberty, fightguy, finders, Fireball05, FistFighter1978, fitguy2, Fitguyxx, FitScot, fracle2, Freenote, frenchfighter, Frenchfighter2, funfight71, funraufer, gardenboy, garrietate, gatorbite2, Gforce199, gguy, Gilles Limber, gioroma80, grappleguy66, grappler2112, grapplerguy, GrapplerNL, GrapplingHB, grappling hh, gregsbp, GroundFite, Gutpuncher1, Gyaku63, hakancem, Happygolucky, harry309, heralduk, huge fighting man, Hunnog, Irishfighter, Ironbull, Islandmusc, ivo88, jack555, JJAllen, jobber43essex, joman74, Jooff08, joshjames, JudoJock, judoka261, judoka33, judolover, Judomonkey, Judopete, justsee, JWrestler, kaempfer12, Kane78, kboxme, latinbnd, LatinoJobber, ldn fighter, leeray, lightweightwrestler, lilblakely, limowrestl, litewt78, Lkn4awrestletoy, lotta 70, machomusculoso, manc wrestler, marcoparis, marks, matchup, matman, Matt73, MattMelia, matt nbg, MAwrestler, mboxing, michel1687, mickey jw, mikangelo, Mike1122, MisterLegs, mjr1bbs, MMASporty, MrSlamFan, mrwhite, musclechris80, mutualfights, n2rassle, neolutteur75, new12, nmdenis, nocturnalchi, northstaffs pitbull terrior, nycathlete, NYerhere, NZ Heel, ohjohnny, OSOION, oswin, ottawajock, painauthority, Perseus, Peter wak1, Physical, Pitt, pollebe, p pinn, preppie, rassler, Raufbold, Raufbold1976, raufboldBLN, raufenhh, raufer1234, Raufmaniac76, Raywrestle, RED DADDY, resl4top, RhodyRaybo, RingerHH1, Ringerohr, Ringo36, Riviera Wrestle, RNC23, RobBerlin, rob c57, rodoliv, RuffFightChallenge, scotsgrappler, scottimike, seokyo, sixtynineonthemat, Skinfightboy, SKINHERTS, sleeper wrestler, Smallbutstrong1981, smcrushme, smlgrappler, softwrestling68, south coast, SouthernSub, SpeedoLightWeight, spiped, spirit6060, stuttgart grappling, subguy21, submissonboy1, suig, teemu, Tetraites, The Darknight, Threadbare, Tiger, Tom80, toplad, Toppler, toshiosaito, Traithe, upstatefighter, Vanman, VTBoxer, WAjobber, Want2fight, wetspeedos, willem1, Wire, wolfarmstrong, WolfHH, woodd43, wrestle570, Wrestleboyjoey, wrestlebuddy, wrestle fun, wrestleman, wrestler2000, wrestlerbiker, WrestlerLondon1980, wrestleruk1, wrestlnfool, wresttal, wstlguy, wtelaar, xantar, xulomad88, youngwrestler)
Costs are approximate, I am still looking for a good print-on-demand service. The prices do not include shipping, which could cost between €2 and €8 depending on location and number of items ordered. T-Shirts and hoodies will be printed with a flock printing technology, which guarantees good colors that will not fade after 100 washes.
In other news, the poll on MeetFighters video uploads is now closed and the results are in! The question was:
Would you upload your private videos to MeetFighters?
Yes I would | No I would not | Only watching | |
Number of votes | 552 | 159 | 786 |
% of votes | 36% | 10% | 52% |
Weighted % | 38% | 13% | 47% |
The weighted percentage represents the individual voters multiplied by the number of their past opponents. (This is the metric that I tend to trust the most.)
Some guys have expressed concern in their comments that the videos would interfere with the operation of the site. I would like to ask them to assume that I can handle the technical challenges associated with videos. At the risk of sounding conceited, I am pointing out the fact that I managed to keep this site together with an increasing feature set, a growing membership and several upgrades over the past 4 years.
I am more concerned with the social ecosystem of meetfighters and how videos would affect our members. One legitimate concern that came to my mind is that the private videos on this site could attract people who are not interested in fighting, just want to watch some vids. (Granted, youtube is a more straightforward alternative for them. Still.)
What I see here is that the majority would like to upload or watch videos. This is cool, and I will start implementing the necessary infrastructure. It is going to take me a while, so do not expect it deployed in a few days! I will also monitor the performance of the video feature closely. If it ends up being too much load on the servers, I might end up scrapping the whole thing. We'll see how it goes!
ForcedAbTrainer (21)
2/03/2013 8:10 PMThis is an old-fashioned design. Make the design to look more like other fightware currently circulating.
2/03/2013 8:19 PM(In reply to this)
Can you give me a few pointers?
Jorgefighter (247)
2/03/2013 8:11 PMI think that the prices of 25-30 euros are a little high for a simple t shirt, not to mention that there will also be a delivery tax. Also, regarding the design, I would like to suggest making it easier and maybe having only MF logo in a not very big size -maybe at the pec area?- and, perhaps, the website name behind.
2/03/2013 8:32 PM(In reply to this)
You are right. Unfortunately print-on-demand is a more expensive process than bulk production. I cannot afford to order bulk (meaning 500 units or more) because I will never be able to sell them. The end result is that I will not be able to match department store prices.
I found one particular online retailer that sells somewhat cheaper (somewhere around €20 to €22), but unfortunately they do not ship to some parts of the world. The reason for this little poll is to see how big demand would be from various countries.
scotch2012 (9)
2/03/2013 8:14 PMI like the colour, the symbols and the on the shirt but I'm not too sure about the "I love to" bit. Just imagine if I was to walk down the town in the summer with that on - some people might think he's gay! It almost a bit like having I love men written on ya shirt. No offence.
2/03/2013 8:17 PM(In reply to this)
Good point. As mentioned above, I'm still coming up with alternate designs.
scotch2012 (9)
2/03/2013 8:21 PM(In reply to this)
I'll be interested to see them.
musclebear2b (4)
2/03/2013 8:52 PMI would LOVE to watch uploaded videos, but I also think allowing them will be a big mistake, unless someone is going to be vetting them for copyrighted content, AND/OR they are going to be completely private and only viewable if the uploader has a password to give out to those wishing to view them.
As for the shirts, I think they are also a little pricey, but since they are being printed on demand, that's understandable. The logo is ok, but I would like the letters MF (or even, with the MF in a bigger font) inside the ring of wrestlers, smaller and located on the left pec.
Tyger (106)
2/03/2013 9:01 PMI like the idea of a t-shirt, but the suggested designs look too crowded to me. Personally I would rather have fewer symbols - maybe two men grappling over the left pec, and Meetfighters on the back? But I'm no design expert!
asics 11 (0)
2/04/2013 5:26 PM(In reply to this)
or id also like afew of the grappler icons on front with words BRING IT UNDER THE LEFT PEC and meet fighters on lower front or the back
FitScot (38)
2/03/2013 10:07 PMIt looks too cutsie. I don't think this is the image MF should be portraying.
northstaffs pitbull terrior (21)
2/03/2013 11:34 PMWhat about, as well as the T-shirts and any other merchandise that props up. Why not also consider car window stickers or vehicle air fresheners. With the '' as the website logo. Then where ever you live in the world and where ever you travel locally, there is also the chance of getting a meet more locally as you will be travelling and displaying the MF Fighters logo.
Slookm (2)
2/04/2013 12:09 AMI like the idea of some form of - 'Meet Fighters . com' a logo , something simple . on a good quality! , tee ,hoodie, and ball cap. Price might be a little steep, BUT , If I like it ,I buy it. Most likely all three items.
I enjoy watching a good video, would rather be it , LOL. So that's a yes from Me on both.
Love this site and the good guys on it. Thanks for all the hard work to make it so ...
huge fighting man (2 )
2/04/2013 12:58 AMsorry I would suggest a different style shirt a wife beater that says i meet and fight at or whatever but get rid of the heart it has no place in mens action sports.
2/04/2013 10:23 AM(In reply to this)
That's a great slogan! Mind if I
stealuse it?huge fighting man (2 )
2/04/2013 11:19 AM(In reply to this)
of course you can use it just get rid of the stupid heart and I will be fine with it;. A buddy of mine has a tank top on the fight it says I fight and has a huge fist on itl On the back it says you wanna fight!!!!!! so there u go. I am one of the bareknuckle fist fighters in this group and I just do not think some sissy stuff is the way to proceed if youa re going to make shirts of fighters and wrestlers then do it ,
StrikeFighter (82 )
2/04/2013 1:04 AMI like the idea of MeetFighters apparel but agree that the "I love 2" concept is outdated. I'd go for something simple and discreet. If you're going to use print-on-demand anyway, people could choose their personal favourite of the fighting / wrestling symbols on the front, and the website address on the back. I have to agree with JOrgefighter that the price estimates are on the high side. I also understand your point about print-on-demand, though.
ricantarzan (5)
2/04/2013 10:14 AMI agree on the "I HEART..." being dated, cutesy and not mens fightwear applicable. If you take a look at the designs of companies like Warriorwear, Tapout and similar, they usually use old english or Gothic German font. I would lose all of the stick figure stuff as well. How about "I KILL TO MF" on the front and on the back "" both in appropriate masculine font type. The implied thought on the "I'D KILL TO MF' is "I would kill to MEET FIGHTERS".
2/04/2013 10:17 AM(In reply to this)
Yes, I know the ❤ (heart) is corny and dated. This is just work in progress, OK?
huge fighting man (2 )
2/04/2013 11:24 AMone more thing as hard as it might be remember this is aq site of men. Warm and fuzzy had no place in the content or design of any shirt or other object you are selling. It hnas been pointed out several times this is not a gay or bi or stright site. To appea; tp the massses stay away from warn and fuzzy stuff. If you got women on the design team get rid of them for this project. I would also use colors like black and gold and even black and blue on the shirt to highlight that this is mans sports you are pushing. same with mugs or other items of interest.
2/04/2013 11:29 AM(In reply to this)
"Design team"? LOL. It's just me. I do everything, except for the various translations and some of the site support.
huge fighting man (2 )
2/04/2013 11:51 AMI think rician is making it a lot harder to meet guys who fight. say it with fists or gloves or whatever but make it cleaqr that the guy wearing the shirt is a fighter and he is looking for fights. or wrestling or bjj ufc etc. no cryptic stuff we are guys we miss the little signs in life. we meet a big sign to turn off the freeway. even FIGHT ME RIGHT NOW works it is direct and to the point. i better stop thinking about this or youw ill not get anything done but reply to my messages
Bearhuggruk (27)
2/04/2013 12:06 PMI think the most important thing for u as a web master is what u want the tshirts to do? If u want them to increase membership and swell the community here then u need them to be obvious and direct. However explicit messages might put off new starters. I tend to agree that a smaller logo with the website address is probably the best way forward. You'll probably sell more units too.
Bearhuggruk (27)
2/04/2013 1:33 PMI think the most important thing for u as a web master is what u want the tshirts to do? If u want them to increase membership and swell the community here then u need them to be obvious and direct. However explicit messages might put off new starters. I tend to agree that a smaller logo with the website address is probably the best way forward. You'll probably sell more units too.
Tallblondwrestler (79)
2/04/2013 4:38 PM(In reply to this)
In favour but your designs are as another has said "too crowded" and "too cutesy". For goodness sake get rid of the loveheart. It's dates and yuk.
I would keep it simple.
A simple large version of your silhouetted figures with "Meetfighters" or the website is good enough. On chest or back of hoodie, T-shirt, etc.
Then guys might actually wear the thing, you know.
What you want is a bit of "subtlety" so that it is recognised by those who know the site already and is a talking point with those who don't - but might be interested. Less is more.
First and foremost - I don't want to feel embarassed wearing this in public. So making the garment or T-shirt quite plain but appealing is good with a recognizable but not overpowering logo.
2/04/2013 4:53 PM(In reply to this)
Please tell me how many more times I need to beg for people to stop commenting on the heart?? How do I do it? I put it right under the pics. I put it in several comment replies. I wrote in the article text that it's just a sample. I quit. I can't just can't repeat it any more.
I'm going to find a safe corner to cry now.
Tallblondwrestler (79)
2/04/2013 4:57 PM(In reply to this)
Don't cry.
Just make it plain, lol.
Colours - black or grey T-shirts or hoodies for me.
asics 11 (0)
2/04/2013 5:25 PM(In reply to this)
big hug cheer up thanks for all ur work, i kinda agree with tyger's suggestion less busy on front maybe grapplers over the heart pec and meet fighters across shoudler blades on back
or i also think the design u submitted with icons of grappling and just meet fighters smaller near the left pec and SKIP THE I HEART 2 WINKS
2/06/2013 2:50 AM(In reply to this)
remove the sample pic ...its the only way to get them to stop LOL
LondonHeel (4)
2/04/2013 8:14 PM(In reply to this)
This is a very good question: what is the purpose of the t-shirts etc.? And too "explicit" a message is likely to put off more people than it attracts.
I think a wrestling (if that's the most commonly expressed preference on this site) logo on the front pec with across the back where a bouncer might have "security" written.
Not sure about the "German Gothic" font though as it's hard for most people (except perhaps German Goths lol) to read.
Oh, and have you thought about ditching the heart :P
2/04/2013 9:37 PM(In reply to this)
There's no purpose. T-shirts are just cool.
If you are asking if there is a benefit to the site, then the answer is yes. Obviously the shirts will bear the site's name, turning all who wear it into beautiful, wonderful, walking billboards for MeetFighters. Except it's better because normally I would have to pay for billboards! Also I plan to mark up the shirt for a few euros over the production cost, which will help pay the site's upkeep and ultimately allow me to spend more on beer. (Beer is a good thing!) Also, I am trying to save some money just in case the video streaming turns out to be more expensive what I estimate. That's not the point, though. It is not realistic that the shirts will bring enough money to sustain the site by themselves, even if they sell like the apparel equivalents of delicious hot cakes.
I guess my personal reason for selling shirts is to see if I can. I'm that adventurous.
Bearhuggruk (27)
2/04/2013 9:43 PM(In reply to this)
Don't get me wrong when I said what you wanted the t-shirts to do I meant exactly the free advertising and bigger community its a win win. And if some beer comes out of it then all is good!
Wrestleboyjoey (139)
2/04/2013 6:13 PMYou know I would buy a shirt just to support you. But if I am going to be honest, the price is indeed steep if I were just buying simply for a shirt, especially coming from a Third World country like me. Your initial design is too cluttered, and the heart is! :) It might alienate your members who are not. A plain masculine design would be best to cater to all parties, moreso since this will also serve as an advertisement for the site. Just my opinion. :)
Sturdy (31)
2/05/2013 12:55 AMI'd be very happy to wear it out in the clubs and be your walking advert. Keep it black and keep the sleeves short so we can flash our guns :-)
BikerE1W (5)
2/06/2013 10:22 PMhave you tried you can slect loads of garments like hoodies t-shirts caps mugs etc... Take their price and add a bit to support the website costs and it should still be cheap. They post to most places worldwide. I own a design and print T-shirt service and do volume prints for lots of clubs and shops in London that you would have heard of. (reduce the cost of volume printing by keeping to just one colour).
Make sure the quality of the T-shirt is good enough and that you have a Straight fit and a Muscle fit version as well as a vest. There is no point printing on a garment that isnt good enough to be worn. Stick to 2 colours (Black and Grey perhaps) and that way you make them recognisable around town and create the demand. Keep the design simple and eye catching - Less is More!! Get the design right and people will spend more.
Have a guess at your possible take-up or sales by looking at your number of paying members.
Be nicer to those that make suggestions and comments on the site, it creates a more professional image, keeps the place friendly and may encourage people to part with cash.