- Very important – I prefer using apps in my native language (268 votes: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, Тымояжизнь-1987, Accty99, actiondudenj2, Adri1952, afwrestler, AJtheWrestler, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, ALFRED, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, Ambrose12345, Anakinsky, andre123, AndrewChiappini05, Andrufight, ANONIMO, Anthony12, arabicwrestler, Archer, ArielBoxFigth, astian, AtléticBogota, Auryn, ausjock28, Au sol 71, Australian Wrestler, Axel fight, ayrshirewrestle, AZFighter2, Bageltron, BaldNorthGA, Batterysentinel, bcnlucha, Bear Bao, beartanque, BedsUK, Belly spalshes Dom, BigBeast, bigbrother, BigDave, Bigkiruafood, BigRob, Bigteddy, billy8660, BLACKBELTJUDO, Bluefox, bluetiger, BocaWrestleGuy, bodycontact321, brian24, Bruce wayne, Buffalo J, BulldogJoynson, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, CaliFight, Canuwrestle, captains, Carlosperez1, CBusFighter, chicago42, chico30fgh, Chokeslammer, Chuy94, Colbyjackedup, Combat sueur, Couple4wrestling64, Crendal, Cubbear, daerre, daigo, Daniel Erwin, danle, DemolidorBR, Devgrapple, Diabolik85, didou, Dirka, DiscreetFighter, DomMexa, Douglas, drpdaz, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, eddie17, El Taïg, Evan Azarov, Evillee, Fairfighterworksop, Fameux 2, Ferrero83, fghtruff, fightbull, fighter961, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Franc8112, Fred49, Freedomitalywrestling, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, Garage123, Gary53, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, GJLabartheFighter, Gladiador gym, gutpunchingvzla, hardpunch, Herofighter, Hggh145, humanpunchingbag22, I24142, IntoBoxing, Ironcheftom, ItsJY, Jacques, Jcoolz2020, jitsu-will, Jiuliano-Jitsu, JobberSeat23, JoeStud, jored, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, Judoguy, JudokaB, judokaguy83, justir, Just Looking, JW130kgYYC, Karategi01, Kempur65, KiritoKamui87, Kjafa, knightsub, KnottedMangler, KręcenieWora, kuma5236, Larbear, Larson659, letswrestleyvr, liwrestler, Lkn4awrestletoy, Lotus, lourd, Lovetobecrushed23, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, lucasvix, Luchadorpizarro, LukaYe, Lulmuid99, LV1GUY, maaa2020, Magneto, MajesticSleeper, ManyNames, Marsan22, Matmaster95, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, maxiwrestler, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, Mec-bagarreur, MICKEY KNOXX, Mixedboxing1983, mixedwrestler, MorenoSunga, Morgan81, Mowrestle, musclefan, MusclesPassion, MusculaDos, Nachmad52, NandoSanMartin1978, nels11, Neverbackdown, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, Nishal nishal, nothin, Octaviuspower, Oilwrest, otterslacks, OxBoxer, Pehlivan07, Perfil Velho, PJHartx, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, puncher, Rach61, ralfman, RegularGuyUSA, Reltser W, Reni bix, restars, Rivalfighter99, RocketMan, Ruff jobber, Sam154, Samael, Scrap Lad, serrengeti, Sicilywrest, SimWre, Skeletor, Smallpackage65, socal74, southernbear1983, Spassringer, Speedoman1, spladle2submission, spladleguy, sportiffuncool, stevestoke, Stoker, StrikeFighter, Sub1973, Tagos, tailslover0725, Tera92, Thebeastpaul, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheJaxsonRainz, The Kestrel, Thepetitedinde, tigrotto, tinytough, tj666, TomsonD, TOROSO, Toughdude65, Tr1zzz, Trabuv31, Tripp Evans, twilegs, twisterman, tzitzi, V AFighter, Velofight, Vivichannn, WarriorUy, Welshgoat, wres, WrestleAddict, WrestleBoyMX, wrestlerplace, WrestlerUK, Wrestling Ace, wxq1024, X2000, Yonso21, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- Somewhat important – It’s convenient but not a deal-breaker (154 votes: 운좋은올빼미, adidasguy, after glow, agniandrudra, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, Alep 9, alfayiz, Alion, Ameture Grappler 93, an0681, andreawrestling, angel86, arthurstuwart, BagBoxGuy, BeatenPAProJobber, BJJ chile, bjj-new, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, blacwing, bopper0831, boxingjohn, brian840701, bromance, Browrest, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, cem, ChineseGrappler, Clin10, cub93100, Curvy-pugilista, Daivat, Damly, Daxdante, diumraid, Drew123, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, Ember, EranG, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, fightingnovice, FightMeNow5, FLGripper, flocki, FoxyBoxer, Frapjack, Funfighter1985, giannilotta78, Ginler, ginori, Gpfan1996, Gradient01, GuyOtt, Hanjo, HopeK, IzzyRIzzinty, jamielee, JayMiami, JobbrBoy, Joe gutpunched, JSM94, KungFuPanda00, Kureitondesu, kynice, Legend666, leondex, LeVentDelOuest, Libdray, Link, Lobo09, lottatoregentile, maeCR1, Matboy27, MedirFuerza, Meiiler, mentatzps, mexicanboxingboy, Michael D, Mik79, mixmail, MLinLA, mmt005, Mocha, mockingbird, MrBrick2, MuscleBully, NickZ, NoCalWrestlebob, Nonofight, Northernbeef65, NYCEast25, oahurookie, PAScramble, PaulistaSPBR, pinmi, Punchee1300, quadi1, ra ck vlc, rebelwrest, redstarbear, Rex8rock, rhober, ricwrstlr, rijobber, rjbklyn, rochroll, Rocko96, rohitmehera1509, ryo jpn, sampaul, Samugatto, SanLee3001, scrapper02, scubafighter, SecretOne2000, serjjibucks, ShadowBoxer, sleepermuscle, Slim79, SoccerAbs, sparte, Supaboi, Survivor, swiss75, T0Nii, Tadeo, Target10, teamsmorbo, Terminator, TheWillC, throw, Tim22793, TiWolf, TOCostaud, Toror, TravelCub, TromboneWres, TX bull, Varwrestler, viavoice fr, vincent741, VinnyDurango, WreckIt, wrestle guy, wrestlinstudd, Xanti Bilbao, xxx91, youngwannd, Yusufu)
- Not important – I’m comfortable using the app in English (233 votes: 30wrestle, AhmetEr, al69913201, Albertomm, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, alexjs, alexr, Alisdair, Amateur fightR, andrewj, Apoteosi, ArabFighter, Araboy78, Armund1Box, AsPalepsoume, Atlantis400, Ausfella, austrianguy, a victor, Bardi, BBPyleWrestlingTH, BelgiumWrestler, Berlin, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigNY, BillC, Blasak, blitzpuncher007, Blue33, boine, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, Boy412, calfatestic, Califorman, Carlosfit, Charmaine84, chatchawal06, chitownbearchmp, Corbd91, crossguy, Cruche, cute guy, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, Darren, DavidVdw, dcwrstldude, Dddeeeg, Deadpool1, Demolisher, diesel, doyouevenwrestle2, Drdrd, dsazcw16058, Eddie Sants, Emperor, ErwanNatz, es20042, Federico ABS, Fefoasdf, fight10, fighterbjj87, fighting4fun, FightLover, fraitaly, freestyle singlet, Fun time wrestling, Fwre71, gioroma80, giro mail, GloveBoxer, grappler9, hairy judoka, harlemgp, hausmeister81, herovsvillain, hlxyzha 2, hsfan, hvywght blk bxr, Hypnojocks, ikf, ilovetowreslte, Ironbull, Italian Wrestler, Ivan Sánchez, Jake, jimbear 51, jjjherrera24, JohnSport, Jonnyboy02, josmat, jove1235, jovenconganas, Judobremen, Justadude, Kos Kon, KryptonianFigher, Links07, lotta t, luc25, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luctator, luctator76, Lugi, luta-sp, Luv2Wrestle, lvntn, MakatiFighter, MANAN, Markoilwrestler, markweis, MarsM1, Matwix, Maxbert, Melbourne Catfighter, MexicanGiant, michigan wrestler, Mikey-28, milll36, Mirceal, MMABoxerMX, MN COWBOY, Mortadelo, MrRanser, Ms Botas, MuscleBeast, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclesamy, MuscleSportAZ, Musclpa, Mushino, Nagaret, NCgrappler, NewbSumo, NHB, Nik27, NordikGrappler, northstar, No Rules Brawler, Oleh Shy, OneLastFight, Orpheus, Other Guy, passermontanus, phoenix th, Pillow, plutonium, polyethylene33, puncherello84, Punjabimunda, RasslerMID, RC - GP, Recke, Rex Thomas, Rfg44, Rickp, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, Riviera Wrestle, Robgrappler, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, ruffcurious, sandmgh, Santitos, Santu, sebldn, sergiomad1441, Serhan, Setiabudi Astra, Shad, Shadow Knight, ShadowMuscle, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shoryuken78, shuttlexp1, sid, Smalo, son4coach, spwrestler95, Stanbelly, StephenM, Studius, stuttgart grappling, Sub Fighter, subproth19, Subzero, Takushitsu, Tal92, TallBear, tayelagos, tback094, TengokKanan, thalassamare, Thespian wrestler, thirtyrookie, TinyMonkey, Tjbivi, tommyV, tummy18, tupsi, ultimatewrestler089, Users name, Vadude, Victoris, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, Vinni, wolfmad, wolvejong, WontTap, Wrest5585, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestlerwatcher, wrestlestan, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, wrestling game, wrstlarturo, Wrstlr22, wywrestle, YoungCousin)
- English Preferred – I'm not a native English speaker, but prefer using apps in English (120 votes: Anr, ArdonUD, Arvindpark, Azalku, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, Beefyrider25, belligerent boy, Bellyfighter, bgamer, BigBoy5, Blarger, boxerfighter, brians1974515, Cdmxguy, Chchwrstl, Chicagochub1991, chokingout, collegecyclist, ConshyMan, Coolmgf, CroChillDude, DavidArsalan, davidjr4u, detyrin, Diego96, dnaeel, Dracarys771, drguy, Earth, elpectoral, ericc, FL8892, FluxFlox, FrBoxer, frenchcat, frogcub, Grappeler, GrappleViking, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, Hunnog, INDIGO CAGED, Ivangp, JacksHarry04, joehaddad1, Keras02, Kevin, kuriensk, LAMuscleWrestler, Leon98, Lightwrestling, Lion97, LionFighter26, Lusobear, Marios1991, mat5379, Matis jobber, matt99, mectlse, Michael2546, michael86, Michael KL, MisterNoGi, MtyTopWrestler, musclechris80, Narek Sargsyan, neva474, NewUnderscore, Nick, nightstranger, NJMARRIEDGUY, nov, Ottor, persianwrestler, Pete14, Pete72, PIboxer98, pndfighter, pojtsu87, rale8017, Ralle, ralph, ramma, razkal, REfighter, rhss4682, RoninIT, RudoPR, ScissorMarvel, SkinnyBoy, Snips20202, Spoiler18, Strongnfine, Swemoro, sydneyheel, Takis, tenispt, TerryHK, tramplinglover, TTG87auro, ukwrestle101, vostok scissors, wekkir, westsawake, wetspeedos, Wiccan76, Wii, Wildman, wrestle4pins, wrestlemania6, wrestler2000, wrestlesub, XO LWF, youngfighter89, Yupper, Z boy, ZeakMartin)
- My native language is English (381 votes: aaron27, AbqWrestler1, AC Luchador, Alyxx, amo1969, AndTheNew, Ant21, Anthon1, Aquatico, Aquitania, armmusclesuk, armrassler, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, Atljock 4, austinwrestling, awpins, Bareknucklefighter, Barrett, Basildon Bloke, BAWrestler, Beaker, bear89, Beefy 1976, Benofduty, BetaBoyBrody, bgaff64, BigBellyKY, bigdog300, bigt730, BJJSingletOC, BlackOpals, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, Blaze wolf, Boa94, bobbybencarter, bobster, BoxerboyOHIO, Boxtp, bradboy, Bratwrestler, Brett58, bristolwrestler, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, BroadJob, brumlad99, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, Builtt2, ButchJobberGA, Butley, calad100, canwrestle, CelticFire, Centaur, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, CHC in DC, chigrapple, ChiJobber, Chokedup85, Chris55, ChrisWrestling, cielpourtous75, ckn10721, cmhhw, CoachSal, CodyW, coedyuk, Coleman, Collegiate29, Crescent, Crumpy141, cuthbert73, Cymrofight, darkk, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, Davey716, Daveyboi, DemAngel, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, dexsal, DFWGuy, diamondcutter, diannej, diogiemax, Dodgetim, DomSquashMatch, DragonSleeper63, dsbh1, E10newbie, English1000, Feroce DeLeon, ffight, fighter9, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fireblt97, FlDean2012, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, floridaguy, FLpinfall96, flscw, Flyer1, FreeGrappler, Freenote, fullnelson enthusiast, gamekeeper, gawrestler99, Gjpmadixtara, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, glovesupboxer, GlovesUpGuy, gpau1900, Grakoda, GrapplerJay, Greekwrestler2, groundgrappler7, gures, GuyMN1983, guysinshorts, Guysmiley, Hairyheadscissors, Handsom1, hephaestion2014, heydude61, Hotrod041900, houjobb, Htxwrestler, Irishwrestler11, IsaacA, Italwrestler, ItsMike, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jay Hotley, JayJayNYC, JayPuncher, JayRobbo1989, JCextreme, JCM28601, jeffjcao, Jetfra21, JiminQueens2, Jmwrestle, jobber84, Jobberboy255, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberman vs heels and hairy, Jock0024, JoeMaster1, Johnny B Bad, Jokxel, Jon666uk, Jordy125, Jshwrestle, Jupiter119, Jvallee8, jwill404, KBlume, keith230665, kixsman, kjh1963, knight1701, koorwin, ks56, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, LDNTussle, leagueofdraven2, leanmachine94, leanmachine BE, LeinsterWrestle, leyati87, LGBigMan1, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, lighthouseguy, litewt78, LIWrestler65, LondonFight, looking2121, Ltsfght, luttefrance, Luxxor, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, Maleboxing, manbarbs, Mancunian, ManManc, markymayor, Matinio, matsteve, Matt Larsen, mattz4fun, maw1667, Maximovillareal, MCGP27, mcic, MCRLON30UK, Megawatt, mekmall, Merseywrestle, Metmat, MicahGP, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, Mike Gaine, MikeUK, Mister80, mixedukfighter, MoonKnightFighter, mrwrestle79, musclefightsmuscle1, Muscle Nick, Natwing, NChi01, neatpete, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, NHBFighter, norcallifter, NorthernDon, Northern Warrior, nu2rasln, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, nycguy86, nycjock72, OceanWrestler, oliver1985, oneatatime, optflow, ordjbr, painangel1213, Pandathug, paradoxrunner, PecsAbsFan, perseusblue, philip1, philliwrestler, Philosopher60, PHXGrappler, piledriverprofantasy, pinfallwizard, Pinmeifyoucan, Pintug, PJBoxxxer1, planted pinned, playfight63, Playhard, pshawfocus, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, Ramswrestle, Rasselpa, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Redmond40, Reilly, Rjohnp15, RK4459, RKsubmit, Rob89, Robherb, rowdybear, RSantos, ruffbear, ruffhouse30, Ruggdguy, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Sadsally, Sam, scissornpinmenow, scottwrestler, scrappingmatt, Sgroc3, shauny, SkullBeef, slandon23, sleeperfan94, sleeperuout2, SmallFry, Smother, southernguy, Southspar01, SpandexGrappler, Spandexmu, SpeedoHeel, Square Mile Bloke, Squeezetoy, Starting out, stone, StudInTraining, SubmissionGrapple, supermansbane, surrey71, synxiec, t0awanna, Talldavidla, Taran, TBLHockeyGeek, TheFighterInMe, The Titan, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thingnstuffs, Tiger, TigerWizard, TKOtonyNYC, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, Toddey, tofighter, Tomtapp3, Tony C, topboxer, Toronto59, Traguy, Trainme7, TripWire, Triumphman65, tussleboy, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Undertaker, UP For It, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, videostar07, Vintage shiny shorts, Vulgan21, Want2lrn, wa rassler, WeeJimmie, wesman, wildwooly, Wlaendure, wolfjobber, woofbear, wrestle2sbp, wrestlecub, WrestleCubSide, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlenut, wrestler86, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, wrestleruk1, Wrestleyou2, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestling coach, wrestl lad, wrestlnfool, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlnow, Wrstlsub77, Wtodell, yorkshire-lad, youngjobber, you tell me 1)
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