MeetFighters News
VOTE - We Need Your Input: MeetFighters App and our new project
Hello Fighters and Kinksters,
We're at a crossroads and your input is crucial. We're not only deciding on the name of our new website but also prioritizing features for the next update of the Meetfighters app. Your voice matters! Below, you find three votes:
Meetfighters App
Version 1.5.2 of the Meetfighters app brought some exciting new features, including an idle indicator, Challenges, a full implementation of Recommendations, and more. And there's more on the horizon - version 1.6 will drop soon.
With version 1.6 emphasizing Events and Match Requests, what should we prioritize next? Let us know your top 3:
Next App feature (select your top 3):
- Chat (1063 votes: 운좋은올빼미, Тымояжизнь-1987, 30wrestle, Aadi singh, aaron27, abelisfine, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, adidasguy, afwrestler, AidanTrooper, Aitordonosti, AJtheWrestler, Albertomm, AldiStl, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alep 9, Alexbw78, Alexdarius, alexgonz, alexjs, Alexthegreat, Alfa-cat, alfayiz, Alf Nelson, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, AlphaViking, alphawrestler, altosportos, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Ambrose12345, Ameture Grappler 93, amex2, amo1969, ams1989, An02960, Anakinsky, andre123, andreawrestling, AndrewChiappini05, Andrufight, AndTheNew, Angel, Anr, Ant21, antaeus3, Antheus, Anthon1, Anthony12, Aquatico, ArabFighter, arabicwrestler, Araboy78, ArdonUD, ArielBoxFigth, armrassler, Armund1Box, Arvindpark, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, AsPalepsoume, astian, athlwrestleguy98, ATONMAN, ausjock28, Au sol 71, aussiefight, austinwrestling, Australian Wrestler, austrianguy, a victor, awpins, AZFighter2, azsportsguy, aztruk, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, BagBoxGuy, BaldNorthGA, bam27, Bardi, Barrett, BaseballBrad, Basildon Bloke, Batterysentinel, BAWrestler, BBPyleWrestlingTH, bcnlucha, bear4bears, bear89, Bear Bao, BeatenPAProJobber, BedsUK, Beefy 1976, BelgiumWrestler, Bellyfighter, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BerkshireGuy, BetaBoyBrody, BeTrayedBetrayal, bgaff64, BigBeast, Bigbeef, Big e, Bigkiruafood, BigNY, Bigrb29v2, BigRob, BillC, BJJ chile, BLACKBELTJUDO, BlackOpals, Blarger, Blasak, blitzpuncher007, Blue33, Bluefox, BluePrismArt, bluetiger, Boa94, bobbybencarter, bobster, BocaWrestleGuy, bodycontact321, bonno chele, bopper0831, bovine91, Boxer98, Boxerboy91, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, boxingjohn, boyjobber, boyrassler, Brass1977, Bratwrestler, bravo1, Brett58, brettjones, brian24, brians1974515, briansp, bristolbigtel, BristolJobber, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, BritProSub, Brmunc, BroadJob, bromance, broscissors, Brown Bomber, Browrest, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, brumlad99, Buffalo J, Builtt2, BulldogJoynson, BULLGUZ35, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, Caguy, calfatestic, CaliFight, Califorman, Canuwrestle, Captainandy, CaptainKidd8012, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, CBusFighter, CelticFire, cem, Centaur, Charmaine84, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, chatchawal06, Chato, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chicagochub1991, chigrapple, ChiJobber, chitownbearchmp, Chokedup85, Chokeslammer, choKOut, Chris55, cielpourtous75, Cirrolis, Clin10, cmhhw, CoachSal, coedyuk, Colbyjackedup, collegecyclist, Collegiate29, complique, ConshyMan, cookie0, cool bln, Coolmgf, Cornejo, Couple4wrestling64, Couplefight, craigtoronto, Crescent, CroChillDude, Cronus, crossguy, Cruche, Crumpy141, CRwolfman, cub93100, curiousguy, cute guy, cuthbert73, Cymrofight, daerre, Daivat, Daniel Erwin, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, danle, dann the man, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, dario sz, DaveStillWrestles, Davey716, Daveyboi, DavidArsalan, David Batista, Davidho1357, Deadpool1, DemolidorBR, Demolisher, Demoniu, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, Detro it, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, DFWGuy, diannej, didou, DiscreetFighter, diumraid, Dodgetim, doingaight, DomMexa, doublehelix, Douglas, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drew123, drguy, dsbh1, DSMWrestler, Duke406, E10newbie, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Earth, EastCoastBoxing, Easygoing1973, eddie17, EddieR, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, Elan1, eljes, elpectoral, El Taïg, Emperor, English1000, EranG, Erdrick, ericc, ErwanNatz, erzada, es20042, Etativel, Evan Azarov, Evillee, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, Fameux 2, Farron, Federico ABS, Fefoasdf, Feroce DeLeon, Ferrero83, ffight, fghtruff, fighter3, fighter961, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fighting4fun, fightingnovice, fightinms, FightLover, FightMeNow5, FightQQ, finderskeepers34, fineyngmn, fireman87, FlDean2012, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, flocki, floridaguy, flscw, FluxFlox, ForrestTaylorWrestling, fraitaly, Franc8112, Francis Schwann, FrBoxer, Frechdax1968, Fred49, freestyle singlet, frenchcat, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, FunBoxing, funkpro, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, funwrestleguy, Furrycub85, gamer82, gawrestler99, Gdbjs, gegcatch, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, ghostblinks, giannilotta78, gioroma80, giro mail, Gjpmadixtara, Gladiador gym, Gladidead, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, glovesupboxer, gpau1900, Gpfan1996, Grabber01, Gradient01, Grakoda, grappler49, grappler9, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, greenlightning, groundgrappler7, GTheFighta, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, gures, gutpunchingvzla, gutpunchlover88, GutpunchTw, GuyMN1983, GuyOtt, Guysmiley, hairytxwrestler, Handsom1, Hanjo, Hardfightr, hardinthering, harlemgp, HawkeyeWrestler, hboxer, headlock20, HeavyBearLdn, hephaestion2014, Herofighter, herovsvillain, HeroWrestling, highflyeral, HopeK, houjobb, Howlitzer, hrylegs, humanpunchingbag22, Hypnojocks, I24142, idechi721, ilovetowreslte, imri, Instinctively, IntoBoxing, Irishwrestler11, IronbearJones, Ironchef, Ironcheftom, IsaacA, Italian Wrestler, Italwrestler, ItsMike, Ivangp, izmirfreeter, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jacques, Jalt, jamielee, Jay Fighting, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, Jaywr, JCextreme, Jcoolz2020, Jdawg7182, Jetfra21, jjjherrera24, Jmwrestle, Jobberboy255, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberdude88, JobbrBoy, joehaddad1, JoeMaster1, joewrestler, JohnKinkson, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Joker116, Jon paol, JORDANCKING, Jordy125, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, josmat, jovenconganas, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, Judoguy, judokaguy83, Justadude, justafella8, justir, JustLikeThat, Just Looking, JustWrestling, JW130kgYYC, jwill404, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Kamikaze, Karategi01, KBlume, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, Kevin5, kevinsantana, KiritoKamui87, Kjafa, kjh1963, KKFighter, knight1701, knightsub, koorwin, Kruhn, KryppleTron, KryptonianFigher, Kureitondesu, kynice, LAMuscleWrestler, Lancs guy, Larson659, LCC2001, LDNTussle, leagueofdraven2, leanmachine94, leelondon, Legend666, leicgp, LeinsterWrestle, lelestat85, Leon98, leondex, letswrestleyvr, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, Liamrm98, Libdray, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, LincolnGrapple, Links07, Lion97, litewt78, Little Labourer, liwrestler, LIWrestler65, Lobo09, LondonMatch, looking2121, looldve, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lorenzotensur, lotta t, lottatoregentile, Lovetobecrushed23, LowHeel, Ltsfght, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Luctator, luctator76, LukaYe, Luke rocco, Lusobear, LutadorBerlin, luta-sp, luttecatch3, luttefrance, Luv2Wrestle, Luxxor, LV1GUY, LVAsianNovice, lvntn, madeincanada, Madine, maeCR1, Magneto, Magneto manc 80, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, MajesticSleeper, Maleboxing, mambru, manbarbs, Mancunian, ManhattanMaulers, ManyNames, Marcob3k, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, Marsan22, MaskedGargoyle, Mask Master wresting, Matboy27, mathandy, Matinio, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matt99, matthewriv82, mattz4fun, Matwix, Maxbert, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCGP27, mcic, MCRLON30UK, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, MedirFuerza, meierjim, mentatzps, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, Michael2546, Michael D, Michael KL, Mick1966, MICKEY KNOXX, Mickwrestler, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, Mik79, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, mikeyteen, milll36, Mirceal, Mister80, MisterNoGi, Mixedboxing1983, mixmail, MMABoxerMX, MMAGUY53, mmt005, Mocha, mockingbird, mondo321, MoonKnightFighter, MorenoSunga, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, MrBrick2, Mrg1423, MrRanser, mrwrestle79, Mr Wrestling, Ms Botas, MtyTopWrestler, muaythairant, Mumbai4, MuscleBeast, MuscleBully, musclechris80, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, musclfl, Musclpa, MusculaDos, Mushino, mutualfights, NandoSanMartin1978, Narek Sargsyan, Nashville Grappler, native chris, Natwing, NCgrappler, neatpete, nels11, Neomon, neva474, Neverbackdown, New2Jobber, Newboxer34, Newboy, NewbSumo, Newfighter 85, NewUnderscore, NHB, NHBFighter, Nick, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, NickZ, ninos, nipplefighter, Nishal nishal, NivekWas, NoCalWrestlebob, Nodnarb1987, Nonofight, norcallifter, NordikGrappler, Northernbeef65, NorthernDon, Northern Warrior, No Rules Brawler, nothin, novice wrestler tr, nwarassle, nwih, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, NYCEast25, OceanWrestler, Oeste90, Oilwrest, Oilwrestlingturkish, Oleh Shy, oliver1985, omr24, OneLastFight, optflow, ord1952, Orpheus, osakaman, Other Guy, OttawaWrestler, otterslacks, Ottor, P1973, painangel1213, Pandathug, Paolo Knockout, paradoxrunner, PAScramble, Pehlivan07, perseusblue, persianwrestler, Pete14, pete26, Pete72, PetinjuJKT, Philosopher60, phoenix th, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, pinfallwizard, Pinmeifyoucan, pinmi, PJHartx, Playhard, plutonium, pndfighter, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, PR-30, Pranay wrestler, Princesse Ludwyna, ProDudeTX, ProRassler, punchandroll, puncher, puncherello84, Punjabimunda, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, Rach61, ralfman, ramma, Ramswrestle, Rasselpa, RasslerMID, realfighter83, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Reltser W, reslograppler, retserof, Rex8rock, Rex Thomas, Rfg44, rickjohnson8718, Rickp, Rickywilson22, ricwrstlr, rijobber, Riviera Wrestle, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, RNC23, Robgrappler, rochroll, rock20087, RocketMan, rockon-, Rohit Patil, Roll23, romandiewrestler, rookie2, rowdybear, RRR, rs123, RSantos, RudoPR, ruffbear, ruffcurious, ruffhouse30, RufTumblr, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Saad33, Sadsally, Sam13, Sam154, Samael, sampaul, sandmgh, SanLee3001, Santu, ScissorMarvel, scoopslamme, scorpio2, Scorpio38, Scrap Lad, scrapper02, scrapperjj, scubafighter, Seasmallbear, sebldn, Serhan, serrengeti, SethTheStud, SE UK Wrestler, Shad, ShadowBoxer, Shadow Knight, ShaneHannagan, ShaunR, Shaurya Pratap Singh, shore2shore, Shorty Wrestler, Shoryuken78, shuttlexp1, Siegertyp, silversnow, SimpleMan Br, SimWre, singletturk, Skeletor, SkinnyBoy, SkullBeef, Sleeper boy, sleeperfan94, sleepermuscle, Slim79, SmallFry, Smalo, SmoothLander, Smothbear62, Smother, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, SoccerAbs, solo danil, son4coach, Sotonscrapper, southernbear1983, southernguy, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, sparte, Spassringer, SpeedoHeel, spinne, spladle2submission, spladleguy, Spoiler18, sportfreak91, Square Mile Bloke, Srikar Charan, Starting out, StephenM, stevestoke, Stoker, stone, stopbarking84, StrikeFighter, Strongnfine, StudInTraining, Studius, Sub1973, Sub Fighter, submisionss, SubmissionGrapple, Submission Guy 82, submissionmission, subproth19, SuperSteve, surrey71, swiss75, synxiec, T0Nii, Tadeo, Takis, Takushitsu, Tal92, Talldavidla, Taran, Target10, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Terminator, thalassamare, Thebeastpaul, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheHoosierBoxer, The Kestrel, Thespian wrestler, The Titan, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thingnstuffs, thirtyrookie, ThisIsTeal42, throw, Throw2, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, Tim22793, Timbpa, TipTopTapper, TiWolf, Tjbivi, TKOtonyNYC, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, tofighter, tommyV, Tomtapp3, Toror, TOROSO, Toughdude65, toughJobber13, Tr1zzz, Trabuv31, Traguy, training and fight, tramplinglover, Travoz, Tripp Evans, TripWire, Triumphman65, TS5XG, TTG87auro, tummy18, Tunisian fighter, twrstk101, Tybinola, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, UKSubsFighter, ukwrestle101, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Und3rst8ed, UnderBare, Undertaker, ursolutador, UsagiChanCuu, username22, Users name, USwrestlerTokyo, VAChub4Muscle, VacuumGP, Vadude, Varwrestler, Velofight, viavoice fr, Victoris, videostar07, ViennaFighter, vikasm, Viktor98, Vinni, VinnyDurango, Vivichannn, Vlcfight, Vulgan21, wanikawaii, WannaWrestleSC, Want2lrn, wa rassler, WarriorUy, wbsobe74, WeeJimmie, wekkir, Welshgoat, Werstling uk, westsawake, wfa12521refa, wibster74, Wii, WIjobber13, Wildman, Wiltswrestle, Wlaendure, wolfarmstrong, wolfjobber, wolfmad, wolvejong, woofbear, wres, Wrest5585, wrestle2sbp, wrestle4pins, WrestleAddict, WrestleBox4Fun, WrestleBoyMX, WrestleCubSide, wrestle guy, wrestleguy222, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, Wrestlem88, Wrestleman1234, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, Wrestlenoob, wrestlenut, WrestlePacificNW, Wrestler04, wrestler86, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestler noob, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, WrestlerUK, wrestleruk1, wrestlerwatcher, wrestlesub, wrestlewanted, Wrestleyou2, Wrestlia, wrestling111101, Wrestling Ace, Wrestlingadmirer, WrestlingBro, wrestling coach, Wrestling legend, wrestlinstudd, wrestl lad, Wrin86, WrslrJim, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wrstlr22, Wrstlsub77, Wtodell, wywrestle, X2000, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, Yonso21, young79312, YoungCousin, youngjobber, youngwannd, young wrestler, Youngwrestler29, you tell me 1, yoyo2016, Yunjin, Yupper, Yusufu, ZeakMartin, ZEROX6699, Zorbas49)
- Interest Groups (556 votes: Тымояжизнь-1987, Aadi singh, aaron27, abelisfine, actiondudenj2, AhmetEr, AJtheWrestler, Alex6352, alexjs, Alex RS23, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, Alf Nelson, Alisdair, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, AlphaViking, Ambrose12345, An02960, an0681, Anakinsky, Andre82, AndrewChiappini05, andrewj, Andrufight, antaeus3, arabicwrestler, Araboy78, Archer, ArdonUD, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, ausjock28, austinwrestling, austrianguy, Azalku, AZFighter2, azsportsguy, aztruk, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, BaldNorthGA, bam27, Bardi, BaseballBrad, bcnlucha, Bellyfighter, Berlin, BetaBoyBrody, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigBoy5, bigbrother, bigchicago, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, BlackOpals, Blackstallion436, blacwing, Blaze wolf, BluePrismArt, bluetiger, bobster, bonno chele, bopper0831, BostonCub, Boxerboy91, Boxtp, boyrassler, Brass1977, Bratwrestler, bravo1, brettjones, brian840701, bristolwrestler, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, Brmunc, BroadJob, broscissors, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, BULLGUZ35, Canttouchthis123, Canuwrestle, Captainandy, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cdmxguy, CelticWarrior, cem, ChaseAthlete, chigrapple, Chokedup85, chokingout, Cirrolis, cmhhw, CodyW, coedyuk, Collegiate29, complique, cookie0, Coolmgf, Couplefight, craigtoronto, CroChillDude, crossguy, Cubbear, cute guy, Cymrofight, Damly, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, dann the man, DaveStillWrestles, Davey716, David Batista, Delta1717, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, Detro it, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, diogiemax, dirtybarefet, doingaight, DomMexa, DomSquashMatch, DragonSleeper63, drkovacs, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, EddieR, Eduard, Elan1, ELDIABLITO666, eljes, English1000, ericc, ErwanNatz, Evan Azarov, Extremevell4, Fairfighterworksop, Fameux 2, Farron, Federico ABS, Ferrero83, ffmjobber, fghtruff, fgt-91, fight9, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fightingnovice, fightinms, fireman87, Firemanslift, FLbearhugger, FLpinfall96, Flyer1, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FoxyBoxer, Franco290, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, FrBoxer, Fred49, FreeGrappler, freestyle singlet, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, gamekeeper, Gary53, gawrestler99, Gerrardwienk, giannilotta78, Gjpmadixtara, Gladiador gym, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, gpau1900, GPNA7, Grakoda, Grappeler, grappler49, GrapplerJay, greenlightning, guerrero2s, gutpunchlover88, gutwrecker, GuyMN1983, GuyOtt, guysinshorts, Hairyheadscissors, hausmeister81, HeroWrestling, Hggh145, HopeK, hsfan, humanpunchingbag22, I24142, imri, INDIGO CAGED, Instinctively, Ironchef, Isaac Andrews, ItsJY, Ivangp, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jalt, Jay Hotley, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, JayPuncher, Jcoolz2020, Jh430, jitsu-will, jjjherrera24, jobberman vs heels and hairy, Joe1717, JoeMaster1, JoeStud, JohnKinkson, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Joker116, Jon666uk, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, Jshwrestle, JSM94, Judoguy, JudokaB, judokaguy83, justafella8, JustCurious, Just Looking, JustWrestling, Jvallee8, KBlume, KCBearKc, keith230665, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin5, KinksterTom, KiritoKamui87, KnottedMangler, Kos Kon, ks56, KungFuPanda00, Kureitondesu, kynice, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, Larson659, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, leanmachine94, leicgp, LeinsterWrestle, Leoscissors63, leyati87, LF2005, Libdray, lighthouseguy, Lightwrestling, Lkn4awrestletoy, LondonFight, LondonMatch, Lorenzotensur, lotta t, Lotus, LowHeel, LutadorBerlin, luta-sp, luttecatch3, luttefrance, Luv2Wrestle, LVAsianNovice, Madine, maeCR1, Maleboxing, mambru, ManhattanMaulers, Marcob3k, markweis, Marsan22, Matboy27, Matinio, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matt99, matteurlutte, mattz4fun, Matwix, maw1667, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCGP27, meierjim, mekmall, Melbourne Catfighter, mentatzps, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, MicahGP, Michael D, Mick1966, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, Mister80, mixedukfighter, mixmail, MLinLA, mmt005, Mocha, Monster, MorenoSunga, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, MrBrick2, Ms Botas, MtyTopWrestler, Mumbai4, MuscleBully, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Muscle Nick, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, MuscleSportAZ, MusculaDos, Mushino, Nachmad52, Narek Sargsyan, Neomon, neva474, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, Newboxer34, NHBFighter, NickScratch, NickZ, ninos, niwrestler, NoCalWrestlebob, NordikGrappler, Northern Warrior, northstar, novice wrestler tr, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, NYCEast25, oahurookie, oliver1985, oneatatime, Orpheus, osakaman, Other Guy, OTS XL, pablackbelt, PANEWT10, Paolo Knockout, Perseus, perseusblue, Pete14, philip1, philmay, Philosopher60, PhoenixBigBear, phoenix th, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, pinmi, Pintug, playfight63, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, Princesse Ludwyna, ProRassler, punchandroll, puncher, puncherello84, qwerasd2, Rach61, ra ck vlc, ralfman, ralph, RasslerMID, RC - GP, realboxer, rebelwrest, Reltser W, reslograppler, rhober, rhss4682, rickjohnson8718, Rickp, rIgrapple, rijobber, ringking, Riviera Wrestle, Rob89, Robgrappler, Rocko96, Roll23, rookie2, RRR, rs123, RSantos, rslnishot12, ruffcurious, RufTumblr, Ruggdguy, Ruhr fighter, Ry462, Sadsally, SanLee3001, ScissorMarvel, scissornpinmenow, Scissorsubmit, Scorpio38, Scrap Lad, scrapperjj, scubafighter, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, SE UK Wrestler, shauny, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, SimpleMan Br, SimWre, SkinnyBoy, Sleeper09, SoccerAbs, solo danil, southernbear1983, SpeedoHeel, sportfreak91, Square Mile Bloke, Stanbelly, stevestoke, Stmbt797, stone, Strongbear, Studius, subctboy, subproth19, swiss75, t0awanna, tailslover0725, TallCanadian, Talldavidla, tayelagos, tback094, tenispt, Tera92, TerryHK, Thebeastpaul, TheCosplayKid, TheFighterInMe, TheGranta, The Kestrel, The Titan, TheWillC, thingnstuffs, Throw2, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tinytough, tiotgas, TiWolf, tj666, Tj Lo, TOBearhugFan80, Toddey, Tomtapp3, Tony C, TOROSO, Tradeblows, Traguy, training and fight, tramplinglover, TravelCub, Travoz, TripWire, Triumphman65, TS5XG, tummy18, twrstk101, TX bull, Txwresl, Ultimate Domination, Und3rst8ed, Undertaker, ursolutador, VacuumGP, Vadude, V AFighter, Varwrestler, videostar07, ViennaFighter, vikasm, vincent741, Vinni, VinnyDurango, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, wbsobe74, wekkir, Werstling uk, Wii, Wildman, wolfarmstrong, wolfjobber, wolvejong, WontTap, wres, Wrestel, wrestle, wrestle2sbp, WrestleBox4Fun, WrestleBoyMX, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, WrestlePacificNW, wrestler122001, WrestlerJay, Wrestleyou2, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, wrestling coach, wrestlnfool, Wrin86, WrslrJim, Yonso21, Youngwrestler29, Yupper, ZEROX6699)
- Forums (203 votes: Accty99, Aitordonosti, AlanBaggins, Alex6352, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, Alisdair, Alleykitten44, AlphaViking, amo1969, andrewj, Angel, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, Archer, Atlantis400, ausjock28, AZFighter2, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, BaseballBrad, Batterysentinel, Bear Bao, bigbrother, bjj-new, blacwing, Blaze wolf, Bluefox, bluetiger, bonno chele, Boxerboy91, Brett58, brian840701, brians1974515, bristolbigtel, BristolJobber, BroadJob, Browrest, buck214, Canuwrestle, CelticWarrior, chatchawal06, chigrapple, ChiJobber, chitownbearchmp, Chris55, Cirrolis, CLEWrestlr, coedyuk, complique, Corbd91, Couplefight, CroChillDude, Cubbear, cuthbert73, Damly, dany 2808, davey123, David Batista, DavidVdw, Daxdante, DemAngel, detyrin, diamondcutter, dirtybarefet, DomMexa, DomSquashMatch, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, EastCoastBoxing, EddieR, ericc, ErwanNatz, Fairfighterworksop, fghtruff, FighterBoy97, FightMeNow5, fineyngmn, fireman87, Firemanslift, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FrBoxer, Freedomitalywrestling, Freenote, gamer82, Gary53, gegcatch, Gerrardwienk, GrapplerJay, greenlightning, gutpunchingvzla, gutwrecker, GuyOtt, hairytxwrestler, hephaestion2014, heydude61, Hypnojocks, ItsJY, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jay Hotley, jobber84, Joker116, Jon666uk, Jordy125, JustWrestling, Jvallee8, jwill404, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, KinksterTom, Kureitondesu, leanmachine94, letswrestleyvr, Lightwrestling, LondonMatch, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lotus, Lulmuid99, LutadorBerlin, Luv2Wrestle, ManyNames, Matinio, matt99, matteurlutte, maw1667, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, Melbourne Catfighter, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, Mf17a, Mik79, Morgan81, Mortadelo, Mowrestle, Mr Wrestling, MtyTopWrestler, MuscleBully, Mushino, mutualfights, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, NHBFighter, NoCalWrestlebob, oahurookie, Other Guy, Pandathug, Pete14, philip1, Philosopher60, Pintug, playfight63, plutonium, PowerAndControl, P-X-3, ralfman, ralph, Rasselpa, RavenMidnight, rebelwrest, reslograppler, Rex Thomas, Rickp, rIgrapple, ringking, RNC23, Roll23, RoninWrestler, rslnishot12, Setiabudi Astra, SimWre, SoccerAbs, Spandexmu, Speedoman1, sportfreak91, Stanbelly, starhaven44, stevestoke, supermansbane, swmrOtter, synxiec, The Ed, TheFighterInMe, The Kestrel, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, Ticowrestler, TiWolf, ts01268126, Tunisian fighter, twrstk101, Txwresl, Vadude, VinnyDurango, WannaWrestleSC, Wii, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, WrslrJim, Zorbas49)
- Profile Videos (574 votes: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, 운좋은올빼미, 30wrestle, a01928374, Aadi singh, Accty99, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, Adri1952, after 8, after glow, AhmetEr, AidanTrooper, AJtheWrestler, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alex6352, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, Alex RS23, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, alphawrestler, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Andre82, andres, AndrewChiappini05, Anthony12, Apoteosi, Aquatico, arabicwrestler, Archer, Arvindpark, AsPalepsoume, Atljock 4, a victor, awpins, Azalku, azsportsguy, b787jk, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, Bageltron, Bardi, BAWrestler, bear4bears, bear89, Bear Bao, bearcub1954, beartanque, BedsUK, BeefynMJ, belligerent boy, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BigBellyKY, BigBoy5, BigDave, Bigkiruafood, BigNY, BigRob, Bigteddy, BillC, bjj-new, BLACKBELTJUDO, BlackOpals, Blarger, Blasak, Blue33, BocaWrestleGuy, bonno chele, bovine91, boxingfan91, Boxtp, Boy412, boyjobber, bradboy, bravo1, brian24, brians1974515, bristolwrestler, BritproBear65, BritProSub, Broski306, Brown Bomber, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, Builtt2, BulldogJoynson, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, CaliFight, Califorman, canwrestle, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cdmxguy, Cedric75, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, chicago42, Chuy94, cielpourtous75, CLEWrestlr, CodyW, Combat sueur, commandertc, complique, Corbd91, Cronus, Cruche, Crushnsqueeze, Cubbear, daerre, Daivat, Danielfernandez, Danishguy, Danny biceps, dansp, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, DavidArsalan, David Batista, Davidd, Davidho1357, davidjr4u, dcwrstldude, DemolidorBR, Demolisher, dexsal, Diabolik85, diamondcutter, didou, diesel, diogiemax, diumraid, DomSquashMatch, Douglas, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drdrd, Drew123, drguy, drkovacs, drpdaz, Duke406, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, eddie17, Edubcn, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, El Taïg, Ember, ericc, erzada, Etativel, Extremevell4, Fairfighterworksop, Farron, Federico ABS, feel me, Fefoasdf, Feroce DeLeon, Ferrero83, ffight, fgt-91, FighterBoy97, Fightgp, fightinms, FightLover, FightQQ, FL8892, FLbearhugger, Flyer1, FoxyBoxer, Franc8112, Francis Schwann, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, Freedomitalywrestling, Freenote, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, Funfighter1985, funkpro, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, Furrycub85, gallant, gamekeeper, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, GloveBoxer, glovelover, Gpfan1996, Grakoda, grappler49, Greed, groundgrappler7, gutwrecker, Hairyheadscissors, hairy judoka, Hanjo, Hardfightr, hardinthering, hausmeister81, headlock20, Headlockking972, Hep hep 82, hergust1976, herovsvillain, Hggh145, highflyeral, HopeK, houjobb, hsfan, I24142, idechi721, IntoBoxing, Ironbull, Ironcheftom, Italian Wrestler, Italwrestler, Ivan Sánchez, izmirfreeter, JackBC, Jacquelyn Fletcher, JayPuncher, JDTP Jobber, Jh430, jimmack, Jmwrestle, joaquimalfredo123, jobber84, jobber ba, Jobber Bigboy, Jobberboy255, jobberdude88, JobberSeat23, Joe1717, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JoeStud, joewrestler, JohnSport, Jonnyboy02, Joseccs39, jove1235, jpw, JSM94, Judobremen, JustCurious, justir, Jvallee8, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Kamikaze, Karategi01, KCBearKc, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, Kevin5, kevinsantana, kingtekken, Kjafa, KKFighter, knight1701, koorwin, KryppleTron, ks56, LAMuscleWrestler, Larbear, Larson659, LDNTussle, lelestat85, LetsWrestle4Fun, letswrestleyvr, LF2005, libertine109, LionFighter26, Lkn4awrestletoy, LondonFight, looking2121, looldve, Lorenzolorenzetti, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Lugi, Lulmuid99, luta-sp, Luxxor, LV1GUY, madeincanada, Magneto, Magneto manc 80, mainewrestlingchub, MakatiFighter, mambru, MANAN, manbarbs, Mancunian, Marsan22, mat5379, Matboy27, mathandy, matlr, matteurlutte, Matt Larsen, Maxbert, MaxTheKnockouter, MCGP27, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, Merlin74, MexicanGiant, Mf17a, MicahGP, michael86, MICKEY KNOXX, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, milll36, Mirceal, mixedukfighter, MMABoxerMX, MMAGUY53, mockingbird, mondo321, Morgan81, MPJ fighting, Mrg1423, Mumbai4, musclefightsmuscle1, Muscle Nick, MusclePassion, Musclesamy, musclewrestlervienna, musclfl, Nachmad52, NandoSanMartin1978, Narek Sargsyan, NeilWrestler, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, NHB, Nick, ninos, nipplefighter, NivekWas, Nodnarb1987, NorthernDon, nov, nwih, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, OceanWrestler, Oeste90, Oilwrest, oldscrapperderby, Oleh Shy, ord1952, osakaman, OTS XL, otterslacks, P1973, pablackbelt, painangel1213, PANEWT10, PaulistaSPBR, persianwrestler, Pete14, Petey, philliwrestler, philmay, PhoenixBigBear, phoenix th, Pinme123, Pinmeifyoucan, Pintug, PJBoxxxer1, PJHartx, Poggybacklove, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, PowerAndControl, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, P-X-3, quadi1, ramma, RasslerMID, RavenMidnight, razkal, Recke, RED DADDY, Redmond40, redstarbear, REfighter, restars, retserof, Rex8rock, Rex Thomas, rhss4682, rickjohnson8718, Ricotewrestler, ricwrstlr, rIgrapple, rijobber, Riles17, rjbklyn, Rob89, Robgrappler, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, RudoPR, Ruff jobber, Saad33, Sadsally, Samael, sandmgh, Santitos, scoopslamme, scubafighter, Secondfigth, seokyo, Serhan, serrengeti, Sgroc3, ShadowMuscle, ShaneHannagan, Shen 02, shore2shore, Shorty Wrestler, silversnow, SimpleMan Br, singletturk, Sinux, Skeletor, SkinnyBoy, slandon23, Sleeper09, Sleeper boy, sleepermuscle, Smallpackage65, Smothbear62, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, SpandexGrappler, Spandexmu, sparte, Spoiler18, sportfreak91, Squeezetoy, starhaven44, Starting out, StephenM, Sub Fighter, SubmissionGrapple, supermansbane, SuperSteve, Survivor, Tadeo, Tagos, Takis, Talldavidla, Target10, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, technics2, TengokKanan, Terminator, Thebeastpaul, The Ed, TheHoosierBoxer, TheMenace, Thepetitedinde, TheWillC, tigrotto, tinytough, tj666, TKOtonyNYC, Tmyyuniverse, Tnman173, TOCostaud, TomsonD, Tony C, Toughdude65, toughJobber13, Tr1zzz, TravelCub, ts01268126, twyford, TX bull, Txwresl, Ultimate Domination, UsagiChanCuu, Users name, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, V AFighter, Varwrestler, vikasm, Viktor98, vincent741, Vlcfight, Vulgan21, WarriorUy, Wata13, wekkir, Welshgoat, wesman, westsawake, wfa12521refa, WIjobber13, Wildman, wildwooly, Wiltswrestle, woofbear, WreckIt, wres, Wrestel, wrestle, WrestleAddict, WrestleBrandon, wrestlecub, WrestleCubSide, wrestleguy222, Wrestleman1234, WrestleMeDude, Wrestlenoob, WrestlePacificNW, wrestlerboy01, WrestlerJames, WrestlerJay, wrestlernys, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestleruk1, wrestlewanted, Wrestleyou2, wrestlingforfun, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wrstlr22, Wtodell, wxq1024, wywrestle, XO LWF, xxx91, Yonceshow, YoungCousin, youngwannd, Yunjin, Yusufu, Zorbas49)
- Blog posts (89 votes: abelisfine, after glow, Alex RS23, Anthony12, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, ashnightmare777, ayrshirewrestle, backpacker2415, bigchicago, BillC, bluetiger, BocaWrestleGuy, bonno chele, Boxtp, briansp, canwrestle, ChiJobber, daigo, Daniel Erwin, davey123, David Batista, diamondcutter, eagleg8, EagleScout18, Fightgp, flscw, Francis Schwann, FunWrestler94, Gdbjs, Gerrardwienk, Hairyheadscissors, hboxer, hephaestion2014, Italwrestler, JacksHarry04, Jacquelyn Fletcher, joaquimalfredo123, jobber84, JoeStud, JustWrestling, JW130kgYYC, KCBearKc, keith230665, Kenyalang Terebai, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lucass, Lusobear, LVAsianNovice, Magneto, MaskedGargoyle, Mask Master wresting, matteurlutte, mekmall, mikey3458, mmt005, Mortadelo, Nachmad52, NeilWrestler, Newboxer34, oahurookie, Ottor, Petey, P-X-3, Rach61, ralph, Recke, retserof, RoninWrestler, rowdybear, rslnishot12, SamWrestler, Scissorsubmit, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, Speedoman1, submissionmission, TerryHK, The Titan, throw, TiWolf, Tomtapp3, TTG87auro, ursolutador, Wlaendure, WontTap, wrestlenut, wrestler noob, Zorbas49)
- Photo Peer Review (142 votes: abuster, Accty99, after 8, Albertomm, alfayiz, altosportos, andre123, ANONIMO, Ant21, arabicwrestler, ArielBoxFigth, Atljock 4, a victor, B4ck4t1t4gain, backpacker2415, badboy fighter, bam27, BBPyleWrestlingTH, Belly spalshes Dom, Benofduty, BJJSingletOC, bobster, bonno chele, Brass1977, Broski306, Caguy, Califorman, Carlosperez1, CarlosRockyBoxer, cem, Charmaine84, chubwrestler, ckn10721, Clin10, CodyW, cookie0, Cruche, Crumpy141, daigo, Davidho1357, DemolidorBR, Drew123, drkovacs, EagleScout18, eddie17, Eduard, Ember, ericc, fightbull, FlDean2012, flocki, Fred49, freestyle singlet, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, funwrestleguy, Gerrardwienk, ghostblinks, Glasgow, hboxer, headlock20, Herofighter, heydude61, huge fighting man, Hypnojocks, Ironcheftom, Jacques, Jdawg7182, JudokaB, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, kevinsantana, ks56, Leoscissors63, lighthouseguy, Lorenzolorenzetti, Lusobear, luttecatch3, lvntn, ManyNames, Mask Master wresting, matlr, matteurlutte, maw1667, MaxTheKnockouter, mcic, mentatzps, Mik79, Mike Gaine, MLinLA, mockingbird, Musclpa, NandoSanMartin1978, Newboxer34, nightstranger, Pete14, philmay, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, ramma, rochroll, RSantos, RudoPR, Ry462, Sam154, Samael, sandmgh, Santu, sbdjason01, scoopslamme, scorpio2, scubafighter, ShadowBoxer, Smallpackage65, sparte, Spassringer, Squeezetoy, Strongbear, Studius, surrey71, t0awanna, tailslover0725, TheWillC, thirtyrookie, tiotgas, Tjbivi, Toddey, TomsonD, Trabuv31, Trainme7, UnderBare, Undertaker, Unwusndjss, V AFighter, vikasm, Wiltswrestle, wrestlemania6, wrestler122001, Wrestlertop, Wrin86, wrstlarturo, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- XXX Rated Pictures in Public Spaces (e.g. profiles) (530 votes: a01928374, abuster, Achilles20000, AC Luchador, after 8, agniandrudra, AhmetEr, AidanTrooper, al69913201, AldiStl, Alex6352, alexgonz, alexjs, Alexthegreat, alexxwrestler, Alfa-cat, alfayiz, Alisdair, alphaboy, Ambrose12345, Anakinsky, Andre82, andres, AndrewChiappini05, AndTheNew, antaeus3, Antheus, Anthon1, Apoteosi, Aquatico, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, ArielBoxFigth, Arvindpark, athlwrestleguy98, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, Auryn, austinwrestling, austrianguy, awpins, AZFighter2, b787jk, BABY21SF, backpacker2415, BaldNorthGA, Barrelomo, BAWrestler, bcnlucha, bear4bears, bearcub1954, beartanque, BedsUK, BeefynMJ, Beefyrider25, Benofduty, BerkshireGuy, BigBellyKY, BigBoy5, bigchicago, BigNY, Bigteddy, BjjFighter, bjj-new, BJJSingletOC, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, blacwing, Bluefox, bodycontact321, bonno chele, Bosmike, bostx, boyrassler, bravo1, brian24, brian840701, BristolJobber, bristolwrestler, Broski306, Browrest, Bucks grappler, Buffalo J, Builtt2, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, CaliFight, canwrestle, Captainandy, Cdmxguy, Cedric75, CelticWarrior, chatchawal06, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chicagochub1991, Chokedup85, Chublover1970, Chuy94, CLEWrestlr, CoachSal, Colbyjackedup, Coleman, Collegiate29, commandertc, complique, cool bln, Corbd91, Couple4wrestling64, Crescent, Cronus, Crushnsqueeze, cub93100, Cubbear, daerre, daigo, danle, dann the man, Danny biceps, dansp, David Batista, Davidd, davidjr4u, DCotter, dcwrstldude, Delta1717, DemAngel, Demolisher, Dessert Doozer, DFWGuy, Diabolik85, diesel, diogiemax, dirtybarefet, Dodgetim, DragonSleeper63, drguy, drpdaz, dsbh1, DSMWrestler, EagleScout18, eddie17, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, Elan1, eljes, El Taïg, Ember, English1000, EranG, Erdrick, erzada, f4ewithm, Fefoasdf, ffmjobber, fgt-91, fighter3, fighter9, FighterBoy97, Fightgp, fightingnovice, FlexWrestler, FLpinfall96, FluxFlox, Flyer1, ForrestTaylorWrestling, FoxyBoxer, Franc8112, Franco290, FrankTramplee, Frapjack, Freenote, frenchcat, fullnelson enthusiast, FunBoxing, Funfighter1985, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Furrycub85, gamekeeper, GamerboyRyan, gawrestler99, Gdbjs, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, giannilotta78, ginori, GJLabartheFighter, glovelover, Grappeler, grappler9, GrapplerJay, GrappleViking, Greekwrestler2, GTheFighta, gutpunchingvzla, gutpunchlover88, guysinshorts, Guy West, hairy judoka, Hardfightr, hardinthering, Headlockking972, HeavyBearLdn, Helguera05, hergust1976, Herofighter, Hggh145, houjobb, INDIGO CAGED, Isaac Andrews, ItsMike, Jacquelyn Fletcher, jamielee, JayJayNYC, JayMiami, JCextreme, JDTP Jobber, jeffjcao, Jetfra21, Jh430, jimbear 51, joaquimalfredo123, Jobber Bigboy, Jobberboy255, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, JobbrBoy, JoeDiscreet, joehaddad1, JohnKinkson, JohnSport, Jokxel, Jon666uk, Jonnyboy02, Jordy125, jovenconganas, jpw, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, JustCurious, justir, jwill404, Kamikaze, KBlume, KCBearKc, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, kevinsantana, KinksterTom, Kjafa, Kruhn, KryppleTron, kuma5236, KungFuPanda00, kuriensk, L-------2, LAbackBreaker, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, leelondon, Legend666, LeinsterWrestle, leondex, LetsWrestle4Fun, LeVentDelOuest, LF2005, Liamrm98, Libdray, LincolnGrapple, Links07, LondonFight, Lotus, Lovetobecrushed23, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, LuchadorenCali, Lugi, LukaYe, Luxxor, lvntn, Magneto manc 80, maineagle93, Mancunian, Markoilwrestler, markweis, MaskedGargoyle, matlr, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Matt Larsen, Matwix, mcic, mctfght, MedirFuerza, meierjim, Merlin74, michael86, Michael D, Michael KL, MICKEY KNOXX, MikeUK, Mikey-28, mikey3458, milll36, Mirceal, Mixedboxing1983, MMABoxerMX, mochablk, MrBrick2, Mrg1423, MrRanser, mrwrestle79, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, MusclePassion, musclfl, mutualfights, Nachmad52, Nagaret, Nashville Grappler, native chris, neatpete, nels11, Nerdy wrestler, Neverbackdown, NewbFighter, Newboy, NHB, nipplefighter, niwrestler, Nodnarb1987, NordikGrappler, northstar, nothin, nov, nwarassle, Oeste90, optflow, ord1952, Othello, OttawaWrestler, otterslacks, OxBoxer, painangel1213, PANEWT10, Paolo Knockout, PaulistaSPBR, PecsAbsFan, Peeke, Pehlivan07, Perfil Velho, Perseus, perseusblue, Petey, philliwrestler, Pillow, Pinme123, Playhard, plutonium, pndfighter, Poindexter 10, polyethylene33, PowerAndControl, powerlifter, pressurelover, PromissionHeel, ProWrestlrsFan, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, quadi1, qwerasd2, ra ck vlc, Ramswrestle, realfighter83, Reltser W, Rex8rock, Rfg44, rhober, rhss4682, Rickywilson22, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, ringking, Rob89, Robherb, Rocko96, rohitmehera1509, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, rs123, Ry462, Saad33, Sam13, Sam154, Santu, sbdjason01, scissornpinmenow, Scorpio38, Secondfigth, seokyo, Serhan, SethTheStud, SE UK Wrestler, Sgroc3, Shad, ShadowMuscle, shauny, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shorty Wrestler, shuttlexp1, silversnow, singletturk, Skeletor, SkinnyJobber, Sleeper boy, sleeperuout2, Slim79, Smallpackage65, Snips20202, southernbear1983, southernguy, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, Spandexmu, Spassringer, SpeedoHeel, Speedoman1, spladle2submission, spladleguy, Squeezetoy, Stanbelly, starhaven44, Starting out, StephenM, stopbarking84, Strongbear, StudInTraining, Sub1973, subctboy, Sub Fighter, SuperSteve, t0awanna, T0Nii, Takis, Takushitsu, TallCanadian, Taran, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Tera92, Terminator, TerryHK, thalassamare, TheCosplayKid, thedrakemarcos, TheFighterInMe, TheJaxsonRainz, TheWillC, thingnstuffs, tiotgas, Tj Lo, TomsonD, Tony C, Toror, toughJobber13, Trainme7, TravelCub, Tripp Evans, TS5XG, Tuhin biswas, tummy18, twyford, Tybinola, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, ukwrestle101, Ultimate Domination, ultimatewrestler089, Und3rst8ed, UnderBare, Unwusndjss, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, Velofight, wanikawaii, wa rassler, WarriorUy, Wata13, Welshgoat, wesman, westsawake, WIjobber13, wildwooly, wolfjobber, WontTap, WreckIt, Wrest5585, wrestle, WrestleBoyMX, wrestleguy222, Wrestleman1234, Wrestlenoob, Wrestler04, WrestlerJames, WrestlerUK, wrestleruk1, Wrestlia, Wrestling2211, Wrestlingadmirer, Wrestling legend, wrestlinstudd, WW, wywrestle, xxx91, Yonceshow, young79312, YoungCousin, youngjobber, youngwannd, you tell me 1, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- Video Calls (437 votes: 30wrestle, Aadi singh, Abecedarian, Achilles20000, Adri1952, agniandrudra, Aitordonosti, al69913201, Alen farmer, Alexbw78, alexgonz, alphawrestler, Ameture Grappler 93, amex2, An02960, andre123, andres, AndrewChiappini05, AndTheNew, Anr, Ant21, Antheus, arabicwrestler, armrassler, Armund1Box, Atljock 4, ATONMAN, Auryn, Ausfella, Au sol 71, Australian Wrestler, Azalku, aztruk, Backbreaker07, backpacker2415, BagBoxGuy, Barefotwrestler, beachedboy, BelgiumWrestler, BerkshireGuy, Berlin, BertoBR, Bigbeef, bigbrother, Big e, Bigrb29v2, bigt730, billy8660, BjjBerlin45, BJJ chile, BLACKBELTJUDO, Black Titan, Blasak, Blue33, BluePrismArt, Boa94, bodycontact321, bonno chele, bopper0831, bovine91, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, Boy412, boyjobber, bradboy, bravo1, Brett58, BroadJob, bromance, Brown Bomber, Bruce wayne, bruiser the butcher, brumlad99, Buffalo J, bulky bastard, Burnley anything goes, ButchJobberGA, Butley, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, Cedric75, Charmaine84, Chato, Chicagochub1991, Chokeslammer, choKOut, chrispy, chubwrestler, Chuy94, Coleman, Combat sueur, complique, ConshyMan, Coolmgf, craigtoronto, Crescent, crossguy, CRwolfman, cub93100, cute guy, cuthbert73, danle, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, David Batista, Davidd, Dddeeeg, DFWGuy, didou, diesel, DiscreetFighter, diumraid, doingaight, Dracarys771, Duke406, E10newbie, EagleScout18, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, Emperor, ericc, Etativel, Evan Azarov, f4ewithm, ffight, fightbull, fighter3, fighter961, fighterbjj87, FighterBoy97, finderskeepers34, Firemanslift, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, FLpinfall96, Franco290, Frechdax1968, frenchcat, FunBoxing, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Fun time wrestling, gallant, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, gegcatch, Germanboy97, Gerrardwienk, Gladiador gym, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, GPNA7, Greed, Grkbear, GTheFighta, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, gures, GuyMN1983, Guy West, hairy judoka, Handsom1, hausmeister81, Headlockking972, Helguera05, hergust1976, herovsvillain, highflyeral, huge fighting man, idechi721, IntoBoxing, Ironchef, izmirfreeter, JackBC, Jacquelyn Fletcher, JayPuncher, Jcoolz2020, Jdawg7182, Jetfra21, jimmack, Jobber Bigboy, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, Joe gutpunched, Johnny B Bad, Johnnyjumper, Jon666uk, Jon paol, JORDANCKING, Joshblueye, jove1235, Justadude, justafella8, Just Looking, jwrestling85, Kaijuman, Karategi01, keith230665, Kenny Boy, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, KiritoKamui87, KKFighter, Kruhn, kynice, leanmachine94, Legend666, lelestat85, Leoscissors63, LetsWrestle4Fun, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, Little Labourer, LIWrestler65, looldve, loq71187, LowHeel, Ltsfght, LucaFightGutPunch, LuchadorChinito, Luchadorpizarro, Luchagu, Luctator, luctator76, LukaYe, Luke rocco, Lusobear, Luxxor, LV1GUY, machoyoungbear, madeincanada, Madine, Magneto manc 80, Maleboxing, mambru, MANAN, manbarbs, Marcob3k, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Maxbert, MaxTheKnockouter, mdbxrwrslr, Mean Darth Flash, Merlin74, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, Michael2546, Micha R, Mick1966, Mickwrestler, mikey3458, mikeyteen, mixmail, MMAGUY53, MN COWBOY, Mocha, MorenoSunga, Mr Wrestling, musclechris80, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Muscle Nick, Musclesamy, musclfl, Musclpa, MusculaDos, muscularwrestler, Nachmad52, Nagaret, Nashville Grappler, Natwing, nels11, Neverbackdown, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, Nonofight, Northernbeef65, NorthernDon, No Rules Brawler, nov, nwih, OceanWrestler, Oilwrest, Oilwrestlingturkish, oliver1985, optflow, OxBoxer, P1973, Pandathug, PAScramble, PaulistaSPBR, Pehlivan07, persianwrestler, Pete14, pete26, Pete72, PetinjuJKT, PHXGrappler, Pinme123, Pinmeifyoucan, playfight63, Playhard, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, Pranay wrestler, ProDudeTX, PromissionHeel, ProRassler, Punjabimunda, quadi1, qwerasd2, Rasselpa, realfighter83, REfighter, Rex4842004, Rickywilson22, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, Riviera Wrestle, RNC23, Rocko96, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, RRR, Ruff jobber, Ruggdguy, Sam13, SamWrestler, Santitos, Santu, Scorpio38, Seasmallbear, seokyo, serrengeti, Sgroc3, Shawboxing78, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, Sleeper09, Slim79, Small Ben, Smothbear62, Smother, SneakyTracer, Snips20202, Sotonscrapper, South Florida Slinger, Southspar01, SpandexGrappler, spladleguy, Square Mile Bloke, StudInTraining, Submission Guy 82, submissionmission, Survivor, swiss75, T0Nii, Tagos, Taran, Target10, tback094, TengokKanan, thedrakemarcos, TheHoosierBoxer, TheMenace, Ticowrestler, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, TipTopTapper, TiWolf, tj666, Tj Lo, TKOtonyNYC, TOCostaud, tofighter, TomsonD, Toror, TOROSO, Tradeblows, tramplinglover, tummy18, Tunisian fighter, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, UKSubsFighter, ukwrestle101, UsagiChanCuu, Users name, VacuumGP, videostar07, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, Vinni, Want2lrn, Wata13, wbsobe74, wesman, wfa12521refa, Wlaendure, wolfarmstrong, WreckIt, WreHunk1, Wrestel, wrestle4pins, WrestleBrandon, WrestleCubSide, wrestlemat2001, wrestlenut, Wrestler04, wrestler122001, WrestlerGoias, wrestlerplace, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestlingforfun, wrestlinstudd, wrestl lad, WRSTL1wpa, Wrstlr22, Wtodell, wxq1024, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, Yonceshow, young79312, youngjobber, zz9zza)
- Private Notes (215 votes: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, aaron27, Abecedarian, AldiStl, Alessandro1996ITA, Alex6352, Alexthegreat, amo1969, An02960, Angel, Anr, Apoteosi, Aquitania, arabicwrestler, armrassler, AsianHeelLA, ATONMAN, Auryn, Au sol 71, ayrshirewrestle, backpacker2415, BBPyleWrestlingTH, beartanque, Bellyfighter, Berlin, BetaBoyBrody, BigBellyKY, bigdog300, Bigkiruafood, BJJ chile, BJJSingletOC, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, bobbybencarter, bonno chele, bradboy, bravo1, briansp, BritLadSpain, Brmunc, broscissors, builtnycguy, BULLGUZ35, Caguy, CBusFighter, chitownbearchmp, ChrisWrestling, cielpourtous75, ckn10721, CoachSal, complique, cool bln, Cornejo, Couple4wrestling64, Crendal, darkk, davidjr4u, DavidVdw, DemAngel, Dodgetim, dsazcw16058, EagleScout18, Edge2127, Edubcn, Fameux 2, ffmjobber, finderskeepers34, fineyngmn, Frechdax1968, Freedomitalywrestling, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, Garyyy55, Gerrardwienk, gioroma80, giro mail, gpau1900, Grappeler, GrappleViking, groundgrappler7, GTheFighta, Handsom1, hsfan, Hunnog, imri, Ironchef, IsaacA, ItsJY, Ivangp, Ivan Sánchez, IzzyRIzzinty, Jacques, Jaywr, JDTP Jobber, Jmwrestle, Joe1717, joehaddad1, joewrestler, jove1235, jpw, JudokaB, KCBearKc, Kenyalang Terebai, kjh1963, KryptonianFigher, LAbackBreaker, LDNTussle, leelondon, leicgp, lelestat85, Liamrm98, libertine109, Lightwrestling, Lkn4awrestletoy, lotta t, lottatoregentile, Lugi, luttefrance, maeCR1, mainewrestlingchub, mambru, ManhattanMaulers, matteurlutte, matthias, mattz4fun, Matwix, mctfght, Meiiler, Melbourne Catfighter, MisterNoGi, MN COWBOY, Morgan81, MusclesPassion, MuscleSportAZ, NCgrappler, NeilWrestler, NewbSumo, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NYCEast25, OneLastFight, Orpheus, osakaman, OttawaWrestler, paradoxrunner, Perseus, Pete72, PJHartx, planted pinned, pndfighter, Pranay wrestler, PromissionHeel, puncher, PuppySP, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Redmond40, rhober, Rjohnp15, rochroll, rock20087, RocketMan, rowdybear, RudoPR, ruffcurious, RufTumblr, Ruhr fighter, SanLee3001, Santitos, Santu, scrapper02, scrapperjj, scrappingmatt, scubafighter, Shaurya Pratap Singh, slandon23, SmallFry, Smother, StrikeFighter, Strongnfine, subctboy, Survivor, technics2, Tera92, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheMenace, ThisIsTeal42, throw, Ticowrestler, Tim22793, TiWolf, Toughdude65, Triumphman65, TTG87auro, tupsi, TX bull, Ultimate Domination, Velofight, viavoice fr, Vivichannn, Wiccan76, wolvejong, WrestleBrandon, wrestle guy, Wrestlem88, WrestlerUK, Wrestlia, Wrestling Ace, wrestlingforfun, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlnow, wxq1024, Yupper, Yusufu, zz9zza)
- Professional UI Overhaul (182 votes: 운좋은올빼미, adidasguy, after glow, Albertomm, Alyxx, an0681, andreawrestling, angel86, ANONIMO, Anvil, arabicwrestler, ArdonUD, arthurstuwart, backpacker2415, Bageltron, bear89, bgaff64, BigBeast, BigDave, Boa94, bobbybencarter, boine, BostonCub, boxerexplorer, BoxerScrapper, CBusFighter, CelticFire, Centaur, Chato, Chicagochub1991, choKOut, CodyW, ConshyMan, Daivat, DavidArsalan, DavidPasadena, DCotter, dcwrstldude, Delta1717, dnaeel, DSMWrestler, EagleScout18, Earth, EranG, Erdrick, fightbull, FightLover, flexboxer, Flo171702, flocki, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Foxfire22, Freedomitalywrestling, FreeGrappler, gallant, gamer82, Garyyy55, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, Gladidead, Glasgow, glovesupboxer, Grabber01, GrappleViking, GTheFighta, guysinshorts, HawkeyeWrestler, HeavyBearLdn, Howlitzer, Hypnojocks, ilovetowreslte, Irishwrestler11, IronbearJones, ItsMike, jamielee, Jay Fighting, Jay Hotley, JCextreme, jeffjcao, jitsu-will, Jiuliano-Jitsu, JobbrBoy, JoeMaster1, jovenconganas, Judoguy, JW130kgYYC, Kenyalang Terebai, Keras02, kuriensk, LAMuscleWrestler, Lasub, leanmachine94, Leon98, LeVentDelOuest, LincolnGrapple, Lion97, LionFighter26, litewt78, luc25, Luctator, MakatiFighter, Mariano, markweis, Matt Larsen, MCRLON30UK, meierjim, MicahGP, Michael KL, mixedukfighter, mixedwrestler, MPJ fighting, mrwrestle79, Ms Botas, neatpete, Newboxer34, Nick, nothin, omr24, OneLastFight, Othello, pete26, PetinjuJKT, Pillow, Pranay wrestler, punchandroll, Punchee1300, Ramswrestle, Recke, Reilly, Robherb, RoninWrestler, rumbletumbleUK, ScissorMarvel, Scrap Lad, scrappingmatt, serjjibucks, SethTheStud, Setiabudi Astra, Shad, Shadow Knight, ShaunR, SkinnyJobber, SkullBeef, sleeperuout2, solo danil, SpandexGrappler, spladle2submission, Srikar Charan, Stoker, stuttgart grappling, SubmissionGrapple, Supaboi, supermansbane, synxiec, TallCanadian, TheCosplayKid, thedrakemarcos, TheJaxsonRainz, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thirtyrookie, TinyMonkey, TOBearhugFan80, Tr1zzz, Tradeblows, Trainme7, Tripp Evans, tryingout15, ukwrestler, VAChub4Muscle, Victoris, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, WannaWrestleSC, Wiccan76, WrestleAddict, wrestlemania6, WrestleMeDude, wrestlerpnw360, wrestlesub, wrestling game, X2000, yorkshire-lad)
- Help and Support integration (75 votes: Adri1952, agniandrudra, amex2, ams1989, ANONIMO, arabicwrestler, arthurstuwart, backpacker2415, BelgiumWrestler, belligerent boy, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, bonno chele, BoxerScrapper, boxingjohn, Combat sueur, Cymrofight, Diabolik85, EagleScout18, Eddie Sants, ericc, Freedomitalywrestling, funkpro, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, funwrestleguy, Garage123, Gerrardwienk, GPNA7, Guysmiley, hrylegs, Ironchef, IsaacA, JoeMaster1, Justadude, Kenyalang Terebai, knight1701, KnottedMangler, libertine109, Lkn4awrestletoy, Lobo09, lourd, MANAN, Meiiler, Mike Gaine, MisterNoGi, MoonKnightFighter, Mortadelo, musclewrestlervienna, Newboxer34, Nonofight, Pete14, PhoenixBigBear, Punchee1300, Punjabimunda, Pyro7, RavenMidnight, redstarbear, ruffbear, Ryan-Savage, Santu, scubafighter, Seasmallbear, Setiabudi Astra, SkinnyJobber, slandon23, Spoiler18, Stmbt797, Supaboi, Ticowrestler, TinyMonkey, Tmyyuniverse, Twotriangled, ultimatewrestler089, Vivichannn, Vulgan21, wrestling coach)
- Focus on bug fixing and improvements (330 votes: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, Тымояжизнь-1987, a01928374, abuster, adidasguy, after glow, al69913201, AlanBaggins, Alfa-cat, alphaboy, altosportos, Ameture Grappler 93, ams1989, an0681, andreawrestling, AndrewChiappini05, andrewj, angel86, Anthon1, Anvil, arabicwrestler, Arabwrestle123, Armund1Box, arthurstuwart, AsPalepsoume, athlwrestleguy98, AtléticBogota, ayrshirewrestle, AZFighter2, backpacker2415, BagBoxGuy, Bageltron, Barrett, Batterysentinel, Beaker, BeefynMJ, belligerent boy, bgaff64, BigBeast, bigdog300, Bigteddy, billy8660, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, Blackwrestle, Blarger, Blaze wolf, bluetiger, boine, bonno chele, BostonCub, BoxerScrapper, boxingjohn, Bratwrestler, brettjones, bristolbigtel, brumlad99, Butley, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, Centaur, chas47707, Chokeslammer, chokingout, Chris55, ChrisWrestling, ckn10721, Clin10, cmhhw, Colbyjackedup, Coleman, Combat sueur, Crushnsqueeze, CRwolfman, Daniel Erwin, dario sz, darkk, Davey716, David Batista, DavidVdw, DCotter, Dermott wigan1, Detro it, DiscreetFighter, doyouevenwrestle2, DragonSleeper63, drpdaz, dsbh1, EagleScout18, Earth, Emperor, Feroce DeLeon, FightMeNow5, FlDean2012, flscw, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Freedomitalywrestling, FreeGrappler, Funfighter1985, Funlad89, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, Fwre71, Garage123, Gary53, Gerrardwienk, Ginler, gioroma80, Gjpmadixtara, Gladidead, glovelover, glovesupboxer, Gpfan1996, GrapplingGuy93, GTheFighta, Gulatyuk, Guysmiley, Guy West, hairytxwrestler, Hanjo, HawkeyeWrestler, Herofighter, heydude61, Howlitzer, hrylegs, Hunnog, Instinctively, Isaac Andrews, Ivan Sánchez, JackBC, Jaywr, jeffjcao, JiminQueens2, jitsu-will, jobber ba, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JohnSport, Joker116, JSM94, Kenyalang Terebai, Kevin, kjh1963, knight1701, KnottedMangler, koorwin, KryptonianFigher, KungFuPanda00, Lancs guy, Lasub, leanmachine BE, lelestat85, Leon98, LeVentDelOuest, Levi McDaniel, LGBigMan1, libertine109, lighthouseguy, Lion97, LionFighter26, litewt78, Lobo09, looking2121, Lorenzotensur, lottatoregentile, Lovetobecrushed23, luctator76, Luke rocco, Lulmuid99, maineagle93, Mainewrsl, MakatiFighter, Mariano, Marios1991, mathandy, Matis jobber, Matmaster95, matthias, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, Meiiler, mekmall, Merseywrestle, Michael2546, michael86, Mickwrestler, Mister80, Mixedboxing1983, MLinLA, MN COWBOY, mondo321, MoonKnightFighter, MPJ fighting, Mr Input, Musclejock06, MusclePassion, MuscleSportAZ, muscularwrestler, native chris, NChi01, neva474, Newboxer34, NewbSumo, NewUnderscore, NickScratch, NickZ, nightstranger, norcallifter, Northern Warrior, No Rules Brawler, novice wrestler tr, nwgamuscle, Oleh Shy, omr24, Othello, OTS XL, Ottor, OxBoxer, pablackbelt, PAScramble, PecsAbsFan, Peeke, Pete14, philip1, Pillow, pinmi, polyethylene33, Pranay wrestler, Punchee1300, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, RavenMidnight, razkal, rebelwrest, redlandguy, redstarbear, Reilly, Rfg44, ricwrstlr, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, Robherb, robman, rock20087, RocketMan, RoninIT, ruffbear, Ruff jobber, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Sam, SamWrestler, scissornpinmenow, Scissorsubmit, scoopslamme, scorpio2, Scorpio38, scrapper02, scubafighter, serjjibucks, Setiabudi Astra, ShadowBoxer, ShadowMuscle, Shawboxing78, SkullBeef, sleeperfan94, sleepermuscle, sleeperuout2, SmallFry, SmoothLander, Sotonscrapper, southernguy, spinne, Stmbt797, stopbarking84, StrikeFighter, stuttgart grappling, Submission Guy 82, subproth19, Supaboi, surrey71, Tadeo, Tagos, tailslover0725, Takushitsu, TallBear, TengokKanan, thalassamare, TheJaxsonRainz, Thepetitedinde, ThisIsTeal42, TinyMonkey, TiWolf, Tjbivi, Tmyyuniverse, Tnman173, TOCostaud, Traguy, ts01268126, Twotriangled, twyford, ukwrestler, ultimatewrestler089, Victoris, vincent741, Vivichannn, vostok scissors, wanikawaii, Werstling uk, Wiccan76, wildwooly, woofbear, Wrest5585, wrestle4pins, WrestleBox4Fun, wrestle guy, wrestlemania6, wrestlemat2001, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, wrestlernys, wrestlesub, wrestlewanted, Wrestling Ace, wrestl lad, Yonso21, youngjobber, Youngwrestler29, you tell me 1, zz9zza)
- Other (please specify in comments) (46 votes: antoniovnyc, Apollo, arabicwrestler, backpacker2415, Bigrb29v2, boxerfighter, brian24, Gerrardwienk, giro mail, gures, huge fighting man, Just Dan, JustLikeThat, Kureitondesu, kuriensk, maw1667, Mike Gaine, Mortadelo, NewUnderscore, NJMARRIEDGUY, norcallifter, PecsAbsFan, ra ck vlc, razkal, Ruggdguy, Shadow Knight, shauny, shore2shore, Srikar Charan, Stoker, Strongnfine, Studius, stuttgart grappling, Tim22793, Toddey, Travoz, Twotriangled, VAChub4Muscle, wa rassler, WeeJimmie, Werstling uk, WreckIt, Wrestlem88, Wrestlerfun, wrestr, WW)
Localization Consideration
We're aware that discussing app and website localization in an English post might not fully represent our diverse community's needs. However, as we consider offering the Meetfighters app, and the new website, in multiple languages, we're interested in your preferences. How important is a localized experience for you?
- Very important – I prefer using apps in my native language (268 votes: 瑳武栄琉 サムエル, Тымояжизнь-1987, Accty99, actiondudenj2, Adri1952, afwrestler, AJtheWrestler, Alef23, Alen farmer, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, ALFRED, Alleykitten44, alphaboy, Ambrose12345, Anakinsky, andre123, AndrewChiappini05, Andrufight, ANONIMO, Anthony12, arabicwrestler, Archer, ArielBoxFigth, astian, AtléticBogota, Auryn, ausjock28, Au sol 71, Australian Wrestler, Axel fight, ayrshirewrestle, AZFighter2, Bageltron, BaldNorthGA, Batterysentinel, bcnlucha, Bear Bao, beartanque, BedsUK, Belly spalshes Dom, BigBeast, bigbrother, BigDave, Bigkiruafood, BigRob, Bigteddy, billy8660, BLACKBELTJUDO, Bluefox, bluetiger, BocaWrestleGuy, bodycontact321, brian24, Bruce wayne, Buffalo J, BulldogJoynson, Burnley anything goes, buscapanza, CaliFight, Canuwrestle, captains, Carlosperez1, CBusFighter, chicago42, chico30fgh, Chokeslammer, Chuy94, Colbyjackedup, Combat sueur, Couple4wrestling64, Crendal, Cubbear, daerre, daigo, Daniel Erwin, danle, DemolidorBR, Devgrapple, Diabolik85, didou, Dirka, DiscreetFighter, DomMexa, Douglas, drpdaz, EagleScout18, Easygoing1973, eddie17, El Taïg, Evan Azarov, Evillee, Fairfighterworksop, Fameux 2, Ferrero83, fghtruff, fightbull, fighter961, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Franc8112, Fred49, Freedomitalywrestling, Funölringer Dani bundesweit, FunWrestler94, Garage123, Gary53, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, GJLabartheFighter, Gladiador gym, gutpunchingvzla, hardpunch, Herofighter, Hggh145, humanpunchingbag22, I24142, IntoBoxing, Ironcheftom, ItsJY, Jacques, Jcoolz2020, jitsu-will, Jiuliano-Jitsu, JobberSeat23, JoeStud, jored, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, Judoguy, JudokaB, judokaguy83, justir, Just Looking, JW130kgYYC, Karategi01, Kempur65, KiritoKamui87, Kjafa, knightsub, KnottedMangler, KręcenieWora, kuma5236, Larbear, Larson659, letswrestleyvr, liwrestler, Lkn4awrestletoy, Lotus, lourd, Lovetobecrushed23, LucaFightGutPunch, Lucass, lucasvix, Luchadorpizarro, LukaYe, Lulmuid99, LV1GUY, maaa2020, Magneto, MajesticSleeper, ManyNames, Marsan22, Matmaster95, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, maxiwrestler, mctfght, Mean Darth Flash, Mec-bagarreur, MICKEY KNOXX, Mixedboxing1983, mixedwrestler, MorenoSunga, Morgan81, Mowrestle, musclefan, MusclesPassion, MusculaDos, Nachmad52, NandoSanMartin1978, nels11, Neverbackdown, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, Nishal nishal, nothin, Octaviuspower, Oilwrest, otterslacks, OxBoxer, Pehlivan07, Perfil Velho, PJHartx, Pokefan, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, puncher, Rach61, ralfman, RegularGuyUSA, Reltser W, Reni bix, restars, Rivalfighter99, RocketMan, Ruff jobber, Sam154, Samael, Scrap Lad, serrengeti, Sicilywrest, SimWre, Skeletor, Smallpackage65, socal74, southernbear1983, Spassringer, Speedoman1, spladle2submission, spladleguy, sportiffuncool, stevestoke, Stoker, StrikeFighter, Sub1973, Tagos, tailslover0725, Tera92, Thebeastpaul, thedrakemarcos, The Ed, TheGranta, TheJaxsonRainz, The Kestrel, Thepetitedinde, tigrotto, tinytough, tj666, TomsonD, TOROSO, Toughdude65, Tr1zzz, Trabuv31, Tripp Evans, twilegs, twisterman, tzitzi, V AFighter, Velofight, Vivichannn, WarriorUy, Welshgoat, wres, WrestleAddict, WrestleBoyMX, wrestlerplace, WrestlerUK, Wrestling Ace, wxq1024, X2000, Yonso21, Yunjin, Zorbas49)
- Somewhat important – It’s convenient but not a deal-breaker (154 votes: 운좋은올빼미, adidasguy, after glow, agniandrudra, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, Alep 9, alfayiz, Alion, Ameture Grappler 93, an0681, andreawrestling, angel86, arthurstuwart, BagBoxGuy, BeatenPAProJobber, BJJ chile, bjj-new, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, blacwing, bopper0831, boxingjohn, brian840701, bromance, Browrest, Canttouchthis123, CarlosRockyBoxer, cem, ChineseGrappler, Clin10, cub93100, Curvy-pugilista, Daivat, Damly, Daxdante, diumraid, Drew123, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, ELDIABLITO666, Ember, EranG, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, fightingnovice, FightMeNow5, FLGripper, flocki, FoxyBoxer, Frapjack, Funfighter1985, giannilotta78, Ginler, ginori, Gpfan1996, Gradient01, GuyOtt, Hanjo, HopeK, IzzyRIzzinty, jamielee, JayMiami, JobbrBoy, Joe gutpunched, JSM94, KungFuPanda00, Kureitondesu, kynice, Legend666, leondex, LeVentDelOuest, Libdray, Link, Lobo09, lottatoregentile, maeCR1, Matboy27, MedirFuerza, Meiiler, mentatzps, mexicanboxingboy, Michael D, Mik79, mixmail, MLinLA, mmt005, Mocha, mockingbird, MrBrick2, MuscleBully, NickZ, NoCalWrestlebob, Nonofight, Northernbeef65, NYCEast25, oahurookie, PAScramble, PaulistaSPBR, pinmi, Punchee1300, quadi1, ra ck vlc, rebelwrest, redstarbear, Rex8rock, rhober, ricwrstlr, rijobber, rjbklyn, rochroll, Rocko96, rohitmehera1509, ryo jpn, sampaul, Samugatto, SanLee3001, scrapper02, scubafighter, SecretOne2000, serjjibucks, ShadowBoxer, sleepermuscle, Slim79, SoccerAbs, sparte, Supaboi, Survivor, swiss75, T0Nii, Tadeo, Target10, teamsmorbo, Terminator, TheWillC, throw, Tim22793, TiWolf, TOCostaud, Toror, TravelCub, TromboneWres, TX bull, Varwrestler, viavoice fr, vincent741, VinnyDurango, WreckIt, wrestle guy, wrestlinstudd, Xanti Bilbao, xxx91, youngwannd, Yusufu)
- Not important – I’m comfortable using the app in English (233 votes: 30wrestle, AhmetEr, al69913201, Albertomm, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, alexjs, alexr, Alisdair, Amateur fightR, andrewj, Apoteosi, ArabFighter, Araboy78, Armund1Box, AsPalepsoume, Atlantis400, Ausfella, austrianguy, a victor, Bardi, BBPyleWrestlingTH, BelgiumWrestler, Berlin, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigNY, BillC, Blasak, blitzpuncher007, Blue33, boine, boxerexplorer, boxingfan91, Boy412, calfatestic, Califorman, Carlosfit, Charmaine84, chatchawal06, chitownbearchmp, Corbd91, crossguy, Cruche, cute guy, Danny biceps, dansp, dany 2808, Darren, DavidVdw, dcwrstldude, Dddeeeg, Deadpool1, Demolisher, diesel, doyouevenwrestle2, Drdrd, dsazcw16058, Eddie Sants, Emperor, ErwanNatz, es20042, Federico ABS, Fefoasdf, fight10, fighterbjj87, fighting4fun, FightLover, fraitaly, freestyle singlet, Fun time wrestling, Fwre71, gioroma80, giro mail, GloveBoxer, grappler9, hairy judoka, harlemgp, hausmeister81, herovsvillain, hlxyzha 2, hsfan, hvywght blk bxr, Hypnojocks, ikf, ilovetowreslte, Ironbull, Italian Wrestler, Ivan Sánchez, Jake, jimbear 51, jjjherrera24, JohnSport, Jonnyboy02, josmat, jove1235, jovenconganas, Judobremen, Justadude, Kos Kon, KryptonianFigher, Links07, lotta t, luc25, LuchadorChinito, LuchadorenCali, Luctator, luctator76, Lugi, luta-sp, Luv2Wrestle, lvntn, MakatiFighter, MANAN, Markoilwrestler, markweis, MarsM1, Matwix, Maxbert, Melbourne Catfighter, MexicanGiant, michigan wrestler, Mikey-28, milll36, Mirceal, MMABoxerMX, MN COWBOY, Mortadelo, MrRanser, Ms Botas, MuscleBeast, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclesamy, MuscleSportAZ, Musclpa, Mushino, Nagaret, NCgrappler, NewbSumo, NHB, Nik27, NordikGrappler, northstar, No Rules Brawler, Oleh Shy, OneLastFight, Orpheus, Other Guy, passermontanus, phoenix th, Pillow, plutonium, polyethylene33, puncherello84, Punjabimunda, RasslerMID, RC - GP, Recke, Rex Thomas, Rfg44, Rickp, Ricotewrestler, Riles17, Riviera Wrestle, Robgrappler, Rohit Patil, romandiewrestler, ruffcurious, sandmgh, Santitos, Santu, sebldn, sergiomad1441, Serhan, Setiabudi Astra, Shad, Shadow Knight, ShadowMuscle, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shoryuken78, shuttlexp1, sid, Smalo, son4coach, spwrestler95, Stanbelly, StephenM, Studius, stuttgart grappling, Sub Fighter, subproth19, Subzero, Takushitsu, Tal92, TallBear, tayelagos, tback094, TengokKanan, thalassamare, Thespian wrestler, thirtyrookie, TinyMonkey, Tjbivi, tommyV, tummy18, tupsi, ultimatewrestler089, Users name, Vadude, Victoris, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, Vinni, wolfmad, wolvejong, WontTap, Wrest5585, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestlerwatcher, wrestlestan, wrestling111101, Wrestling2211, wrestling game, wrstlarturo, Wrstlr22, wywrestle, YoungCousin)
- English Preferred – I'm not a native English speaker, but prefer using apps in English (120 votes: Anr, ArdonUD, Arvindpark, Azalku, BABY21SF, Backbreaker07, Beefyrider25, belligerent boy, Bellyfighter, bgamer, BigBoy5, Blarger, boxerfighter, brians1974515, Cdmxguy, Chchwrstl, Chicagochub1991, chokingout, collegecyclist, ConshyMan, Coolmgf, CroChillDude, DavidArsalan, davidjr4u, detyrin, Diego96, dnaeel, Dracarys771, drguy, Earth, elpectoral, ericc, FL8892, FluxFlox, FrBoxer, frenchcat, frogcub, Grappeler, GrappleViking, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, guerrero2s, Gulatyuk, Hunnog, INDIGO CAGED, Ivangp, JacksHarry04, joehaddad1, Keras02, Kevin, kuriensk, LAMuscleWrestler, Leon98, Lightwrestling, Lion97, LionFighter26, Lusobear, Marios1991, mat5379, Matis jobber, matt99, mectlse, Michael2546, michael86, Michael KL, MisterNoGi, MtyTopWrestler, musclechris80, Narek Sargsyan, neva474, NewUnderscore, Nick, nightstranger, NJMARRIEDGUY, nov, Ottor, persianwrestler, Pete14, Pete72, PIboxer98, pndfighter, pojtsu87, rale8017, Ralle, ralph, ramma, razkal, REfighter, rhss4682, RoninIT, RudoPR, ScissorMarvel, SkinnyBoy, Snips20202, Spoiler18, Strongnfine, Swemoro, sydneyheel, Takis, tenispt, TerryHK, tramplinglover, TTG87auro, ukwrestle101, vostok scissors, wekkir, westsawake, wetspeedos, Wiccan76, Wii, Wildman, wrestle4pins, wrestlemania6, wrestler2000, wrestlesub, XO LWF, youngfighter89, Yupper, Z boy, ZeakMartin)
- My native language is English (381 votes: aaron27, AbqWrestler1, AC Luchador, Alyxx, amo1969, AndTheNew, Ant21, Anthon1, Aquatico, Aquitania, armmusclesuk, armrassler, ashnightmare777, AsianHeelLA, Atljock 4, austinwrestling, awpins, Bareknucklefighter, Barrett, Basildon Bloke, BAWrestler, Beaker, bear89, Beefy 1976, Benofduty, BetaBoyBrody, bgaff64, BigBellyKY, bigdog300, bigt730, BJJSingletOC, BlackOpals, Blackstallion436, Blackwrestle, Blaze wolf, Boa94, bobbybencarter, bobster, BoxerboyOHIO, Boxtp, bradboy, Bratwrestler, Brett58, bristolwrestler, BritLadSpain, BritproBear65, BroadJob, brumlad99, buck214, Bucks grappler, builtnycguy, Builtt2, ButchJobberGA, Butley, calad100, canwrestle, CelticFire, Centaur, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, CHC in DC, chigrapple, ChiJobber, Chokedup85, Chris55, ChrisWrestling, cielpourtous75, ckn10721, cmhhw, CoachSal, CodyW, coedyuk, Coleman, Collegiate29, Crescent, Crumpy141, cuthbert73, Cymrofight, darkk, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, Davey716, Daveyboi, DemAngel, Dermott wigan1, Dessert Doozer, dexsal, DFWGuy, diamondcutter, diannej, diogiemax, Dodgetim, DomSquashMatch, DragonSleeper63, dsbh1, E10newbie, English1000, Feroce DeLeon, ffight, fighter9, FighterBoy97, Fighter UK, fireblt97, FlDean2012, flexboxer, FlexWrestler, floridaguy, FLpinfall96, flscw, Flyer1, FreeGrappler, Freenote, fullnelson enthusiast, gamekeeper, gawrestler99, Gjpmadixtara, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, glovesupboxer, GlovesUpGuy, gpau1900, Grakoda, GrapplerJay, Greekwrestler2, groundgrappler7, gures, GuyMN1983, guysinshorts, Guysmiley, Hairyheadscissors, Handsom1, hephaestion2014, heydude61, Hotrod041900, houjobb, Htxwrestler, Irishwrestler11, IsaacA, Italwrestler, ItsMike, Jacquelyn Fletcher, Jay Hotley, JayJayNYC, JayPuncher, JayRobbo1989, JCextreme, JCM28601, jeffjcao, Jetfra21, JiminQueens2, Jmwrestle, jobber84, Jobberboy255, Jobberboyfromchi, jobberman vs heels and hairy, Jock0024, JoeMaster1, Johnny B Bad, Jokxel, Jon666uk, Jordy125, Jshwrestle, Jupiter119, Jvallee8, jwill404, KBlume, keith230665, kixsman, kjh1963, knight1701, koorwin, ks56, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, Lbwrestler, LCC2001, LDNTussle, leagueofdraven2, leanmachine94, leanmachine BE, LeinsterWrestle, leyati87, LGBigMan1, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, lighthouseguy, litewt78, LIWrestler65, LondonFight, looking2121, Ltsfght, luttefrance, Luxxor, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, Maleboxing, manbarbs, Mancunian, ManManc, markymayor, Matinio, matsteve, Matt Larsen, mattz4fun, maw1667, Maximovillareal, MCGP27, mcic, MCRLON30UK, Megawatt, mekmall, Merseywrestle, Metmat, MicahGP, Middlegaguy, Midwestdude, Mike Gaine, MikeUK, Mister80, mixedukfighter, MoonKnightFighter, mrwrestle79, musclefightsmuscle1, Muscle Nick, Natwing, NChi01, neatpete, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, NHBFighter, norcallifter, NorthernDon, Northern Warrior, nu2rasln, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, NW UK WRESTLER, NYC123, nycguy86, nycjock72, OceanWrestler, oliver1985, oneatatime, optflow, ordjbr, painangel1213, Pandathug, paradoxrunner, PecsAbsFan, perseusblue, philip1, philliwrestler, Philosopher60, PHXGrappler, piledriverprofantasy, pinfallwizard, Pinmeifyoucan, Pintug, PJBoxxxer1, planted pinned, playfight63, Playhard, pshawfocus, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, Pyro7, Ramswrestle, Rasselpa, RED DADDY, redlandguy, Redmond40, Reilly, Rjohnp15, RK4459, RKsubmit, Rob89, Robherb, rowdybear, RSantos, ruffbear, ruffhouse30, Ruggdguy, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Ryan-Savage, Sadsally, Sam, scissornpinmenow, scottwrestler, scrappingmatt, Sgroc3, shauny, SkullBeef, slandon23, sleeperfan94, sleeperuout2, SmallFry, Smother, southernguy, Southspar01, SpandexGrappler, Spandexmu, SpeedoHeel, Square Mile Bloke, Squeezetoy, Starting out, stone, StudInTraining, SubmissionGrapple, supermansbane, surrey71, synxiec, t0awanna, Talldavidla, Taran, TBLHockeyGeek, TheFighterInMe, The Titan, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thingnstuffs, Tiger, TigerWizard, TKOtonyNYC, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, Toddey, tofighter, Tomtapp3, Tony C, topboxer, Toronto59, Traguy, Trainme7, TripWire, Triumphman65, tussleboy, UKAUS Wrestler, uk submission jobber, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Undertaker, UP For It, USwrestlerTokyo, VacuumGP, videostar07, Vintage shiny shorts, Vulgan21, Want2lrn, wa rassler, WeeJimmie, wesman, wildwooly, Wlaendure, wolfjobber, woofbear, wrestle2sbp, wrestlecub, WrestleCubSide, wrestleguyb, Wrestlelad, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlenut, wrestler86, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, wrestleruk1, Wrestleyou2, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestling coach, wrestl lad, wrestlnfool, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlnow, Wrstlsub77, Wtodell, yorkshire-lad, youngjobber, you tell me 1)
4th Website Name
We recently introduced our plans for a new site, a space we're excited to develop with your involvement. You can sign up for updates via the newsletter at Our initial idea was to create a distinct identity separate from our existing sites, hence the proposed name. However, we've listened to feedback from various channels and noticed that 'Lustfinity' isn't resonating with everyone. As an alternative, the name 'MeetKink' was suggested.
Now, we're turning to you, our community, to help us decide:
Website Name:
EDIT: For clarification: This name is for our 4th website. MeetFighters will not be renamed.
- (73 votes: after glow, Alexbw78, Alf Nelson, Ameture Grappler 93, andre123, apollo fighter, AsPalepsoume, austrianguy, a victor, ayrshirewrestle, Azalku, Bardi, BigDave, BillC, Blasak, Canttouchthis123, cem, chokingout, Chris55, Coolmgf, Cubbear, denny62 us, DFWGuy, dirtybarefet, Dodgetim, Douglas, drpdaz, EagleScout18, El Taïg, Fameux 2, Flyer1, Freedomitalywrestling, frenchcat, Gulatyuk, Headlockking972, hsfan, Jacquelyn Fletcher, jimmack, Kees65, kynice, LiftingandWrestlingBro86, Lucass, LuchadorChinito, LukaYe, Lulmuid99, Luv2Wrestle, madridvallek1, MakatiFighter, Maleboxing, MarsM1, MartialLover0, Matis jobber, Muscle Nick, Neverbackdown, No Rules Brawler, nothin, Oilwrest, oldseadog, ProRassler, scissor me, shore2shore, sparte, Speedoman1, synxiec, thedrakemarcos, TromboneWres, twisterman, Velofight, Vivichannn, WarriorUy, wolfjobber, wrestlemania6, wrestlinaddict)
- (604 votes: a01928374, AbqWrestler1, AC Luchador, actiondudenj2, adidasguy, agniandrudra, AhmetEr, Alep 9, Alexdarius, alexgarcez, alexjs, alexxwrestler, alfayiz, Alion, Alisdair, alphaboy, Alyxx, Amateur fightR, Amethyst369, an0681, andreawrestling, andrewj, AndTheNew, Anr, antaeus3, Aquatico, Aquitania, ArabFighter, Arabwrestle123, Archer, ArdonUD, ArielBoxFigth, Armbar, Asdrubla45, ashnightmare777, astian, Atlantis400, AtléticBogota, Auryn, Ausfella, Au sol 71, awpins, AzmC3, aztruk, BABY21SF, BagBoxGuy, Barrett, BBPyleWrestlingTH, bear89, BeardedVillain, Benofduty, BetaBoyBrody, bgamer, bigbrother, bigchicago, bigdog300, Bigkiruafood, BJJSingletOC, BlackOpals, Blackwrestle, Blarger, Blaze wolf, blitzpuncher007, blnfighter, bobbybencarter, bobster, BostonCub, boston kid, bostx, boxinboy82, boxingjohn, Boxtp, boyrassler, brettjones, brian24, brightonwrestler, BristolJobber, bristolwrestler, BritproBear65, BroadJob, Browrest, Bruce wayne, brumlad99, BRYAN, Bucks grappler, Builtt2, buscapanza, ButchJobberGA, Cal06az, calad100, Canuwrestle, canwrestle, Carlosperez1, Cdmxguy, CelticFire, Centaur, chatchawal06, Chchwrstl, CHC in DC, Chuy94, clewrslr, Clin10, cmhhw, cntrl, CodyW, Colbyjackedup, CollegeGladi8r 99, Corbd91, Couple4wrestling64, Couplefight, Crendal, Crescent, Cruche, cub93100, Curvy-pugilista, Cymrofight, daerre, Danielfernandez, danle, Danny biceps, DaveStillWrestles, davey123, Daveyboi, DavidArsalan, davidjr4u, DavidMod, DavidVdw, dcwrstldude, Deadpool1, DemolidorBR, Dessert Doozer, detyrin, Devgrapple, dexsal, dgwrestler, didou, Dirka, DiscreetFighter, dnaeel, DomMexa, Drdrd, drguy, dsazcw16058, Easygoing1973, Eber14, eddie17, Eddie Sants, Edge2127, Eduard, Edubcn, el4214, EranG, Erdrick, ErwanNatz, Evan Azarov, Fairfighterworksop, Ferrero83, ffight, fighterbjj87, fighting4fun, FightLover, FightMeNow5, finderskeepers34, fingers 2011, flocki, FLpinfall96, fraitaly, francknord59, Franco290, Frapjack, FrBoxer, Fred49, FreeGrappler, frprowrestling, Funfighter1985, FunWrestler94, gambit7, GamerboyRyan, Gary53, GearGrappler, ghostblinks, Gladiador gym, Glasgow, Glasgow Jobber, GloveBoxer, glovesupboxer, GlovesUpGuy, Grappeler, grappler9, GrappleViking, GrapplingGuy93, Greed, grovel2u, guysinshorts, gymrat, hairy judoka, Handsom1, Hanjo, hardpunch, hashbock, headscissorme, hephaestion2014, Hggh145, HopeK, houjobb, Htxwrestler, Hunnog, hvywght blk bxr, I24142, ilovetowreslte, INDIGO CAGED, ItsJY, ItsMike, Ivan Sánchez, IzzyRIzzinty, JacksHarry04, Jake, jamielee, Japh1966, Jay Hotley, JayPuncher, JCM28601, Jcoolz2020, Jenkins, Jetfra21, jjjherrera24, Jmwrestle, jnet8m, jobber84, jobberman vs heels and hairy, JobberSeat23, joehaddad1, JoeStud, Johnny B Bad, Jon666uk, Jonnyboy02, Jordy125, jored, Joseccs39, Joshblueye, jove1235, jovenconganas, JSM94, JudokaB, Jupiter119, Just4Funs, Just Looking, Juznivetar, jwrestling85, Karategi01, KBlume, Keras02, Kevin, kimmetje, kixsman, -kj, Kjafa, koorwin, Kos Kon, KryppleTron, KryptonianFigher, ks56, kuma5236, KungFuPanda00, kuriensk, LanceFighter, Larbear, LAsFalstaff, Lasub, LDNTussle, leanmachine94, leanmachine BE, LeinsterWrestle, leon1234, leondex, Leoscissors63, letswrestleyvr, LeVentDelOuest, Levi McDaniel, leyati87, LGBigMan1, Lightwrestling, LincolnGrapple, Link, little Tony, liwrestler, Lobo09, lotta t, Lotus, Lovetobecrushed23, luallavi, LucaFightGutPunch, Luchadorpizarro, Lucho Palermo, Lugi, Lusobear, luttehuile, LV1GUY, lvntn, Magneto, maineagle93, mainewrestlingchub, Mainewrsl, ManyNames, Marios1991, Markoilwrestler, markweis, Marsan22, Matches, mateusjudo, Matinio, matsteve, matteurlutte, matthewriv82, Matt Larsen, Matwix, maw1667, Maxbert, MCGP27, mcic, mctfght, Mec-bagarreur, MedirFuerza, mekmall, Melbourne Catfighter, Merseywrestle, Metmat, mexicanboxingboy, MicahGP, michael86, Michael D, Micha R, MICKEY KNOXX, Midwestdude, MightyMo, Mikey-28, Milan fighter, milll36, Mister80, MisterNoGi, Mixedboxing1983, mixedukfighter, mixedwrestler, mixmail, MLinLA, MMABoxerMX, mmt005, Mocha, MoonKnightFighter, MorenoSunga, MrBrick2, MtyTopWrestler, MuscleGear18, Musclejobber, Musclejock06, Musclesamy, MusclesPassion, MusculaDos, mutualfights, Nachmad52, Narek Sargsyan, native chris, NChi01, neatpete, neva474, New2Jobber, NewbFighter, Newboxer34, Newfighter 85, NewUnderscore, NHB, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, NickScratch, NickZ, nightstranger, Nishal nishal, norcallifter, NordikGrappler, Northern Warrior, northstar, nwarassle, nwgamuscle, oahurookie, OceanWrestler, olderdesire, Oleh Shy, oneatatime, ordjbr, Orpheus, Othermt, Otter ko, otterslacks, painangel1213, Pandathug, PaulistaSPBR, Pehlivan07, Perfect Gentleman, Pete14, philip1, phillip171, philliwrestler, PHXGrappler, PIboxer98, piledriverprofantasy, Pinmeifyoucan, pinmi, PJHartx, PJMaybe, playfight63, plutonium, Pokefan, polyethylene33, Popsbrawler, poseidonwrestler, powerlifter, Powerpunch25x, pressurelover, ProDudeTX, ProWorkover, puncherello84, Rach61, ra ck vlc, ralfman, ralph, Ramswrestle, RavenMidnight, rebelwrest, redstarbear, Reilly, restars, Retiarius, Rex8rock, Rfg44, rhober, Rickp, Ricotewrestler, rijobber, ringking, rjbklyn, Rjohnp15, RKsubmit, Rob89, rochroll, rockon-, rohitmehera1509, romandiewrestler, RoninIT, RoninWrestler, Rosten, RufTumblr, ruinurabs, rumbletumbleUK, Ry462, Sam154, Sampson3000, ScisrSesh, ScissorMarvel, Scrap Lad, scrapper02, scrappingmatt, sebldn, serrengeti, Shadow Knight, ShadowMuscle, shauny, Shaurya Pratap Singh, Shawboxing78, Shen 02, Shoryuken78, Sicilywrest, sid, Skeletor, SkullBeef, sleeperfan94, SmallFry, Smallpackage65, SneakyTracer, SoccerAbs, son4coach, southernbear1983, Southspar01, Spandexmu, SpeedoHeel, Spoiler18, Square Mile Bloke, stevestoke, stone, stopbarking84, StudInTraining, Studius, subctboy, Sub Fighter, Submission89, SubmissionGrapple, subproth19, Survivor, Swemoro, t0awanna, T0Nii, tailslover0725, Takushitsu, Talldavidla, Taran, tayelagos, tback094, TBLHockeyGeek, teamsmorbo, TengokKanan, tenispt, Tera92, Terminator, TerryHK, Thebeastpaul, The Ed, TheFighterInMe, TheJaxsonRainz, Thespian wrestler, TheWillC, TinyMonkey, TiWolf, tofighter, Tommy111, tommyV, TomsonD, Tomtapp3, Tony C, topboxer, Toronto59, Toror, Torrnado, Trabuv31, Traguy, tramplinglover, Travoz, Tripp Evans, TripWire, Triumphman65, TTG87auro, tummy18, tupsi, TX bull, Tyman1314, uk submission jobber, ukwrestle101, ukwrestler, Ultimate Domination, Undertaker, Users name, VacuumGP, V AFighter, Varwrestler, viavoice fr, Victoris, ViennaFighter, Viktor98, vincent741, Vinni, VinnyDurango, visitmuc, Volkman80, wanikawaii, wa rassler, westsawake, wetspeedos, Wii, wildwooly, WreckIt, Wreslnewbie2, wrestle16, wrestle2sbp, WrestleBoyMX, wrestlefan12, Wrestlelad, wrestlemat2001, WrestleMeDude, wrestlenew, wrestlenut, WrestlerJay, wrestler noob, wrestlerplace, wrestlerpnw360, Wrestlertop, wrestlesub, wrestl lad, wrestlnfool, Wrin86, WRSTL1wpa, wrstlarturo, wrstlnow, Wtodell, X2000, Yonso21, YoungCousin, youngfighter89, youngjobber, you tell me 1, Yunjin, Yupper, Yusufu, Z boy, ZeakMartin, Zed Check, Zorbas49, zz9zza)
- I like both (115 votes: Accty99, Albertomm, Alen farmer, Alleykitten44, Alonzo, Anthon1, AZFighter2, Barechest1, Bear Bao, BeefyFan, belly punching, blacwing, bopper0831, Bratwrestler, brians1974515, BulldogJoynson, Butley, Califorman, ckn10721, cockynycboy, collegecyclist, cute guy, Damly, dansp, darkk, Daxdante, Dddeeeg, Diabolik85, diannej, doyouevenwrestle2, Dracarys771, Drew123, Earth, es20042, Extremevell4, f4ewithm, Federico ABS, Feroce DeLeon, fghtruff, fireman87, ForrestTaylorWrestling, Franc8112, Freenote, funkpro, Garyyy55, Gdbjs, giannilotta78, GJLabartheFighter, Gpfan1996, guerrero2s, GuyOtt, Guy West, heydude61, Hypnojocks, Jacques, JayJayNYC, Jshwrestle, Judobremen, justir, jwill404, KCBearKc, Kempur65, Kenyalang Terebai, KiritoKamui87, LCC2001, Legend666, lelestat85, LetsWrestle4Fun, LF2005, Matboy27, Meiiler, mentatzps, Mik79, Mirceal, MN COWBOY, mochablk, Morgan81, MuscleBully, Mushino, NHBFighter, Nik27, ninos, persianwrestler, PeterPeter, Pintug, RasslerMID, RC - GP, Reltser W, resparian, Rohit Patil, Samugatto, SanLee3001, Santitos, scottwrestler, Sgroc3, Shad, SimWre, sleeperuout2, Smalo, SpandexGrappler, spladleguy, Squeezetoy, supermansbane, TallBear, Target10, Tr1zzz, ultimatewrestler089, videostar07, Welshgoat, wesman, wolvejong, WrestleCubSide, wrestle guy, WrestlerUK, Wrestling2211)
- I like neither (295 votes: Adri1952, afwrestler, al69913201, AlanBaggins, AldiStl, alfredolima, Anakinsky, AndrewChiappini05, Angel, angel86, ANONIMO, Ant21, Araboy78, Armund1Box, AsianHeelLA, ausjock28, Australian Wrestler, Backbreaker07, Bageltron, BaldNorthGA, Basildon Bloke, BAWrestler, Beaker, BeatenPAProJobber, BelgiumWrestler, Berlin, BigBoy5, BigNY, bigt730, Bigteddy, billy8660, BJJ chile, bjj-new, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, Blue33, bluetiger, Boa94, bodycontact321, bovine91, bradboy, Brett58, BritLadSpain, brizmike77, bromance, buck214, Buffalo J, Burnley anything goes, calfatestic, CaliFight, CarlosRockyBoxer, CBusFighter, chas47707, ChaseAthlete, chicago42, Chicagochub1991, chigrapple, chitownbearchmp, Chokeslammer, chrispy, ChrisWrestling, chros8787, cielpourtous75, Coleman, ConshyMan, crossguy, Crumpy141, damon, Daniel Erwin, Davey716, diamondcutter, diogiemax, diumraid, DomSquashMatch, ELDIABLITO666, elpectoral, Ember, Emperor, Evillee, fightbull, fighter9, Fighter UK, fightinms, FightNow, fireblt97, fitbelfastlad, FL8892, FLGripper, flscw, FluxFlox, Forester, frogcub, fullnelson enthusiast, Fun time wrestling, Furrycub85, Fwre71, gamekeeper, Garage123, Gjpmadixtara, Gltexas, Gradient01, grovelad, gutpunchingvzla, Hairyheadscissors, Hardmatch, hdlock, Hercules01, herovsvillain, hlxyzha 2, Hotrod041900, humanpunchingbag22, Irishwrestler11, Ironbull, Ironcheftom, IsaacA, Italwrestler, Ivangp, JCextreme, JiminQueens2, Jiuliano-Jitsu, Jobberboyfromchi, Jock0024, Joe gutpunched, JoeMaster1, JohnSport, josmat, jpw, Jvallee8, keith230665, kjh1963, knightsub, KnotChaz512, Kureitondesu, LAbackBreaker, Lancs guy, Larson659, Ldsbrd2024, leagueofdraven2, Leanandmean, Leon98, Libdray, lighthouseguy, Links07, Lion97, litewt78, LIWrestler65, Lkn4awrestletoy, lottatoregentile, lourd, Ltsfght, lucasvix, luctator76, luta-sp, luttefrance, Luxxor, maeCR1, MANAN, manbarbs, Manccubuk, Mancunian, markymayor, mat5379, mattz4fun, Maximovillareal, maxiwrestler, MCRLON30UK, mectlse, MexicanGiant, Michael KL, michigan wrestler, Middlegaguy, Mike Gaine, Mr X 070, Ms Botas, MuscleBeast, musclefightsmuscle1, MuscleSportAZ, musclfl, Musclpa, Natwing, NCgrappler, NewbSumo, niwrestler, Nonofight, NorthernDon, nov, nu2rasln, Octaviuspower, Ohiomixedwrestler, oliver1985, OneLastFight, optflow, Other Guy, paradoxrunner, PecsAbsFan, Perfil Velho, perseusblue, Philosopher60, Pillow, Playhard, punchandroll, puncher, Punjabimunda, PuppySP, Putmeonthemat, quadi1, ramma, Rasselpa, RedFlex, redlandguy, retserof, Rex Thomas, Riviera Wrestle, Robherb, RocketMan, rowdybear, RudoPR, ruffbear, ruffcurious, Ruggdguy, Ryan-Savage, Sam, Samael, sandmgh, scissornpinmenow, scubafighter, serjjibucks, ShadowBoxer, ShaneHannagan, shuttlexp1, SkinnyBoy, slandon23, sleepermuscle, Slim79, southernguy, spladle2submission, spwrestler95, SqueezeNW, Srikar Charan, Stanbelly, Starting out, StephenM, stuttgart grappling, Subzero, Supaboi, surrey71, Tadeo, thalassamare, The Titan, The Villainous Prince Glycerine, thirtyrookie, Tiger, TigerWizard, tigrotto, tj666, Tnman173, TOBearhugFan80, TOCostaud, Toddey, TOROSO, Toughdude65, UKAUS Wrestler, UP For It, Vadude, Vintage shiny shorts, vostok scissors, WannaWrestleSC, WeeJimmie, Wiccan76, Wildman, Wlaendure, WontTap, wrestle4pins, WrestleAddict, wrestledude, wrestler2000, wrestler86, wrestlerboy01, Wrestlerfun, WrestlerGoias, WrestlerJames, wrestleruk1, wrestlestan, wrestlethecoach, Wrestleyou2, wrestling111101, Wrestling Ace, Wrestlingadmirer, wrestling coach, wrestling game, wrestlinstudd, WRSLMSK, wywrestle, Xanti Bilbao, XO LWF, youngwannd)
- Other (please comment) (28 votes: arabicwrestler, arthurstuwart, Brmunc, Charmaine84, CoachSal, diesel, Fefoasdf, fighter961, FlDean2012, gioroma80, gpau1900, Guysmiley, jimbear 51, KnottedMangler, KręcenieWora, Loxerdude, LuchadorFLA, ManManc, Mask Master wresting, mohdhelmi, Pete72, pshawfocus, Santu, Stoker, StrikeFighter, TKOtonyNYC, USwrestlerTokyo, wrestlerwatcher)
Here's a short teaser to help you get the feel for the site:

Thanks for being an active member of our community.
Stay strong,
Chokeslammer (0)
1/13/2024 11:25 PMNice website 👍
doyouevenwrestle2 (53)
1/13/2024 11:35 PMI think the 3rd site is a great idea so people that want sex can talk there and meet fighters can be about that, meeting fighters.
Wildman (0)
1/14/2024 1:40 AM(In reply to this)
You are right about that. I've had a wrestling match set up and we met, the guy said that he would only wrestle if we had sex. So, I left and told him to fuck off.
Lion97 (0)
1/17/2024 9:43 AM(In reply to this)
Yes its very common here
gioroma80 (212 )
1/13/2024 11:46 PMWhat about Lustify? :)
1/14/2024 12:21 AM(In reply to this)
it is short and has a nice ring to it!
Putmeonthemat (0)
1/14/2024 4:17 PM(In reply to this)
How about Men4Men ?
ChrisWrestling (59 )
1/15/2024 11:29 AM(In reply to this)
too general for a kink site, don't you think?
Putmeonthemat (0)
1/15/2024 10:27 PM(In reply to this)
Actually it’s used by a website I think already anyway , so I take it back. Then thought Lust4Men
WeeJimmie (38)
1/13/2024 11:58 PMThe location device on the app is too specific for comfort, and seems to feed back to the map on the main site.
1/14/2024 12:26 AM(In reply to this)
Our app randomizes your location to maintain privacy, and most devices allow you to control precise location sharing for added security.
The app connects with the main site to enable the discovery of other user profiles and to showcase your profile efficiently.
WW (17)
1/14/2024 12:06 AMWe should be able to view all public photos, why should we pay to see photos
1/14/2024 12:18 AM(In reply to this)
Regarding the payment concerns, I'd like to clarify that our app is completely free, including the regular updates. Additionally, any explicit or adult content is not available due to Apple App Store's guidelines for iOS applications. While there is a potential workaround, it would require additional effort and development.
Just Dan (8)
1/15/2024 3:01 PM(In reply to this)
I left the other somewhat popular wrestling website because it drifted into becoming more of a porn site than a place to meet and exchange interests with other wrestlers. Please keep your site free of porn.
Superapolo (9)
1/14/2024 12:12 AMI think the app should have at least the same info you have in the web page
It has to be friendly too
1/14/2024 12:19 AM(In reply to this)
Yes, we agree, and that is also what is stated on our app page and the App Store and Play Store page.
The question and voting are about prioritizing. What is currently the most important for our community?
EagleScout18 (5)
1/17/2024 8:49 AM(In reply to this)
I think that’s what they are working on that’s why there a pill for it
Shadow Knight (76 )
1/14/2024 12:49 AMI’d love to see meetups within the app, to keep up to date with who’s going where in events
1/14/2024 12:52 AM(In reply to this)
Meetups will come for our app testers in the next few days. And once it is done, it will go to production. Probably 1-2 weeks.
ManManc (2)
1/14/2024 12:51 AMI have no interest in an "app". I use the web site adequately both on a PC and on my phone.
The site is already very good technically, except that there is very poor filtering by location. I have limited interest in people in other countries or 200 miles away in this one, yet have to plough through numerous of their records in any search. There is a simple formula for great circle distance between two places, given their latitude and longitude, so filtering by distance can be offloaded entirely to the database server. Better filtering by distance would be far more useful than an "app".
1/14/2024 12:54 AM(In reply to this)
Yes, we are using it. And you can filter and sort by distance on the website. The app also uses the server's DB to get these results.
The only difference is that the app delivers a more accurate location than the browser.
ManManc (2)
1/14/2024 9:29 PM(In reply to this)
Where can I sort by distance? If I search (for example) for "New members in your region", I see various sort options, none of which is "distance". I see (among others) "order by location", which gives me first towns like Aberdeen, then Abergavenny and so on. I'm not clear who would ever use that. Under "Search", I can *filter* for members within a certain distance of a specified place, but I don't see how to *sort* by distance, so that I see closer members first. That screen has the same options as "New members in your region" (no option for distance). Surely sorting by distance should be an option for all searches.
PecsAbsFan (34)
1/14/2024 1:22 AMFor enhancements, my 3rd choice is to focus on integrating the What's New features from the web site so I can see new members, etc.
As for the new site name, all the related sites are xxxFighters (e.g. MeetFighters, WatchFighters, etc.) I would recommend keeping with this theme and suggest something like MeetFightersKink, MeetFightersPlus, MeetFightersXtra, etc.
Brmunc (7 )
1/14/2024 1:35 AMI don't think the 4th site would be a great idea. I'd rather go in the other direction and bring all websites to meetfighters. Why creating more websites if you can just improve meetfighters? MF has already Videos, chats and Kink content. It can just be better organized and filtered by people who just want fights or just fight kinks. With one more site, each user would need to manage 4 profiles (one per Site) and access 4 websites to check all updates.
perseusblue (33)
1/20/2024 8:54 AM(In reply to this)
I agree with this
arthurstuwart (0)
1/14/2024 1:48 AMMeetfighters are original and legacy but changing names like that 💀💀
DenverWrestler (886)
1/14/2024 2:06 AMI agree with ManManc that the website is more than excellent for those of us who are just looking to wrestle, and I probably wouldn't ever use an app. And if a 2nd website is planned for sex hookups, I hope that it doesn't detract from usage of Meetfighters by those who actually wrestle.
ChrisWrestling (59 )
1/14/2024 10:41 PM(In reply to this)
I feel like having a second site that feels more like home for those who are really just looking for kinky hookups leading to them leaving this site might actually be a good thing for those of us looking to actually roll because that might mean this site becomes more rolling focused, right?
AtléticBogota (26 )
1/14/2024 2:06 AMExcelentes ideas para diversificar los productos y servicios para las personas felicitaciones por evolucionar saludos desde Colombia 🇨🇴
Guysmiley (41 )
1/14/2024 2:56 AMKinkmeetlust
maineagle93 (160 )
1/14/2024 3:18 AMThanks for all the work you do Admin!
NewUnderscore (11)
1/14/2024 7:29 AMAs a feature for the app, it would be nice to have other notifications pop up, not just when a message is received. Favourites logging in, profile changes, new followers: everything that comes up under the notifications button really!
And thank you! The app was long awaited and it looks great!
Tim22793 (0)
1/14/2024 9:15 AMIt would be good to improve search engine by adding search by user name, search by city/country/city, and history chat record access.
1/14/2024 12:07 PM(In reply to this)
It would be good to improve the search engine by adding search by user name, search by city/country/city,
You can do this in the App (and the website).
luttefrance (36)
1/14/2024 9:29 AMMeetfighters does what it says and better than anywhere else. There are plenty of other wider kink and hookup apps, none of them as good as MF because they're trying to do too much.
surrey71 (21 )
1/14/2024 10:56 AMI’ve always been somewhat dismayed by those using MF for just sexual hookups or to be keyboard masturbators - it makes my enjoyment of this site so low that I’m considering leaving it altogether.
So having a separate site for those that are purely interested in kinks and sex is excellent - let’s keep this site purely for those that wrestle and want to!
I’m likely to be flogged for saying it, but I no longer care as I feel so strongly about this point and I know I’m not alone.
arthurstuwart (0)
1/14/2024 11:13 AM(In reply to this)
I’m super agree with this count me in! we really need to consider those who just wants to wrestle and differentiate between those who wants to have s*x and it needed to have a legit safe agreement from the website to know every member or community concerns regarding everything about the meeting and matches
StrikeFighter (82 )
1/14/2024 11:17 AM(In reply to this)
Totally agree
TOBearhugFan80 (0)
1/14/2024 12:03 PM(In reply to this)
I don’t understand the mentality of “people are looking for something that I’m not looking for, and that’s not fair to me!”
1/14/2024 12:42 PM(In reply to this)
TL;DR: We are not against sex, but that is never the priority of MF.
I think it's not about 'fairness' but rather about frustration. Sure, you can ignore it and move on to the next profile, but if you have to skip every second profile because they're only interested in sex (which you find out after three days of chatting), it can get frustrating. If you join a dedicated website, called "MeetFighters" and most only want sex you are less engaged in, and probably you forget about the site soon.
We faced a similar problem with cyber fighters who were here only for chatting and fantasy, but not in real life. I think this number drastically dropped when we started promoting ChatFighters to them (previously, we could only block them, but these guys would, of course, come back). Creating a dedicated platform for them tackled the problem in the most efficient way.
We applied the same approach to WatchFighters. Instead of fighting with production companies and punishing users for buying from them on our website, we created their own site dedicated to selling and buying videos.
We don't block or take any actions against users who join MF solely for hookups, as it would be impossible to prove with certainty within a reasonable workload. Also, our Terms of Service don’t force people to fight only. However, with the experience we gained from ChatFighters and WatchFighters, we strongly believe that providing a better alternative is the most substantial way forward.
As many pointed out, MeetFighters tries to stay true to its core. We work hard to avoid being diluted with fake profiles, people interested only in commercial activities, or fantasy chatters. MF has a slow but steady growth. Our numbers would be much higher if we didn’t actively manage this. We also ensure that only active members are presented in search results, and inactive accounts are automatically deleted.
I'm also aware that there are already websites and apps out there for sex and hookups, yet we see an increase in users joining MF primarily for that reason. We have a few theories why they prefer MF, most likely in addition to other well-known platforms. So, with the new site, we aim to apply what we've learned from over 15 years of running MF to a new sex-oriented website.
To be clear, even after the launch of the new site, we will not ban or remove any profiles from MF for engaging in sex. Sex has always been allowed on MF, but we expect that by providing a dedicated platform specialized in these kinds of encounters, there will be no need anymore to sign up for MF, and the account would be removed automatically by the system.
surrey71 (21 )
1/14/2024 12:47 PM(In reply to this)
Unfortunately the “vice” video did no favours to MF, especially seeing as it was named on the video as were at least two members that took part in it. Blinkered people see wrestling as some kind of kink, which is why every time the site gets named as a fetish site there’s a huge surge in members.
Sad really.
1/14/2024 1:12 PM(In reply to this)
I agree, the vice video was never done in cooperation with MF nor did we approve of it.
It was done by individuals in our community.
EDIT: But this was a very long time ago.
surrey71 (21 )
1/14/2024 1:13 PM(In reply to this)
And the damage it caused!
StrikeFighter (82 )
1/14/2024 11:13 AMI like "Lustify", as suggested by Gioroma80, and if I had to choose between "MeetKink" and "Lustfinity" I waaaaaaaay prefer "MeetKink" to "Lustfinity".
doyouevenwrestle2 (53)
1/14/2024 2:00 PMI've been enjoying the app although the website works great on the phone - which is where I mostly use it; but I enjoy receiving the message notifications.
I respect that people have different preferences and I decide how to answer the approach for more than wrestling but it's a great idea to separate the wrestling from the sex
Wiccan76 (7 )
1/14/2024 4:02 PMI called this website "MeetF-ckers" in a funny way because of a lot of people who wants a lot of sex. I almost predicted that ! Is it a premonitory oopsie ? hahaha
Let's be serious, I am worried about mixing more and more things in MeetFighters. I hope that will be strictly separated like water and olive oil !
So, no name changes, please !
1/14/2024 5:15 PM(In reply to this)
It is not about renaming
It is about creating a new website. To separate - like water and oil. Quite the opposite of mixing more things into MF.
Beaker (11)
5/07/2024 10:01 PM(In reply to this)
So you are saying that THIS site - MeetFighters WILL remain no matter what?
5/07/2024 10:15 PM(In reply to this)
MeetFighters will remain as it is; this was never a question. And it will keep receiving updates.
The 4th website will also be created in addition, just like we created ChatFighters, WatchFighters, and soon MeetKink. - Focus on fictional characters and chat/cyber interactions (which took some load of fake/cyber accounts from MeetFighters) - Focus as a video platform to allow selling and buying videos (which took some load from production companies and view only accounts from MeetFighters)
(Soon) MeetKink - Focus on Sex, BDSM, and Kinks, (which might take some load of sex-only accounts from MeetFighters)
And to be clear, nobody needs to leave MeetFighters or has to join MeetKink - it will be an option we provide. But as a dedicated platform created from the ground up centered around this topic, it hopefully attacks members on its own.
By giving each a dedicated platform, MeetFighters can focus more on Real Fighters who want to meet for a match.
With ChatFighters (the first spinoff), we noticed that instead of fighting and banning certain user groups, it is more fun and efficient in the log term to dedicate a platform for them, with its own tools and features to support this kind of activities.
FlDean2012 (119 )
1/14/2024 6:07 PMThe Name Meetfighters is what its all about so I would keep the name. Dean
WrestleGrunt02 (2)
1/14/2024 7:36 PMI suggest KinkyFighters or SexFighters for the name. Trying to compete with the established not-fighting-focused kink communities who have hundreds of thousands of users will be an uphill battle, and if the new site is not focused on the fighting kink then it will not attract the users who specifically choose MeetFighters because of its fighting focus. Otherwise they will just go to the more established not-fighting-focused sites. The site which is currently called Lustfinity should be focused on fighting instead of generalized on all of the kinks. There are other kinks that fit in with fighting that can be in the site as well, but it will not work for the community you intend to build if it is not fight focused.
NewUnderscore (11)
1/14/2024 9:39 PMHow do I deactivate the notifications from this post? Getting one for every comment! 😅
doyouevenwrestle2 (53)
1/15/2024 12:56 PM(In reply to this)
click unsubscribe under the photo
Mortadelo (11 )
1/15/2024 9:25 AMFor you Meet fighters app. You urgently need to solve access to links in your own new stuff posts. All novel things are shown but cannot be accessed unless we use the website.
Mortadelo (11 )
1/15/2024 9:26 AMYou need to solve access to links on your posts about new stuff. We can see new stuff using the app but there are no links. To access the information with links we still need to use the website.
Tiger (44)
1/15/2024 4:45 PMhi-perhaps consider calling the new site something like PleasureTime?
gures (54 )
1/15/2024 4:54 PMI think offering to be able to post many more photos on one's page. An added benefit for paying members should be offered.
Don't like seeing women on meetfighters. Should have a separate website for women.
bailey (12)
1/15/2024 5:06 PMI like the site and I log in regularly, though I'm not meeting so often these days. I like to use the Photo Peer Review function, just to see what sort of people are joining up and hopefully to make a small contribution to the involvement of users that you seem to welcome. However...
It really, really, really, hacks me off that you continue (admittedly less than you used to, but still irritatingly) to send me on a refresher course every now and then if I come up with a judgment that differs from the final one other users seem to have settled on. You should simply accept that people will have differing views (otherwise what would be the point of asking their opinion?) and stop patronising users by asking us to 'get it right' before we can participate again.
Rant over, please keep up the good work, but stop patronising!
Putmeonthemat (0)
1/15/2024 10:18 PMHow about :
Putmeonthemat (0)
1/15/2024 11:07 PMiSubmit
That’s another name idea !
CoachSal (13 )
1/16/2024 4:20 AMFightSM
Three options that would involve fighting and sex. I for one find the fight the sex, but I have had victims, er, jobbers ask for milking, piss and fucking as part of the jobber humiliation. I prefer to keep a site without sex but I see it creeping in more.
CoachSal (13 )
1/16/2024 4:20 AM(In reply to this)
Should have said FightSex..... Or FightrSex.... Auto correct changed it
razkal (22 )
1/16/2024 12:43 PMIs it me or is the search functionality on country / region / city level a bit clunky? It can be a bit more intuitive to browse quickly through the list of search results
Mancunian (19 )
1/16/2024 12:54 PMThis might be me, but is the new site aimed at Hetrosexual people as there appears to be men lusting over a woman on the main pic if so is this going to be like ? Juat wondering what the target audience is👍
litewt78 (101)
1/16/2024 2:47 PMWebsite name –
Maybe something creative like meetkxxx
If the primary goal is explicitly sexual meetups, that is..
I hope this doesn't result in excluding all sexual implied content from meetfighters.
1/16/2024 6:33 PM(In reply to this)
It will not, please read the last paragraph in my previous post:
litewt78 (101)
1/16/2024 8:33 PM(In reply to this)
How is the system identifying such accounts for automatic removal?
1/16/2024 6:32 PMSome comments in this thread seem to misunderstand our direction. We're not renaming – that's not happening.
The discussion about a new name is actually for our upcoming website, which aims to cater to a broader audience. While remains your go-to place for wrestling, this new site will branch out into different areas, offering a new space for our community. For more details, READ the news post and follow the link.
wa rassler (5)
1/16/2024 10:50 PMI think Meetfighters needs profile options for alcohol and tobacco use. I don’t want to seem like a lush or anything but it would be nice to know if another person likes to drink.
As for smoking, the smell is pretty strong…I’ve met people who neglected to mention they smoke until meeting them.
The Villainous Prince Glycerine (21)
1/17/2024 12:01 PMIf you Neighborhoods as your way of definingeach section, just call it KinkCity and be done 🤷♂️
tigrotto (0)
1/17/2024 6:09 PMVorrei uscire da questo sondaggio!
tigrotto (0)
1/17/2024 6:10 PMPer favore eliminatemi
kuriensk (7 )
1/17/2024 6:47 PMWould be good to have an option to prevent messages from profiles with no face pics, unless the message has face pics attached ;)
antoniovnyc (3)
1/18/2024 9:44 AMYou should add a feature where you can message more than one person in the same message thread to schedule groups and stuff.
tigrotto (0)
1/18/2024 4:02 PMNessun commento
Accettò tutto!
Mike Gaine (72)
1/18/2024 5:42 PMI’d like to rate users based upon likely to wrestle, just for chat, other. These categories I would see immediately upon clicking on their profile instead of having to read my notes.
I’d like fields for private phone numbers or emails (if provided to me by the account holder)—instead of looking at my notes.
pshawfocus (105 )
1/19/2024 7:24 AMRe the new site name and features for the app, my biggest beef with the current MF set up is simply the inability to exclude people from my feed or search who don’t ‘meet’. So many profiles have 0 meets (or last met someone 5+ years ago) despite living in big conurbations for many years. If these people aren’t interested in meeting, please allow me to exclude them from my views of the site.
1/19/2024 4:54 PMOk. Good app
Beaker (11)
1/19/2024 11:53 PM"If it ain't broke - Don't fix it." TOO often site operators change things just for the sake of changing, when there is NO NEED to do so.
tigrotto (0)
1/20/2024 12:05 PMNessun commento!
Bareknucklefighter (2)
1/24/2024 6:15
A site for real fighters; not wrestlers. Wrestling is not fighting!!
King Alpha (0)
4/13/2024 6:55 PMI absolutely love your Meetfighters app and I’m enjoying it. No problems so far, my only thing I’m curious about is would you add in a chat room into the app in the near future or not sure yet?
Beaker (11)
4/16/2024 12:55 AMWHY the need for CHANGE at all? Why not LEAVE THINGS AS THEY ARE? Change is NOT ALWAYS better.
bigred (2 )
5/07/2024 12:33 PMI have to agree that I don’t see a (technical) point for the app. I been using the webapp for years now, and besides the UX nightmare that I gladly endure on MF for the community, it works well.
The App seems to be a webview anyway, why not take some of those elements back to the website and improve everyone’s experience on MF
5/07/2024 6:32 PM(In reply to this)
That’s what we do.
But in small stages. To not push too many changes at once.
The recent example is the new chat
Which is used in the app and can be used in the web.
Regarding why the app:
Well it is kind of expected.
And technically browser based notifications- which we offer - are just much more clunky than the app ecosystem of notifications offered by iOS/Android.
Notifications about messages were one of the main driver for the app.
bigred (2 )
5/07/2024 9:03 PM(In reply to this)
Awesome! The new chat beta is so much better, just installed it as a PWA and it’s doing its thing. Happy to know this is the path for all non-app users!