racingwrestler's blog

Racing Wrestler vs Jock Colorado

I often check new wrestlers in my area and several months ago, Coloradoboy showed ups as a transplant to Penn State. I sent him a message, stating if he was into older guys I’d be interested in hosting a match. He asked that I give him time to get settled in, but to be honest not many 23 year olds are interested in 60+ year olds. So I wasn’t optimistic I’d hear back. Low and behold he sends me two dates he was available to travel and both worked for me, but the second one was chosen. The several weeks of ongoing banter with Coloradoboy, would rival any WWE story line. Not often does a 23 year old want to wrestle this 61 year old. He is quite the character with a very WILD imagination. We must have exchanged over 350 messages. I professed to be the “Champ” and he said he was the “ALPHA JOCK” that would turn the EX CHAMP into a “Chump” and that I was a washed up old grandpa. Who he would humiliate, after racking me over his shoulders, while doing squats and become CHAMP himself. We agreed to some rather humiliating stakes the loser would have to go through.(So I knew damn well I didn’t want to lose). The stakes were put on paper which we each signed our names too and were to check off when completed.

There was to be three sessions, first a POWER contest on the mats, which consisted of either escaping or tapping to various non-contested to be put in holds.
Full Nelson power out or tap on mats
Front over arms bear hug power out or tap
Rear over arms bear hug power out or tap
Longest pec bounce with most movement
Double Pec claw, longest time sustained in hold or until tap
Body Scissor over chest on mats , power out or tap
One arm Head lock on mats against chest power out or tap
Cradle hold power out or tap on mat
Push-ups on mats, most in one set without stopping on mats
Left arm wrestle to pin on table
Right arm wrestle to pin on table

The two other sessions were to be “HELL IN A CELL”, (my bedroom) Session two won by the first to get 10 clean submissions, then session three was to be the first to get 20 NHB submissions. I warned him upfront to “expect it when he least expected it” and I was the dirtiest player in the game WHOOOOOOO!

I was feeling bad on the Monday prior to the match and suggest we find a later date. He upped his SHIT TALK and said I was afraid of him. I then let him know, boy it’s on no matter what now! Not sure if it was what I drank, celebrating my 61st birthday on Friday my cold/cough or the excitement of the upcoming match, but I slept but an hour Friday night. Alarm went off at five and I got up, made breakfast, wearily went to the gym. Got groceries and then got ready to go to a car service appointment. Meanwhile I noticed that my opponent who had changed his name to COCKJOCKCOLARADO, because he liked that I called him “COCKY JOCK”. Meetfighter’s profile was suspended. WTF!!!!!! All this banter and now the little shit is just going to disappear! I was both bummed and pissed! I had given him my house address and cell number but I had no other means to contact him. While at my car appointment, I got a text from an unknown number asking if this was Hal from MF and I said yes, he said it was Jamie(Cocky Jock) and told me his profile was temporary suspended because he had the word cock in it. I asked if we were on for Sunday and he said 100% Whew!!!!!! He now is reinstated and is Jockcolarado.

Along with my car service appointment I had other errands to run on Saturday and was hoping to get a nap in before attending a 100 lap dirt track racing in the evening. I laid down, but again didn’t sleep and was feeling like a zombie! Took a shower and left for to the 100 lapper around 4:00. The race ran late and it was 1:00AM until I got home. Again I could not sleep at all. I thought my cold was getting better, but Sunday it seemed worse and my head was throbbing! I dug out the Tylenol! I figured at 100% I was going to have my hands full with Jamie if he could back up his shit talk at all and I was nowhere near 100% now with basically no sleep for two days. I got up at 7:00 made breakfast, made a quick visit to the gym and got more cold meds at CVS before heading to church. I was hoping a little JESUS FIX would do me good.  At the very least calm my nerves and get my thoughts on something else other than getting my ass kicked! Jamie texted me on my way to church in Waynesboro that he was leaving State College and would need to change into his gear when he got there. I wasn’t sure how far his travel was but thought he may get there before I got back home from church.

He did arrive about 20 minutes early and I could tell by his weak grip when we shook hands. I got this boy if don’t die of exhaustion first! He asked where he could change and I said my bedroom, which I led him too. I asked him to get on the sales and he weighed in at 205, so at 5’ 5” he was quite beefy! I waited in the addition. He came out wearing sunglasses tank top and speedos, with his full COCK JOCK attitude, and got in my face talking his shit! Which I quickly remedied with an array of open hand bitch slaps to his chest. We settle down and we did the power contest. Which I had felt I had him set him up to fail on. He did gain a few escape points and I tapped one time too. The boy was strong and had well defined arms and legs After the nonstop holds, I was already feeling pretty much spent, and the push up contest and arm wrestling remained. Yeah remember boy (expect it when you least expect it). I had a plan, and did my push-ups first and only did 35, why bother. It was his turn and I left him get to 34 when I slammed down on top of him and put in him a face lock and back breaker. He loved it and I gave him the point for winning the push-ups anyway, only fair right? The arm wrestling at the dining room table was a stale-mate and I just gave in as I had way may points than him already. Even so, the Power Contest score was 13 to 6 in my favor.  He asked to just go right to NHB and forgo the clean subs. Fine with me, don’t F with the dirtiest player in the game boy! I even left him start out on top of me laying prone on the bed, The NHB part ended up being TWENTY to zip my favor after about two hours of all-out war.  I didn’t make him do all the stakes, but I did give him a hell of a bare ass paddling using a kitchen tool with holes in it until his ass was bright red. Hey it was a stake he asked for! (learn to respect your elders son!) I hope Jamie had a blast, I know I did, but I would have enjoyed it even more if I wasn’t sick and was well rested. We hung out in the addition after that and watch football. My chest and arms are sore as hell today and I know he has to be also as I was freaking merciless beating on him.

No doubt someday I will become a washed up old grandpa. That is humiliated by a young Alpha jock, yesterday wasn’t the day! Perhaps he should change his name again to Jobber Colorado! Wish I had taken more pictures.

Who's NEXT??????

Last edited on 9/18/2017 6:38 PM by racingwrestler



Peter69 (20)

9/18/2017 11:35 PM

There is nothing better than serving up a beating for some young punk.
Great story


kimmetje (150 )

9/19/2017 12:22 AM

(In reply to this)

Congrats on your victory and thanks for the detailed debrief ;)


Jerseygrappler (21 )

9/19/2017 1:23 PM

Great recap! Can't wait to hear about your next match w him!


racingwrestler (30 )

9/19/2017 6:06 PM

The young Stallion has up to 30 days to return again to try to redeem himself. He may be more aware if he does, how devious the CHAMP can be. Then again if the CHAMP is 100% healthy, will it matter?


Peter69 (20)

9/19/2017 6:08 PM

(In reply to this)

If he is wise he may stay away but he is bound to want to take you down some times soon. Just waiting a year or may be two when you may not fancy taking him on.


racingwrestler (30 )

12/04/2017 6:44 PM

So Jock Colorado contacted me this week and says he now a "BIGGER BADDER ALPHA JOCK" and rematch the end of March, greatly looking forward to kicking his brawny ass again!


kimmetje (150 )

12/05/2017 10:06 PM

(In reply to this)

Exciting, look forward to the debrief!!


Newbie217 (26)

2/11/2021 8:49 PM

I call dibs on being next to fight you old man!!


racingwrestler (30 )

2/12/2021 2:15 AM

(In reply to this)

You’re on boy
