
104706 recommendations

Adam J is recommended by Craig s (2/22/2025)

After a brief discussion with adam we decided to have a quick meet his communication was excellent he was a fabulous host he has tremendous upper body strength and it was not to long before he had me pinned we exchanged few holds and wrestling moves a very nice guy to meet safe and sane will recommend and look forward yo the next meet .


lutteur19 is recommended by osmino (2/22/2025)

Super rencontre avec lutteur19, 1.86m tout en muscles. Il a beaucoup d'expérience en lutte et ça m'a permis d'apprendre d'autres prises. Avec une sciatique au bras gauche, j ai apprécié qu'il fasse attention. Il a tout de même eu le dessus mais j ai pu résister. je pense que c est grâce au sport que je pratique assidûment. Lutteur19 est très sympa...on doit se revoir.


nikeWr3stlr is recommended by dc quercus (2/22/2025)

NikeWr3stlr brings the fight with impressive speed and strength. I may lost pretty badly, but we had a good time nonetheless. He's a great host, great guy, and has a perfect mat setup.


Golden Retreiver is recommended by NordikGrappler (2/22/2025)

When this sexy stud messaged me to tell me he wanted to drive all the way to Saguenay to come and meet me, i was like "Are you sure, it's so far from your destination". He was all into it, and HE MADE IT! 12 hours drive for the sole purpose of wrestling me, and damn it was a blast.

I feel so privileged he chose to come to me. He super handsome, he's super fun and easy to talk with (we had to force us to get in gear and wrestle because we would have spent the night talking). In the action he's strong, skilled, experienced literally adapts to any kind of level of fighting you want to get into.

I loved every part of that meeting, and Im looking forward to our next encounter, because I know we'll face each other again one day.


Wrestlepinbjj is recommended by G8ratlarge (2/22/2025)

Henrique was a blast to wrestle. Hot as fuk and smaller than me so I thought I’d make short work of him but he’s trained and know how to maneuver his body and escape. He’s also quite strong. Really fun, hot match. Hope we can roll again sometime. Friendly but don’t let the baby face fool ya! 😂


kyo1989 is recommended by Kenny Blaze (2/22/2025)

After readings kyo's profile I knew he was a great communicator and it was gonna be a breeze getting together, cutting to.the chase and making our meeting happen....Standing face to face with Kyo I knew I was by far the bigger guy but he surprised in the best way...His bearhug and Leg scissors are strong and even though he can be overpowered, I love that he is always gonna try to comeback and do his best to take control of the match one way or another....Kyo was respectful from the moment we met...and can't wait to see how Round 2 will look like in the future 💪🏻🔥


ball92110 is recommended by thatwasfun99 (2/22/2025)

Had a great time with ball92110, a fit and handsome masochist who is well-equipped for all sorts of fun. Highly recommend.


Aznar is recommended by Wrstlsport (2/22/2025)

Ne pas se fier aux photos. Aznar est tout en muscles et en nerfs et ne lâche rien. Même si vous essayez de le prendre au dépourvu, il va retourner la situation. Il a un excellent cardio. C’est un vrai combattant et un garçon fiable, super intéressant et agréable. C’était notre deuxième session. Vivement la troisième.


calwrestler is recommended by MikeNYC (2/22/2025)

I'm really glad I met CalWrestler. He was great scheduling and following up. He's right, his head scissors came out of nowhere, and I was trapped. He's really fun, really friendly, and an interesting guy to talk to when you're wrestling. I feel privileged to be among meets.


Mask-MI is recommended by Mich123 (2/22/2025)

Had a good time rasslin' with him, definitely a good recommendation!

Met up again with "Mask" on 2/22/25 had a great time with, I think he even enjoyed my "Big Bubba Body Splashes"! Great guy to meet up with!

Had a great time meeting up again with "Mask". Easy to get along with, great guy, I think he even enjoyed my "Big Bubba Body Splashes"!
104706 recommendations