Hello Fighters,

We are opening up a new page, "Meetup". This page will merge what were previously the "Match Request" and "Events" pages. I think our Events page was underrepresented and hard to find. After the virus outbreak, the new Meetup page will receive a few more features to help you Meet Fighters.

Starting today, you can submit events for online meetings such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype... Like real events, they will have a start date, and members need to join the event to be able to receive the link. The link provided from the event organizer will then be shared with event participants 24 hours before the event starts.

During the covid19 outbreak "Match request" and "real world events" stay disabled as mentioned in our previous News post.

Speaking of online events, if you can't wait until the end of the pandemic to satisfy your wrestling needs, checkout our brother site, ChatFighters.com!

Stay active and stay healthy,
The MeetFighters Team

Last edited on 4/11/2020 8:02 PM by Admin



jasontenx (0)

4/11/2020 8:50 PM

Do I need a different name and password to access the chatfighters.com site?



4/11/2020 8:59 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes, this site has its own user database and allows you to operate multiple characters with one account.


hairychestcowboy (7 )

4/13/2020 6:40 PM

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You need to create a character but the name can be the same as on here. I have both but different names on each.


DM Mask (3)

4/11/2020 8:53 PM

This is a good idea. At this point, this may be the "new normal" in this site until the pandemic is over.


youngjobber (21)

4/12/2020 2:33 AM

Good idea. Can't wait to see this in action when the virus restrictions lift!


bayridgefighter (3 )

4/12/2020 3:52 AM

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Yep we're all waiting for that day the face each other on the mats in the ring or in the arena.. until that day comes we'll put it in an old Steve Reeves movie.. where we can see the greedy the selfish and ambitious oppressors of the people have polluted people's hearts but not yet completely destroy the world.. as long as they are righteous people trying to set things right Hercules and Spartacus and all those people we've learned from. But we need those people now just too many in justices in the world. And probably causing epidemics for thousands starting with trade ships bring it in Delicacies and products all throughout the world not knowing the diseases they can carry on their ships.. as we can read in our histories books .. All this brought the world too close together.. for good and for bad without realizing it or caring about any ramification as long as the dollar is made somewhere populations are increasing too fast best hundred years I think it grew three fold. It's too much frustration now we're starting to think about it.. I hope we have a new thinking after this is over how we should conduct Our Lives with one another I'm not destroy the Earth while doing it. Let's hope we will learn this sooner than later..we may have to retool our brains and hearts to what life is a'll about. Now we have plenty of time to think about it now.. stay well and be imaginative


AgentPoseidon (34)

4/12/2020 8:33 PM

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I applaud the humanitarian and sociological exploration in your writing above. As far as "solutions" to a large degree our government's empire mindset and corporations and our President's corrupt greedy crapitalist mindset, in addition to all 60 Repugnican and to a smaller degree several of the Democrat people in the Senate who could hold him accountable but choose not to would all have to change their minds and do their jobs. Until then these factors will largely prevent any meaningful change with the improvements you suggested above, although by all means we should individually minimize our footprints, not litter and be activists towards the positive ends. The current political alignment means tragic results for the planet, and for the people. It will take decades to undo it. Yup, we have a lot of work to do, the work is hard and the results uncertain. I hope collectively we are up to the challenge. Now. Let's talk about wrestling :).


Blazer (28 )

4/13/2020 5:33 AM

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I agree totally with your comments posted here. We have a lot of work to do, and it will take time, lots of time, but we must go in the right direction for the good of humanity in America. Coming up now, most recent, is to VOTE in November. VOTE our President out of office, out of the White House, and along with that all his men/cronies will go out with him. Back in 2016, Trump wanted to drain the swamp. Well there was no swamp until he arrived. Now it is our turn to drain the swamp. By doing that we vote him OUT in November. Very simple, very ease. One thing I am fearful of, is that he will pull something to not have the election and stay in office, become that DICK-TA-TOR he longs to be. That scares me.
So, first order of business this year aside from this virus, is your vote can count, vote him OUT OUT OUT, the rest of his MEN will go with him. :) Then we can have a happy Holiday season and New Year 2021. Sit back and imagine what another 4 years will be like with Trump in office, knowing it is his last term anyway. The USA will be destroyed, citizens will be destroyed. He will walk away happy with all his $$$$$$$ in-tacked. The writing is on the wall, we know what we have to do. Just do it – VOTE!
I normally do not like to post political comments like this. This site (MF) is for fun, wrestlers and fighters looking for the same, not political talk. I am sorry if I offend anyone but I feel I need to get the word out to VOTE in November.
Thank you much guys and keep on Truckin' !!!


Rassle4Fun (178)

4/14/2020 5:37 AM

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My friend. You’ve right with all you said. This site is for fun wrestling 🤼‍♂️ but for the good of MEETFIGHTERS, the USA, the WORLD, and HUMANITY we Americans have to get rid of this monsters that stinks.


Mark uk (293)

4/17/2020 7:07 AM

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A return match with a recent opponent.
You and me doing a cyber match then youngjobber


Claretspete (1)

4/12/2020 10:49 AM

Is meetup page only going to be available once everyone is out of lockdown?



4/12/2020 1:01 PM

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During the lockdown, the meetup page is limited to online events only.


Steeleyes3 (51 )

4/14/2020 1:24 AM

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To Claretspete. I was ill- advised about you, and wish apologise and re- connect with you.


M511180 (4)

4/12/2020 7:18 PM

No online meet ups at present planned - right?
All the ones on there are irl I think/ hope


Boxe (5)

4/12/2020 7:30 PM

Well, sounds like a great idea!
