MeetFighters News
What Advice Would You Give to New Users?
Hello Fighters,
I have attempted to collect some Tips for New Users, covering basic topics ranging from creating a good profile to searching. I plan to have these automatically sent over the course of a few days to any new member to help them engage our beloved site. My question to you is: What advice would YOU give to a new user? Please share your comments below.
On an unrelated topic, as everyone is aware, photo classification is one distinctive (or controversial) feature of MeetFigthers. Depending on whom you ask it is a nightmare preventing you from posting your favorite photo or a boon that keeps profiles free of bullshit photos and porn. Classification, due to its very nature, subjective and can be opaque to new users. It is also hard to classify some photos due to the many things one has to keep in mind to do it well.
Overall, I think the system is imperfect but better than having no system at all. One possible improvement is clarification of the existing rules regarding some common categorization dilemmas. I decided to put these to the poll.
How would you classify photos taken from the back?
Some enjoy posting photos of their backs. Up until now there was no official policy on how to classify these photos; some people classifying them as "Gallery" others as "Profile". The end result is inconsistency and unpredictable outcomes when posting such a photo.
- Profile photo. A back is informative enough of a guy's fitness. (481 votes: 김진환, A1Jobberlad, Abbraxas, adimotiadi, Adler, Akrob, ALEATHERGUYBE, alex83, alexjs, amateurwrestler, andrewj, Angelwarboy, Animal52, Animal KingDom, Anr, Anthon1, Antton64, ArcticBlitz, arter, Atreju, aussie titan II, Awset Wrae CZ, AyeAye, ayrshirewrestle, AznFight, BacktotheMatsTX, bam05, bamapinner, Bandido, batman tim, battlefox, BAWrestler, bear75, Bearhug4u2, bearhugthegirl, Beastboy2, Beave101, Beefy 1976, Belgianjudoka, benhard63, Berliner Griff, bigchicago, bigdog63, BIGguywrestlerBE, bigt730, Big Wrestler, birkozas25bp, birmingham uk fighter, bjames65, BLACK OPS, blank setting, BlueCombo, blueorca, BobL1957, bocachico, boddyprett1, bodybuilder Matheus, bodycontactau, bogeyedmonk, bonmecvtqc, bopper0831, Boston Tap, BoxBud, Boxelutte, BoxerBoy, BoxerCoachinmd, Boxforex, Boxingjobber, boxtpntx, BoyToy Wunderkind, braskie427, BRAWLko, brefootcountryboy, brilliant n buff, BRYAN, btjobber, bullneck, Caesar75, calicub60, cam2785, Castro1990, Celticmuscle, Chibidi, ChicagoWrestleguy, Choke out, Christian Rage, ChunkyHeel, Cincyguy, CoachWayne, Coleman, Crumpy141, Crusher13, CubRookie, cyberwrestler21, Damly, dany 2808, darkwin369, Dave Squeezemaster, davey123, DavidBUK1, DBALSTOM, DCPanther, Denver1, DenverWrestler, devonwrestler, dgold, Diasmaulana, diesel, dnaeel, Doublehelix1, Down4thecount, dreamwr, drkovacs, drpdaz, ducayne, dude66, dystran, Earth, einzelkämpfer, Eitanr, elias sanders, elorian, eric, f4leglock, falabrac, fatpack66, Feisty Frenchy, Ferrero83, fh2150, fighter07, FighterBA, fighter danch, fighterff, fighterzh, Fighting91, fightinms, FightLover, fightnrw, FightNut, fightsoldier, FightStud, fightwell, Fireball05, fitecrzr, fitguy2, Fitwres, fitwrestlerabs, FlaGrappler, flawrestle, Forester, freebyrd1971, freestyle, frenchcat, FRENCHGLADIATOR, frenchprowrestler, funraufer, gardenboy, garotao os, gd72to, Georgeath, getthekick, getupbitch, Gforce199, gilang submission, glad42, glo3, go4broke 43, GOE-Ringer, goodshape1, grapevine99, GrappleBear, GrappleViking, greekwrestler, growin dude, gutpuncherVA, guywhowrestles, Hairybear, handto 2000, hantsgut, hardabs1, Hardgrip, hardrockjock, hashbock, headlock07, HitTaker, hlxyzha 2, HoustonJobber, hsmm75, immeg4tron, indianawrestler, InkedRican, Interactive, IronbearJones, ironranger, ironsharpens, ivcsal, Jack, Jagoan, jamie125, jasontenx, Jay-Ryan, jcapo, jd, Jdawgoh, je999, jim smith, jimy25, jobbercaxondo, joman74, jpw, judlyon, Judoguy, judoka2wrestle, judokasf, Just Armwrestling, justbeyond, Just Dan, justinnorth, justsee, justwresl, kaustin574, Kendokrat, kenpo argentina, kimba, kingwrestler, KinksterTom, kixsman, KOBama, kodboxer1, kostis, kovu75016, krak85, kriswoje4, ksdo-wrest, kuromike, ladron fr, Lame Grass, ldnse1, leanmachine94, LeatherWrestlerUS, Leedswrestle79, legflexxxer, LeghornBen, leicgp, LeoWrestler1, Leuven wrestler, Lightweight champ, lightwt4subs, liketowrestle, Lillen88, limowrestl, lionfish16, litewt78, liwrestler, logan, LondonHeel, londonscissorslover, lotta t, lucha astur, LuchadorenCali, luchalight, Ludowrestler33, luk3h, LukeXL, LutteurDeter, MadGT, Madj, Makao, Marbie, MARC94, MarcusRay, mark92, marklondon71, marsupi, MaskedMayhem, Matt Larsen, matttmann, matworker, maw1667, Meilo1, Midlands guy, mike83, MikeWLM, mintaka, mipiacelalotta, Mischief, MMASporty, Modnax, monstercalves, moremuscle, movik, musc2000, musclebear2b, MuscleBond, muscledhunk, MusclesPassion, muscu83, Muskelbody, Musti, NashoBear, NCgrappler, Never2Much, Newtpunch, newwrestler90, Nick Lean WrestlerBoxer, Niubbo, NJMusclebud, njrassler, NJWoodbridge, nobsebln, Nordic Wrestler, normalguy, NorthPole, nottsman, Noviceserious, NW UK WRESTLER, nxarmada, NYPROCHAMP, NYWrestler85, observer, omr24, OTS XL, OVERunder, Painandgain, painauthority, passive-aggressive, Paulfighter, peak4peak, pecbiceps, PecLover, pedro26, pepperoncino, pesomassimo81, Peteuk, Phillip, Phoenixg, pincombo, pinningmuscle, pinninop, pinortapforwin, Pinstride, Probrute TO, ProFunTO, ProMusclefan, prosubsladuk, Punk-Ass-Mexican, quadi1, radian600, Rassling Ref, Raufbold, Raywrestle, readyforit, realboxer, Realmanhandler2, rebeufight, redlandguy, Republicanhobo, Reshi, retserof, RingerBoy19, rjsr3141, RNC23, rngr, rock20087, RRR, Ruggdguy, rumblerosa, rungymrun, rvd2010, rycom, Ryu Japan, samkorie, SammyBond, sammy novicewrestler, Samos, Samsa, SansKuro, scottimike, Scouse Wrestler, scrappyone, scrasher, Scully, Seb, serjjibucks, sfscissorjobber, Shbwrestler, Shoji, sicwre88, Slam me, SleepersAndKOs, smirt, SouthernOne, sparkie, Sportsfanatic, sportslover88, SPWrestler, Squeezemetight, SqueezeNW, SqueezeUGood, Steve0z, stockybear, stoicfighter, strengthadmirer, Subpro, SubsGuyCambs, superal, superkid85, surrey71, Susanne, Sweatsoaked Punchout, swiss75, tansko, teesside1977, Tezivan, TheCuy, the-hague, thenumberseven, TheStingRay, ThisIsTeal42, Tim2, Timron1999, TiteFig4, tjenkins948, TnTwister, Tobey, topboxer, TopMuenchen, Torrnado, toshiosaito, tote, Tough91, Triathlete, Triathlete68, Txwresl, ulx1, vangcuver, Vanman, verkauf2001, vocaljock, v vv v, w4fun, wadzoli, wannabe123, wantowrsl, wanttowrestle, WarriorDragon, wht4blk4fun, WildcatLes, wolfarmstrong, WoSboi, WOSgrappler222, wrestle4pins, wrestle83, wrestlebuddy, Wrestlefan0181, WrestleForFun NL, wrestle fun, wrestleguyuk, wrestleman, wrestlemat2001, wrestlemate 1, WrestleNJ30, wrestler122001, Wrestler4Fun, Wrestler br, wrestler noob, Wrestlertoo, wrestleu2, wrestlinghunk, wrestlingotter, wrestme, Wrstljobber, wvwrestler, yoni1, yorkshireboxer, YoungStud614, Zander, zbobsled, zebra196129, zeev, zz9zza)
- Gallery photo. Profile photos should be of the front. (574 votes: 김진환, 1try2pinme8, A1Jobberlad, AbqWrestler1, absfreak, afwrestler, aj71m, ALEATHERGUYBE, aleluchador, alexjs, alfredolima, AlphaLycan, Alphaville, Amateur fightR, amateurjase, amateurwrestler, AME757, Anakinsky, anakron, andreawrestling, Andy Bluebear, AndyBoy, antaeusX, anton2411, aprendizXal, aquila, ArabMMA, ArdonUD, Arman, armguy, ArmwrestleAndMore, Armybob, AsianHeelLA, Asindude, auckland40s, a victor, A Wrstle-bear, axxo007, azknockout, B3Wrestle, BamaJDon41, Bamm-Bamm, barefeetfighter, BareKnuxUK, Basildon Bloke, Basscountryboy, batman, BCNBOXER, BDAlan, Beaker, Bear Combat Warrior, BearhugAddict, BEEFBUILDER, beefy, BeefyWrestler, belfast, BellRinger618, benhard63, Berlin, Berliner Griff, Bernardo Tutti, bexar1, bigcaribou, bigdog300, bigma, bigredpaul, BikerE1W, billy, BJJSubmissions, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, BKGK, Black Santa, Blackwrestle, blackwrestleruk, blank setting, Blaze Bradley, blnfighter, BlueWrestler21, Bms, bob728419, bobmiller, boombambam, borderman, Boricua Wrestler, boxat50, boxerfrankfurt, Boxersoul, boxglv2, boxinboy82, Boxing dude, boxingfan91, Boxingisfun, Boxingmarco, boxph, boyjobber, BR2Tampa, Breyton RI, briansp, brightonguy, bristolwrestler, brooklinewrestle, Buddy46, bulldogkv, busted open, bwackoo, Caesar75, cali510, calihiker1, CallumSm1th, Cannonboy, canwrestle, carioca fighter, Carolina Man, Ccblack, CelticFire, Cem hakan, champ007, CHC in DC, ChiBox, chicagoburbswrestler, ChineseGrappler, chocolate thunder, Choke Zero, Chris55, Chrisr02, chuckles06, Churd, ClevelandWrestler, CMiles, CodyW, coedyuk, copssok, Crash 2 Pieces, Cronus, Crushwrestler, Ctguy84, CubRookie, cyberjobber, Damian37, Damion, DanielGP, darkk, darthhomer, Dav8, David Fun, Dcboxer, dennim, dexwres, dfeetffm2, dfw039, DFWGuy, diogiemax, dirtyfighter93, DKnight, DM Mask, docmoose, DomSquashMatch, Dragonbear, DraigGoch, dreamingdel, Drei4, drunner, dsafytbgd, dude, Eagle2009, edscissors, ericn, Fábio Ricardo, facepinguy, Fantasyfighter420, Feisty Frenchy, Felipe, ferligan, FIGHTERUNCLE, fightguy, fightlover79, flatbellyboy, FlevoHans, FLGripper, FLondon84, floridaguy, flscw, fracle2, Fred7775, Fredster, Fred tls, FresLuchador, Friendly Heel, fsmeets60, Funfighter1985, FunWrestler94, gábor, GatesvilleGuy, gemtown, getupbitch, gjay545, Glasgow1971, Glasgow Jobber, golferX, GordoBanhudo, gpau1900, GrappleFun, grappleruk, greatcarter, Greekprofantasy, grkwrestler, G-shock, GuyOtt, Hairybear, Hairyguy77, Hammer, Hannoveraner, HardfightFfm, hardfitsub, hardonthemat, hardpunch, Heel4You, henk1966, hephaestion2014, heralduk, hobbitbear, Htxwrestler, hugefan, huge fighting man, Hyede, ikf, Ilanc, IronbearJones, Ironbull, j2047, JaceRyder31, Jaggyd2, JakeTheJock, Jambo, JanekBator, Japh1966, jason, javieritoo, jay852uk, JayXMuscle, jcripe03, jgrappler, Jiminy, Jim West, Jobber1985, Jobber4943, JobberBoy28, jobber r, jobber to squash, joeran, joeyj 32, johan101, johnwhy, judah1, Judoka WA, justsee, Jvallee8, kah, Kairoi, Kevin1984, kevinsantana, kickboxerbcn, KidCanuck, kimba, KinksterTom, kmartin, Kureitondesu, La brit, Laci1006, ladron fr, Larson659, LA Stocky Wrestler, Lathan, Lbwrestler, leanandtough, Lean heel, leelondon, leondex, leyati, liftandcarry, Lightweight56, limowrestl, littleforbigg, littleproheel82, llama4711, LockDown, London1980, londonscissorslover, londonwrestleguy, Long for this, longlines8, loozool, Loscata, lotta a terra, lucheduar, Lucho Palermo, luctator76, lukecage, LUTADOR MADURO, luttecatch3, luttecombat, Luxxor, machoteen, MadGT, Major Disaster, Makao, manuz, Marbie, MARC94, marconi, mark541, markuswolf, Markyboybc, MarkyFTW, Mars1978, marty, MaskedMayhem, ma student, Matjock, matthias, Mattmma, matt nbg, MAwrestler, mcic, MCRLON30UK, mentatzps, metuck12, michael86, midwestboxer, mintaka, MisterLegs, mixedfightermax, mjr1bbs, MM1Kirkcaldy, MMTwister, Mnwrestlermn, monami, MontyNJ, munichsubfight, MuscChamp, musclehunk, Musealot, muslsqueezed, Musti, MysticWolf, natureboyesq, neilm21, Neomon, Nerdy wrestler, NewMIwrestler, Nick, NJFTR, njgrplr90, NJTough, NoCalWrestlebob, Nono, NordikGrappler, Noviceserious, nutxwrestle, nxarmada, NYCJobber, NYerhere, officewrestler, oilklaus, olemanmike, osakarob, ozboxer, Oz Brit, OzScrapper, PacNWBulldog, palaman, passermontanus, Paul2017, Paul Vincent, pecs44, pedro26, percival, Pete N, peter-baer, Petitesela, petitfit, philip1, PhoenixBigBear, pidgeot123, piledriverva, Pin123, pitlover4, PJBoxxxer1, PJMaybe, playfulwrestler, PridefulAnt533, privateguy55, Pro N SD, Prostyleguy, ProTrunks, pshawfocus, PSSam, puncher, punchmeout, Punk-Ass-Mexican, Quicksilver, rafalbel, ragingblackbull, RamCub, Rashid1978, rasslin bodybuilder, razorfish, rdecker, redstarbear, Reilly, RetiredAF, retserof, rezla123, ricky gonzo95, rIgrapple, rimoldi, ringtech, Ringwrestler, RisingLeo, RoboCoonie, Rock Hard Pete, ruffbear, RuffFightChallenge, salemathlete, Sam, samael85, SammyBoy, Samos, Samsa, SamuelFu, santadestroy, Sanyi, Schmitc63, Sean MacGowan, Seattle, sebastian rios, Seniorboxer, SePH14, Sgroc3, ShadowBoxer, Shadow Knight, shadowwrestler, Shadur, Sherwoodforest, silverwoodfox, singletwrestler25, Sir David, SkinnyBoy, sleepercub, SleeperScissors, slick, SlimBoxing, Smallbutstrong1981, smirt, Snakee, Snowlion, soloboxerboy, Southpaw, Spartak, speedorassler, spida1, spidermanbryan, spladleguy, sportart, Sporty84, Squashlad, SqueezeUGood, Stabber, StealthyTX, Steeleyes, stefanusms, Steve Shock, sthlincs, StrikeFighter, Striker28, stuttgart grappling, Subfighter32, submissive50uk, submuscle, subprosea, Subswrestlerfife, suig, sungao, superhero12, SuperVilão, SurreyGuy, surylightweight, swflwrestle81, swimmerjock15, Swissbear, synxiec, takemedown7, takeyoudown89, tallgermangrappler, tap out tyler, ThatChuckieDude, the123champ, The Bachelor, The Hammer, The Kestrel, the punisher, The Titan, The Undertaker, theventure, ThisIsTeal42, throw, TigerWizard, tjenkins948, tokugawa, tomsgut, topdog10, Totalsketch, toughmatch, toxic, Trainsp, Tribun, Tristan98765, tuffmsl, twilegs, TX bull, TxWrestle, tycoonboy, Tyger, ukscisors, untouchable1, v06d3313, veterangrappler, Virgowrestler, wadzoli, wannabetank, weholooker, Welpe, wibster74, Wiesel 65xxx, wnc wrestler, WolfHH, WonderPanda, Wresl2pin, Wrestle4Fun, wrestle81, WrestleAddict, WrestleBob, wrestle bomb, Wrestleboyjoey, wrestleguy 3, wrestleindo, wrestlemee, Wrestler15, wrestler18, WrestlerandGeek, WrestlerLondon1980, wrestlernys, wrestle rob, wrestlesub, Wrestleswede, wrestleuCa4Fun, Wrestlia, Wrestling Beast, wrestlingforfun, Wrestlin lee, wrstlarturo, Wrstljobber, wrumble, WYDude, yim, Yolo, yonkerswrangler, Yonso21, yuna74, zakclarkeee, Zeek, zeev, Zeus)
- Private only. Because backs scare me. (6 votes: Gutboxer, judoka33, kimba, matworkout, nola roller, superkid85)
- No policy necessary, let's work on a case by case basis. (137 votes: 김진환, alexandersheffield, Alonzo, ant-tor, AnuGrappler, ArmFan, Asics, atwoodfred, AznFight, bam05, Basildon Bloke, Battleloverj, benhard63, Bernardo Tutti, BillDad, bobbie, BodybuildingEric, Bodythrust, bopper0831, boxat50, boxermad, boxers4, Buddy, Chrisr02, Come At Me, Darksteel, darthhomer, dcur, DCwrestle, delbox, denvrboxer, dsafytbgd, Dzafight, Dzuk1, Elan1, Emperor, eric, Eu2, FighterBoy97, Fighting Angel18, fightsoldier, FitScot, FLpinfall96, Freenote, frits, getthekick, gilang submission, gingerwrestler, girl fight, GoForTheGut, GrapplerNL, Hairybear, happyman, HarborFighter, hrylegs, hvywght blk bxr, IKBER, Iwreslinca, jackmcdaid, Jagoan, Jalo Verv, jasontenx, jean38 07, Jimmy Elijah, JobberFI, jobber pt, joehaddad1, jpw, Kolter, ks56, locoflex, Lovefights 3, lutadoromano, LutteurDeter, Manchesterlad32, manizamani, ma student, matsteve, matwork21, mentatzps, mich, moremuscle, mscllover, nhctjobber, northstaffs pitbull terrior, NorthwestGPer, NoRules2KO, notcom, NoviceBear79, NW UK WRESTLER, nycbrawl, onemorerep31, Peepingtom, pndfighter, PunchingBagWanted, Pwers1103, ready to rassle, RichmondWrestler, romandiewrestler, sabre123, sascha, SilverFoxFight, singletwrestler89, sportwrestling33, Squeezemetight, SQUEEZEPLAY, Srh4691, stdfghter01, SuperBioGr, swim, Tanker, tayside, TheOllieWatts, the punisher, The Undertaker, Toad, Tom 049, ToughDaddy91, TTG87auro, twisterman, Ucwres, UK Alex, VAChub4Muscle, wanna roll, warrior71681, WarriorDragon, Wilson, Wrestle10, wrestle73, wrestlefunk123, wrestleinastoria, wrestlenut, wrestler18, WrstlrNHB, xulomad88, Yan, YoungScot)
- No opinion. (50 votes: AbsAbuser, Apollonian, ArcticBlitz, Axeleather, bearhugthegirl, BillyTheKidUSA, Birdman, brawlmart, chispeedo, Chrisblodgett, darkk, Downforthecount, geewrestler, ghostblinks, guysinshorts, imajem, Ir77, jay 312, Jc3000, Jedi, Jimmy Elijah, jmanbama, joehaddad1, keith230665, Ludwig, Matt73, Matthew Sanders, mekmall, mscllover, MuscPecPunch, neatpete, NJmatman, Otownwrestler, Pavwrestl, Ravioli, RingerBoy19, Schmitc63, slvrsqrl, spud999, ssteller, stargateomen, steve1, tezza2, The Bachelor, Tnman75, toddnMO, VAChub4Muscle, wrestler12123243, wrestler2000, Zizzagman)
- Can we just turn off photo classification altogether? I want to post photos of my mice. (111 votes: ajcox, ArmandoDiaz, athens123, Ayeejm22, Azalku, azncub, Beastboy2, bentobear, bna37, bobbie, boxat50, Bremer, brutusbuckwheat, Buzzsawyer, Caesar75, calicub60, cawrstlin, chris2023, Cincyguy, ColchesterLad, David tkd, dexwres, dfeetffm2, diannej, Dog Pound, eric, ffmjobber, fighter84, fightme1976, firecracker stl, fishandchips, fitnesssouth1, FlaGrappler, Fleet, Freddielein, friendlyduel2, funwrestling123, georg00, God411, grapplephx, Greekwrestler2, gymbudinmn, haha12345678, Hairybear, hardrockjock, Imsohappy, Jackspeedo, jasontenx, Jbbrboi458, Jearfighter, Jimmy Elijah, joehaddad1, judoka33, Judokahenk, jwrassler, Kaiser Soze, Kickboxerwrestler, kodboxer1, krusty240, Landshark, lilgrappler, LiQiang, loozool, Magneto, MaskedMayhem, Matt1774, MC2, mscllover, nycjock72, Palooka, pandamonium, peak4peak, Pedro20, pedro26, PJBoxxxer1, prettyboy, PSBBO, Raufbold1976, ricwrstlr, RingerBoy19, riotgear, Rivalwrestler, roahram, Rocket, roverpete, sampoburos, sbmt89, sebasgr, shuttlexp1, singhdhiren22, singletlover, smokey, Somerset Stu, spida1, SportsLover, sportslover88, SubsGuyCambs, Sunshine, swaleswrestling, TheBeefBuster, The Enigma, the punisher, Ticklish, tough gut, toughJobber13, vishal, wrestl2win, wrestlebuddy, wrestlme37, WrestoBG, wvwrestler)
How would you classify photos of a body covered in singlet?
Another popular attraction is posting a body pic covered in singlet or similar attire. Again, this has been cause for confusion due to no official policy on how to classify such photos. On one hand some singlets are skimpy and form fitting enough that the guy's general build is obvious, on the other most cover so much the guy might as well be wearing a coat.
- Profile photo. I can see right through those things. (367 votes: 1try2pinme8, adimotiadi, alexandersheffield, alexjs, alfredolima, amateurjase, amateurwrestler, anakron, andiw68, andrewj, angel86, aquila, ArdonUD, auckland40s, AyeAye, Ayeejm22, B3Wrestle, bam05, Bamm-Bamm, barefeetfighter, Basildon Bloke, battlefox, BDAlan, Beastboy2, Beave101, beefy, BeefyWrestler, benhard63, bigchicago, BIGguywrestlerBE, bigma, bigt730, BikerE1W, Birdman, birmingham uk fighter, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, BKGK, Blaze Bradley, blueorca, bobmiller, bonmecvtqc, borderman, Boricua Wrestler, BoxBud, BoxerBoy, Boxersoul, Boxforex, boxinboy82, boxph, boxtpntx, boyjobber, braskie427, BRAWLko, Breyton RI, brilliant n buff, btjobber, bullneck, busted open, bwackoo, Caguy, cam2785, Cannonboy, CATCHWRESTLING, Ccblack, ChineseGrappler, chris2023, ChunkyHeel, Coleman, Crushwrestler, cyberwrestler21, Damion, dancerguy87, darkk, Daunifighter, DBALSTOM, debaas, devonwrestler, dexwres, dgold, DKnight, Drake-fighter, dreamwr, drkovacs, drunner, dude, dystran, edscissors, einzelkämpfer, elorian, f4leglock, Ferrero83, FighterBA, fighterff, fightinms, fightlover79, FightStud, fightwell, Fireball05, fitecrzr, fitguy2, Fitwres, FlaGrappler, floridaguy, FLpinfall96, flscw, Forester, freebyrd1971, freestyle, frenchcat, G8ratlarge, garotao os, GatesvilleGuy, Gforce199, gilang submission, glad42, Glasgow1971, go4broke 43, GOE-Ringer, GordoBanhudo, Greekprofantasy, guywhowrestles, Hairybear, Hannoveraner, hardabs1, hardfight87, HardfightFfm, Hardgrip, hardonthemat, hardpunch, hashbock, henk1966, hephaestion2014, hobbitbear, HoustonJobber, Htxwrestler, Ilanc, ilovetowreslte, immeg4tron, InkedRican, Interactive, ironranger, ironsharpens, Jaggyd2, Jagoan, JakeTheJock, Jalo Verv, JanekBator, Japh1966, jay852uk, jaypaul70, Jdawgoh, jgrappler, joeran, joeyj 32, joman74, judoka2wrestle, judokasf, justsee, justwresl, JWrestler, Kendokrat, kenpo argentina, Kevin1984, KidCanuck, kmartin, ksdo-wrest, Laci1006, Lame Grass, Larson659, legflexxxer, Legman77, LeoWrestler1, Leverage, liftandcarry, lightwt4subs, lilgrappler, lionfish16, LiQiang, litewt78, LockDown, londonscissorslover, Long for this, LUCHADORARGENTINO, LuchadorenCali, Lucho Palermo, luk3h, LukeXL, LUTADOR MADURO, lutadoromano, lutteur31, LutteurDeter, Luxxor, maineagle93, Makao, manunderstorm, Marbie, MarcusRay, markuswolf, Matthew Sanders, matthias, matworker, matworkout, Meilo1, Midlands guy, MikeWLM, mik pin, mintaka, mixedfightermax, Mnwrestlermn, Modnax, moremuscle, mrmarvz, munichsubfight, musclebear2b, muscleguysyr, Musti, mutualfights, NashoBear, Nerdy wrestler, Newtpunch, Nick, Nighter, nightstranger, Nono, NordikGrappler, NoviceJobber, nutxwrestle, nycbrawl, oilklaus, osakarob, oskar, OTS XL, OVERunder, Oz Brit, painauthority, palaman, Paulfighter, Pavwrestl, pecbiceps, PecLover, pepperoncino, pesomassimo81, Phoenixg, Phxwrstlr, pinningmuscle, pinninop, pndfighter, PridefulAnt533, ProFunTO, ProTrunks, punchmeout, quadi1, radian600, rafalbel, ragingblackbull, Raufbold1976, Raywrestle, razorfish, redlandguy, retserof, Ringwrestler, riotgear, rjsr3141, rngr, robman, Rollon6157, RookieHeel, Ruggdguy, rumblerosa, rusubwrest, rvd2010, Ryu Japan, Sam, samkorie, Samos, Samsa, SansKuro, scotsgrappler, Scully, Sean MacGowan, sfscissorjobber, Shadow Knight, Shoji, singletlover, singletwrestler25, Sir David, SleepersAndKOs, SleeperScissors, Snowlion, SouthernOne, Southpaw, Spartak, speedorassler, SqueezeNW, ssteller, Steve0z, submissive50uk, Subpro, subprosea, subwrest, suig, Sunshine, SuperVilão, surfboard, Swissbear, takemedown7, tallgermangrappler, tansko, the-hague, The Hammer, TheStingRay, The Undertaker, throw, Tim2, Timron1999, TiteFig4, Tobey, tokugawa, toughmatch, toxic, Trainsp, Triathlete, tribod, Tristan98765, txwrestler, Tynesider, untouchable1, usmcwrestler, USwrestlerTokyo, utahwrslr, valia, Vanman, Vils07, vocaljock, v vv v, wanna roll, wantowrsl, weholooker, Welpe, wnc wrestler, WolfHH, WoSboi, WOSgrappler222, wrestam, wrestl2win, wrestle4fun29, wrestle83, wrestleguy002, wrestleguy 3, wrestleindo, wrestleman, wrestlemat2001, Wrestler15, WrestlerandGeek, wrestleuCa4Fun, Wrestlia, wrestlinghunk, wrestlingotter, wrestme, Wrstljobber, wrumble, yoni1, YoungStud614, zbobsled, Zeus, Zwrestle1, zz9zza)
- Gallery photo. I want to see that bod unobscured. (437 votes: Abaction1, Ablabl, Abs2Punch, Adalbgreen, Adler, adrian06, AJ 47, aj71m, AJem47, alexbuddy, Alexdonc, alexrr, aliylmz, alphabomberjacket, Amateur fightR, amateurjase, amateurwrestler, andiw68, Andre Linoge, Andy Bluebear, AndyBoy, Angelwarboy, arter, AsianHeelLA, ATrain, Atreju, atwoodfred, austrianguy, a victor, A Wrstle-bear, Axolotl, axxo007, bamapinner, batman, bbarn, bear75, bearhugme, Beginner32london, belfastcodwon kant, bellyrrock, Bernardo Tutti, bigbigfighter, BiggerChubby, Bigman34, Big Wrestler, BikerE1W, Bilad29, billy, Blackjobberboi, Black Santa, Bloodfighter, Bms, BobL1957, Body2break, Bodythrust, Bombasi, Bonbini, Bowsi, boxerfrankfurt, Boxerolic, Boxingdude86, boxingfan91, Boxingmarco, BR2Tampa, BriefComeback, Briefswrestle, Brock 123, BRYAN, bulldogkv, Cade417, Cape Clawed, CAPT Biceps, carioca fighter, Carolina Man, Casbia, Cem hakan, Centralpagrappler, CHAD99, champ007, ChiBox, chicagoburbswrestler, Choke Zero, chub4chub1981, chuckles06, Churd, cobaia0909, CodyW, competitivejobber, croydonscot, Crusher, Damly, DantePyre, dany 2808, darkwin369, Dartan, Dav8, david the nomad, dc6, dcur, ding-ding, DM Mask, dnaeel, doggyt, dolcemio1, Domidou, DomSquashMatch, dorphin21, Dorsetwrestle, DraigGoch, dreamingdel, Drei4, drpdaz, drseymour, Dsking2, Duke1497, Duke14970, Earth, Edlocke, efightuser, einzelkämpfer, Eled98, El Nino, emancipation84, ericmusculoso, facepinguy, Facesit me24, Falloutt8, Feisty Frenchy, figher9939, fighter07, Fighterlad, fightguy, Fighting Angel18, FightLover, Finn R, fishfish, fitwrestlerabs, FLGripper, Floridascissors1, Floridasubb, Forrestgump, Fred7775, Fredster, fullnelsonboy, Funfighter1985, FunWrestler94, gábor, gardenboy, Gasman, gaywrstlgenius, gd72to, Gegner, Georgeath, GoForTheGut, goodshape1, gpau1900, grapp, grappfight, GrappleFun, greco roman rob, Gutboxer, Gutpunch81, Hadeck, Hairybear, Hairyguy77, hantsgut, hardfitsub, HitTaker, Homosexual, HornyWrestler29, Hottransuk88, Hpo1998, Hrvač, hsmm75, hugefan, Hunnybun, Hyede, Hytppr, Iheartfighting, ikf, Infightingbro, IowaBorn, Ironbull, Jackspeedo, jamie125, jaypaul70, Jay-Ryan, JayXMuscle, jcdf, Jedi, Jiminy, Jim West, Jobberboy01998, Jobberboy1995, Jobberboy98, JobberFI, Jobberlex, jobber r, Jockguyaround, Joebogie21, Joeeoj, JohnT3455, johnwhy, Jonny24, Jonnyboy34, jonyBRSP, Josh8806, jotajotinhaaaa, Jsd2554, Juergen, Juicingbro, Juliboy22, Jumpme123, justsee, kah, Kairoi, KinksterTom, Knikkkk, KOdude, koxy, La brit, Latinmuscle47, leanandtough, Letsfight, Lightweight56, littlemoose, llama4711, Lmidligue, londonscissorslover, longlines8, Loscata, luchalight, lucheduar, luctator76, Lundfight, lutte fun, luttpass, machoteen, MadGT, magellan18, MandT, manuelbianchi, Marbie, Marco3, marconi, marsupi, marty, MaskedMayhem, mask mask, Matt8288, matt nbg, matttmann, MAwrestler, MCRLON30UK, mentatzps, mikegonzales343, mintaka, MisterLegs, MM1Kirkcaldy, MMTwister, Momomo, mrmarvz, Muscleluver, MusclesPassion, Muskelbody, muslsqueezed, Musti, never back down, NewBoxer, newfighter85, NewMIwrestler, newpuncher, newtothis, new wrestler, nicksm1, Nigri, NIMROD, Ninjabear, njgrplr90, NorthPole, notdoing, notworththetime1997, Novato, novatolutador, Novice77, Novicewrstlr, Nuckles, nxarmada, nycdude420, NYPROCHAMP, OHWrestleJer, Ozwrestler77, Pacer, Painandgain, passermontanus, patcolin, Pelea, percival, peter-baer, PhoenixBigBear, pickled, pidgeot123, Piloki, PinnedScot, pitlover4, privateguy55, prowrestlingstud, PSSam, pwrestler, québec50, QueroLuta, Qwer1234, RamCub, Rashid1978, Rebellion1, redlandguy, retserof, rezla123, Rick Cool, ringentrier, ringerda2, ringerrostock, Rivers2448, RNC23, Rock Hard Pete, ROPES AND TURNBUCKLES, Ruf N Ready, Rukh, rusubwrest, rycom, sabre123, samael85, Sanyi, Scissorboy-Joe, ScissorJobber7, scrasher, seasidewrestler, Seb, sebasgr, seung, shadowwrestler, shuttlexp1, silverwoodfox, Sissywrestle, SkinnyBoy, SleeperScissors, slugbud, Smallrugger, Smile, Softringer54, sommerwind, Sora rookie, Spartacus27, spasskampf48, speedowrestler, spidermanbryan, spladleguy, splatjob, sportwrestling2, SqueezeUGood, Steeleyes, Stephen Fights, Steve Shock, stoicfighter, StrikeFighter, SturmandDonner, Subfighter32, Subjon24, Sudarrio, suot888, superstarsandersyeah, supportsockpuppet, surrey71, SurreyGuy, surylightweight, Sweatsoaked Punchout, swflwrestle81, swimmerjock15, switchfred, swp1972, SydGrappler, synxiec, teenfighter, teenfighter99, teesside1977, Testofstrength2, The Kestrel, thenumberseven, The Titan, TigerWizard, TnTwister, tommen, topboxer, topdog10, TopMuenchen, Triathlete68, Tribun, TTG87auro, tuffmsl, twisterman, Tyger, ty solo, UK Alex, Underdog73, v06d3313, verkauf2001, v vv v, wannabe123, wannabetank, Welshmuscle, Wiesel 65xxx, Wnbcman1, Wnbcman6, WonderPanda, Wrestle2345, wrestle81, WrestleBob, wrestleko88, Wrestlenow, Wrestlerbp75, wrestlerlutteur, wrestlesub, Wrestling Beast, wrestlingforfun, wrmad29, wrstl989, wrstlarturo, Wrstljobber, WYDude, xKAMPFSPORTx, xyzxyz, yim, Yonso21, yorky 01, Youphonium, Zmucer)
- Private photo. Singlets scare me. (14 votes: andiw68, bigcaribou, bobster, bodybuilder Matheus, Bostonian Crabbian, Damian37, leanmachine94, limowrestl, littleforbigg, Marsan22, slugbud, SqueezeUGood, SturmandDonner, Yolo)
- No policy necessary, let's work on a case by case basis. (99 votes: andiw68, Asics, BacktotheMatsTX, bam05, Belgianjudoka, benhard63, bopper0831, Come At Me, Crumpy141, Darksteel, Dave Squeezemaster, denvrboxer, docmoose, Dog Pound, Dragonbear, Eagle2009, EthanAxelAndrews, finest, FitScot, Fred7775, frits, gilang submission, gingerwrestler, girl fight, grappleruk, GuyOtt, Hairybear, happyman, headlock07, heralduk, hvywght blk bxr, IKBER, Jack, Jagoan, jaypaul70, joehaddad1, johan101, justinnorth, justsee, kixsman, Kureitondesu, Leedswrestle79, LondonHeel, lotta t, lsm1966, LuchadorFLA, LutteurDeter, MarkyFTW, matsteve, matwork21, mentatzps, mich, moremuscle, mrmarvz, musclebear2b, muscu83, niko06laus, NorthwestGPer, NoRules2KO, NoviceBear79, nycjock72, Peepingtom, PunchingBagWanted, Pwers1103, rdecker, retserof, rimoldi, romandiewrestler, sammy novicewrestler, singletwrestler89, sparkie, sportwrestling33, SQUEEZEPLAY, Srh4691, SubsGuyCambs, swim, Tanker, the123champ, The Undertaker, ThisIsTeal42, Toad, Tom 049, ToughDaddy91, TOWrestler85, utahwrslr, warrior71681, WildcatLes, Wilson, winning br, wrestle4pins, wrestle6fun, wrestle73, wrestlefunk123, wrestle rob, wrstlfight, Yan, yorkshireboxer, Zeek, Zizzagman)
- No opinion. (25 votes: Abbraxas, andiw68, Animal52, barefoot, bocachico, darkk, ericn, getthekick, greatcarter, Greekwrestler2, guysinshorts, jd, joehaddad1, Kaiser Soze, KOBama, mark92, natureboyesq, neatpete, nottsman, Pyro7, Scottilla, scrappyone, stdfghter01, tap out tyler, Tnman75)
- Please just make it stop, make it end!!! (26 votes: andiw68, Azalku, ColchesterLad, DCwrestle, Fábio Ricardo, ffmjobber, FIGHTERUNCLE, fightme1976, fishandchips, FlaGrappler, Freddielein, grapplephx, Hairybear, Jearfighter, Jimmy Elijah, MontyNJ, mt79, Painandgain, Palooka, pandamonium, PJBoxxxer1, Prostyleguy, PSBBO, Schmitc63, twilegs, WrestoBG)
Other site news
- The gallery code (the one that displays photos at full size) has been completely replaced with one that works better on mobile and tabled devices as well as browsers. The new implementation is also faster and uses less network traffic. It's pretty cool. :)
- It is now possible to disable challenges on your Preferences page. Disabling challenges will remove the "Challenge" button from your profile page (and everyone else's too).
- There has been many enhancements to the Photo Verification process. Other than a rebranding (it used to be called "Member verification"), the page now has a more accessible format with sample photos, less verbiage and a more streamlined process.
- Improved security by making sure that session information always goes through and encrypted channel. This greatly reduces the risk of internet eavesdropping and session hijacking.
- A number of minor visual enhancements; for example the "recent blog posts" on the News page has a much nicer format.
- A yet larger number of behind-the-scenes bugfixes and small improvements.
– Admin out.
resl4top (41)
6/05/2017 10:18 AMOn the advice question:
1. Post a clear, unobscured frontal body shot as your profile picture.
2. Be as specific as possible in your profile.
fighterzh (3 )
6/05/2017 1:00 PM(In reply to this)
Very good advice!
And Post At least 10 pics
One or two pics normaly do Not give enought infos of someone
Spartak (3)
6/05/2017 10:23 AMI think that wrestling singlet is one of suits we used to wear when wrestling, should be then allowed on profile photos too.
SuppleWrestler (19 )
6/05/2017 2:01 PM(In reply to this)
I agree with this 100%.
SuppleWrestler (19 )
6/05/2017 2:15 PM(In reply to this)
Something is not in the right place here !!!.
I was referring to Spartak's comment re-allowing wrestling singlet pics in profiles.
SuppleWrestler (19 )
6/05/2017 2:19 PM(In reply to this)
Something is not in the right place here !!!!.
I was referring to Spartak's comment re-allowing wrestling singlet pics in profiles.
littleforbigg (3)
6/05/2017 5:33 PM(In reply to this)
Singlets are kinda, sorta ok–leotards are NOT. They're worn by ballet dancers, not wrestlers.
matthias (116)
6/05/2017 10:25 AMThanks, Admin, for continuously improving the site. You rock!
Re/ Tips for New Users:
- Does this sentence miss a "not" at the beginning? "Do offer to travel hours or reserve hotel rooms unless your match is an established member with good reputation."
- I would recommend new users to find out what they want (just chatting, real matches, which style) and make this as clear as possible in the profile text. "I'm mostly here for chatting until I may become comfortable meeting someone for real." is a useful description in a profile.
NJWoodbridge (143)
6/07/2017 3:22 AM(In reply to this)
On the first comment: I agree. I think a "not" is missing
On the second comment: I also agree. I would go further. If you want to limit your opponents to a range of sizes, ages, or hair colors, or the status of their body hair, facial hair, or anything else say so.
I'll add one thought: Edit your profile as is necessary to keep it consistent with your desires. For example, new members who are new to wrestling may not know the style of wrestling they like until they try a few matches or may not know what "rules" they should have at their finger tips. This is ok, of course; just update the profile when you figure these things out.
edscissors (30 )
6/05/2017 10:25 AMThank you for this opportunity to contribute to some clarifications to the photo review process.
ladron fr (53)
6/05/2017 10:31 AMGood idea.
My small experience about that shows that before meeting any guy, it was very important to exchange about the "rules" : What i was expecting and same for my opponent.
Both have to say truth, unless, both will be unsatisfied !
And dicussing is a good way to know about fake or real fighters.
I am also receptive when some "0 opponents guys" tell in their description that they are open to exchange and discover.
Thank you Man !
Good job ! (once again)
Vanman (87 )
6/05/2017 10:31 AMMain advice to newbies would be 'stay safe' if it feels strange then don't take the chance.
On the point of photos there are loads of options for classification but only 3 places the photo can go (profile, gallery or private). I think simplify the options for people as we normally agree where a photo should be (just not for the same reasons)
NorthwestGPer (2)
6/05/2017 10:52 AMI was on Meetfighters for a week or two before I figured out how to create and edit my profile. Maybe I'm a slow learner. Pointing to a newbie some of the ropes would be terrific!
docmoose (55)
6/05/2017 10:58 AMAdvice for new users (as asked by the administrator that I thank for improving this site):
First : please stay on this site only if you have a genuine interest in meeting real people for wrestling.
Time wasting is always sad.
Second: consider that the reccomendation feature is a very important characteristic of this site in order to feret out wrestling behaviours and who is really into fighting.
BikerE1W (5)
6/06/2017 12:31 AM(In reply to this)
I totally agree... If someone has been on here for more than a couple of months and shows 0 fights and 0 recommendations, I assume they are fakes.
I would also suggest that when starting a profile, people should have to put a face-pic.. If this was a Squash or Tennis site, then a face pic would be mandatory so why should this be any different ?
Finally, ensure your weight and height measurements are correct too... check Pounds for Kilos etc etc... Often I see guys who are stated as over six foot tall and under 7 stone !! I have messaged them and politely suggested they correct their listing and received a message full of obscenities...
Churd (78 )
6/06/2017 1:50 AM(In reply to this)
I so agree.
munichsubfight (184)
6/06/2017 1:58 AM(In reply to this)
This is no Squash or Tennis website.
This here is different because it is a somewhat gayish website.
Noone gets fired or beat up or killed because someone finds out they´re on a tennis website. I wish the same would be true for gay websites, but I strongly doubt we´re fully there yet.
BikerE1W (5)
6/07/2017 3:48 AM(In reply to this)
if someone comes on this website there is a 99.999% chance (if this IS a gay website and not a wrestling website, there are several straight wrestlers on here) they are bound to be gay friendly in the first place.. If your area is less gay friendly dont tick the "want sex" box for starters and dont list yourself as gay !!
As far as I am aware this is a site called "Meetfighters" and not "MeetGayFighters" ????
If you get a local match and the other guys gets a hard on, you can take it from there ... either way, few will be stupid enough without seeing a facepic, as that WOULD be dangerous indeed !
Tynesider (82)
6/07/2017 7:15 AM(In reply to this)
I totally disagree with this suggestion.
If a person wants to remain anonymous that is their decision. We all have a right to a private life.
It is up to a prospective opponent to decide if it is worth the risk and once a new member has a match or two on their profile that is more of a guarantee of the person than a photo (which could be of anyone).
BikerE1W (5)
6/07/2017 2:49 PM(In reply to this)
sadly not.. Admin here often pick out multi-profiles and I have seen a few times when the same person is listing himself on another profile as a past opponent. Without a face pic or a genuine body pic being different on each one, there are still no guarantees... Would you really open your front door to let someone in to fight you, without a facepic and being absolutely sure who they are?? In the event of a real attack, what could you possibly tell the authorities ??? Safety in technique and safety in making arrangements are both paramount on a site such as this ! You can not remain anonymous and turn up for a wrestle by definition !!
We had a guy in the UK prosecuted and jailed for several gay murders last year, all off a contact website !
Here, have some water during the fight and enjoy the GHB and the cold earth afterwards !
Tynesider (82)
6/07/2017 3:56 PM(In reply to this)
As I said, it is up to the prospective opponent to decide the risk. If anyone is wary of such an encounter then don't go ahead with it. It is as simple as that.
munichsubfight (184)
6/07/2017 5:06 PM(In reply to this)
If you don´t feel 100% sure, don´t arrange the situation so that you have to open your front door!
Instead arrange the first personal meeting in a public place where other people are around.
That way it is much easier to back out if something about the other guy is fishy.
It also might make it more easy for him, because that works both ways.
BikerE1W (5)
6/12/2017 5:01 AM(In reply to this)
so how will you recognise the guy, in a public place, without seeing a facepic??
"I will be wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. with coloured trainers...." ?????
If you want to waste time standing in a pub or on a street corner waiting for someone who you do not know what he looks like, to come up to you and ask you if you are "well. up for it?"... you must live somewhere a lot quieter than London...
And by the same principle, and if you happen to agree with him, and you dont have a pic to send either, what are the chances of one person meeting up with someone else in a public place when neither knows what the other looks like?? and if you do, do you expect to be pleasantly surprised, or need your trainers on to run for the hills??
It isn't as if people lie about their age, looks or weight on a profile, is it...??!!???
munichsubfight (184)
6/12/2017 5:56 AM(In reply to this)
It worked very well with more than half of my past opponents (that´s 25-and-some) thanks to that clever invention named "cellular phone" aka "mobile phone" aka "handy" (that´s the strange pseudo-english term german guys use to call that thing).
Most times it´s like "Hi, I am now at the second stair case at the newspaper shop. I am the guy with the blue t-shirt who has his mobile phone at his ear. Where are you?"
And that works tremendously well if the conversation goes on like "Oh... you meant the second stair case coming from THAT direction... I came the other way along, wait a minute, I´ll head to the other underground/metro exit... Gosh, there´s indeed another newspaper shop. Ah, gotcha!"
And why should I "run for the hills"?
This ain´t no dating site!
How his face is looking has nothing to do with my willingness or unwillingness to fight with him.
BikerE1W (5)
6/12/2017 3:17 PM(In reply to this)
so one minute you say that as this is a gay contact site people should be private and not post pics, and now you say that this is not a dating site so you dont care what they look like, their weight or age.. etc..
Maybe you have been lucky.. In the UK I would imagine over 75% on here are fake profiles or fantasists with no intention of meeting.. and as I get older I dont want to wrestle someone who is too heavy for me as it will do me damage... though I do appreciate others have a friendly roll around finishing in "other activities" and are probably not as fussy as me on weight and appearance as well as personal hygene or who is grabbing what...
But I have learnt my lesson, and many others on this site and other sites too... and there is no way I am going to set up my mat room, leave work early , put in fresh bottles of water and towels - get the fans or heaters on and the room at a good temperature.. when the other guy cant be arsed to private or post a pic.. and as you say, we have mobile phones, and Whatsapp, so there are no excuses...
I would usually park near the station on a parking meter at around £12 an hour, and have had people telling me they are at the wrong station, can I come and collect them... and when I got to where they said they would be, they told me they were on the bus to my home ..etc..etc.. and of course a no show at the end..
The OP is about what you would recommend someone does for arranging a meet, and you may well disagree, but my suggestions stand.. and there is no way I would arrange a meet without seeing a pic, and no way I would go to meet without swapping mobile phone numbers too.. and that is my advice..
On that note I will no longer continue this discussion as it is getting monotonous..
Tynesider (82)
6/12/2017 3:25 PM(In reply to this)
I think that you are right to accept that others have differing opinions and let this drop. There is no right or wrong here apart from.what is right for one man may be wrong for another.
Best wishes.
munichsubfight (184)
6/12/2017 4:25 PM(In reply to this)
Let´s agree to disagree.
I appreciate to not continue this discussion.
Just for the public I want to clarify a few things:
First me saying so one minute a and different now:
- "gay" does not have to be equal with "dating"/"gay sex contact".
- I called this site "gayish", not "gay", and definitely not "gay contact site" exactly because it is not a "gay dating site".
Lots of people would equal "gay" with "dating", thus I used the term "gayish". Still, even if the site is not a "gay site", part of the user contributed content here has an obvious gay touch. Nothing wrong with that, but that
a) puts me in some sort of ever so little danger if I would be identifiable
b) still does not turn meetfighters into a "dating site".
Or in other words:
- earlier I described how meetfighters can be perceived by the occassional bypasser who might just see part of the content
- later on I described what meetfighters is intended to be
Those two things not being the same does not make myself contradictory.
But yeah, the OP was about something different. I just had to clinge in to your statement about "facepics should be obligatory".
Second, and here I put myself back on-track of the OP and I fully agree with you in that point:
Exchange mobile phone numbers and verify you have no typo in the phone numbers.
I usually send them a short message to their phone or do a short call as part of the mobile phone number exchange.
Once you are getting stuck on your way to the point of meeting point it´s a bit too late to find out either you typed the number wrong into your phone or the guy gave you the wrong number with two digits swapped or whatever.
And finally:
I am sorry for you to - as it seems to me - quite often have fallen for fakers.
I was let down just once on an agreed meeting, so my personal rate of getting burnt by fakers is lower than 2%.
I don´t know if I was just very lucky so far, or if it pays to have rather more then less messages beforehand.
I need quite some time to get clear about the other guys expectations.
My personal feeling, and hint not only for new users is:
Ask for some details about the other guy´s last fights! That can give you a good impression of what to expect from the other guy.
hugefan (78)
6/05/2017 11:19 AMTips
1/ Pick an opponent to have your first match as soon as practically possible. Having some meets will encourage other members you aren't a psycho or a time waster
2/ Ensure your first meet isn't a psycho or a time waster
3/ Apply the psychopath test - can they write a full sentence? can they write without using all caps? do they have living past opponents?
4/ If you accidentally meet a time waster or a psycho,assuming you are still alive, whatever you do don't rant about it or admin will rant about your ranting and then the past opponent will rant about your rant and everyone will die of boredom
5/ do talk to people before meeting but if they keep going on and on and on they are likely a time waster or possibly a psychopath
6/ don't think everyone is a psychopath, most people here are really nice guys
7) be very clear about what you are hoping for, if not in your profile at least in your personal messages
Ironbull (96)
6/05/2017 11:26 AMNew user tip. Check your weight as shown on your profile. You're not 5 stone really.
Vanman (87 )
6/05/2017 11:29 AM(In reply to this)
I knew I'd done something wrong
Ironbull (96)
6/06/2017 7:42 PM(In reply to this)
I was worried that you might not be eating enough. You can be too thin y'know
littleforbigg (3)
6/05/2017 5:39 PM(In reply to this)
And for those outside the UK, check ur pro to see if u accidentally clicked on kg's instead of lbs. Or lbs. instead of kg's. Unless u really are anorexic thus incredibly underweight.
GoForTheGut (2 )
6/05/2017 11:30 AMMy biggest advice to newbies is honesty. When you write your profile, be honest about what you are looking for. Also, don't be offended if someone doesn't want to meet up. Not everyone will be interested in meeting you and you will not be interested in meeting everyone here.Take your time, look at the profiles and go from there. If you agree to meet someone, then actually show up for the match. It doesn't take long to get bad recommendations if you are a no-show. Lastly, have fun. This is the best site on the internet to meet another fighter/wrestler/boxer and perhaps have a fantasy fulfilled.
fighterzh (3 )
6/05/2017 1:03 PM(In reply to this)
I completly agree with this good advice. Thanks for it
Scully (21)
6/05/2017 4:35 PM(In reply to this)
Along these same lines: Know what it is that you want before you start writing your profile. This is the only information, outside of a photo, that other members will have. If you are only wanting semi competitive or less, tell everyone. You'll be part of a larger group on here and you won't risk a rougher experience than you're looking for and won't disappoint anyone.
Trust is the critical factor in meeting anyone. Without it, you will be anxious and unable to enjoy the wrestling experience. Have as much communication as possible with someone you're meeting, find as much as you can about common interests and decide if the two of you are a good fit. Read their reviews. If you aren't feeling completely comfortable about meeting someone, don't or ask to meet them some place neutral to get better acquainted. As an inexperienced wrestler, no one will expect you to take on all comers.
Kusthipatu (9 )
6/05/2017 12:25 PMIf any fighter visiting our country from other countries, we should get automatic notification so we can message them and set up the match.
grappleruk (120)
6/05/2017 12:36 PMThanks for the upgrades and bugfixes Admin. The ability to block "challenges" and the improved gallery is particularly welcome for me.
Keep up the great work. I know it can feel like a thankless task at times, especially with the huge success of the site and the burgeoning user base that comes with it.
ThisIsTeal42 (64 )
6/05/2017 1:30 PMTips for Newbies
1) Be honest; nobody is going to be impress by a profile that doesn't match you
2) Be willing to travel; travel can be scary or costly, however never close the door to get out and see other parts
3) If you are into cyber matches, make sure you know what you are talking about by understanding moves, terms, and that joint locks are painful; so a 130lbs guy who can't even lift up a 20 lb weight won't be breaking free of a 200 lbs guy who just got done racking him.
4) Expect to be REJECTED; Everyone has their own taste, own flavor, and types of guys they want to wrestle. Don't take it personal! Look through a guys page, find what they are interested in, and if that interests you, start by talking about that piece you share.
5) No means no. If someone says no to you, that means stop talking to them; if you say no to somebody that means they should stop talking to you. there is a block feature, don't be afraid to use it.
6) READ the recommendations pages on other guys profiles. Some don't like to give out recommendations unless both parties are giving one, yet that shouldn't stop you from seeing what kind of wrestler they are.
7) There are many wrestlers who aren't fluent in just one language; so be kind when speaking to someone who doesn't speak your native tongue.
8) If you are into Erotic, be forward about it. Some guys are in relationships or more or less enjoy the sport or drama of wrestling. State what you enjoy in your profile and don't be afraid to study wrestling videos on youtube or other sites.
9) Be willing to have other social links: A lot of apps on phones these days allow you to chat with other's online if you can't always be on MF; give these out only to those you are interested in having a real match with or enjoy talking to; a safer alternative to giving out your phone number or Facebook.
10) HAVE FUN! We're here because we enjoy body contact and showing off our own abilities and seeing where we need to improve ourselves. Don't be afraid to take criticism and understand that their is someone on this site who will totally kick your butt. Enjoy yourself and be ready to rumble!
Darksteel (10)
6/06/2017 1:42 AM(In reply to this)
All of this plus be positive. If you write negative posts and come across as whiny, you may close opportunities to meet people for matches.
Seek out people with lots of matches to start off with. The reason they have lots of opponents is because they wrestle lots of new people. Get feed back from these individuals.
Wilson (11)
6/05/2017 2:08 PMI recommend users to use courtesy, to make sentences, to describe with sincerity what they are looking for. But I understand that this may cause some difficulties in some countries.
Zeus (15)
6/05/2017 2:29 PMA simple advice to new users is being very descriptive and specific of what he is looking for, his likes and dislikes. This way is the best one for another person to feel if he is alike or not.
Many new ones do not post any description and they do not specify the structure match or style of wrestling , this should be mandatory, at least they should choose one option.
Thanks Admin, good work!
Welpe (8 )
6/05/2017 2:59 PMMy advices:
- Be gentle, clear and honest, but don't expect it from others.
- Prepare to experience the extreme - like meeting the greatest guys and have a lot of fun OR never even get a "no" from fighters with 50+ opponents. Don't waste your time with those and meet the great guys again instead.
- Sort out fakers and get help from Admin and moderators. It's important for the site health.
- Try to have fun!
>Thanks to Admin<
gardenboy (18)
6/05/2017 3:02 PMIf a fighter has been on here say for 2 years or more with out a match that is probably a red flag. I understand that in some parts of the world they may be in a remote area, but in regular populated areas they can definitely find some one. Recommendations are the safest way to go,
surrey71 (21 )
6/05/2017 3:08 PMI would advise new members to be explicit about what they want from the site, if they just want cyber then be honest.
I'd also advise them to check the weight & height before posting their profile.
Keep the profile concise - not losing focus on what they want, nobody wants War & Peacd!
Be prepared for rejections but also for a flurry of interest, always be courteous.
Finally, not everyone wants the forums to be used for erotic stories, maybe there should be another section for guys who want to post their cyber matches or erotic stories(yawn) and keep the forums for sharing of ideas and/or dangerous users?
Thanks Admin, man of mystery, for everything you do!
Churd (78 )
6/06/2017 1:52 AM(In reply to this)
I agree. Loads of interesting thoughts.
nightstranger (55)
6/05/2017 3:25 PMIf you look at the large numbers of profile pics that are already fully clothed what exactly is the point?
coroa-saradao (0)
6/05/2017 3:48 PMI would suggest if you could send to us opponents names , from places that we are passing by on business or a trip it self, and during spare time, we could jnvite them for a date!And second, a cam -sistem, that we could know each other more personal, ok?Good luck, Willaim.(coroa-saradao).
ruffnhard (127)
6/05/2017 4:03 PMMy advice: If you want to get matches put a pic up!
A blank profile pic attracts no one, does not get interest, and frankly makes it seem like you are not serious. Personally I think all pic-less profiles should be removed for this very reason. I'm ashamed to say my country has a very high percentage of such profiles, and surprise surprise, they hardly ever log in... better to remove the clutter!
gpau1900 (6 )
6/05/2017 4:31 PMSuperBadSabs (1)
6/05/2017 4:32 PMI feel like there needs to be more balance for females posting on this site. I constantly see pics of men wearing nothing but Speedos or shorts (full chest visible) as public pic or profile pics but I always get told my pics have to be gallery or private because I have cleavage or boobs showing...
Steeleyes (45 )
6/06/2017 12:33 AM(In reply to this)
That sounds unfair
tappout (3)
6/05/2017 5:17 PMI wish you could ad tags to photos so guys could search particular kinds of images or wrestlers. Tags like UK OIL ACTIONPIC POSE ECT.
munichsubfight (184)
6/05/2017 10:41 PM(In reply to this)
You can add text descriptions to photos...
Unfortunately those texts are not yet searched when using the "Keyword search".
I´ll write a feature request to add that feature.
Welpe (8 )
6/06/2017 9:14 AM(In reply to this)
I actually quite like it that there isn't a search function, because it makes it much more difficult for fakes and pure pic collectors to browse the site.
Churd (78 )
6/05/2017 6:02 PMI would only have a single picture on my profile page. The rest I'd put in galleries. That way only members can see all the pics. As far as I am aware the front end profile pics are visable to the outside world. Also to tell the truth anout yourself, since you might actualy meet other people!
6/06/2017 6:07 AM(In reply to this)
You can set the visibility of individual photos. "Public" photos are visible to everyone, including unregistered visitors. "Restricted" photos and your gallery are only visible to members.
bobster (34)
6/05/2017 9:21 PMI can only add to what has already been stated:
1. Be honest and upfront with what you are looking for. Checking everything really isn't a help.
2. If you don't want to meet someone then tell them up front we are all adults and hopefully we can accept some rejection.
3. Men I don not need to see pictures of your groin. We all know what it looks like.
4. The Challenge option is crap. I mean be real if you live half way around the world why bother.
5. The same goes with "past matches" be honest be real. I have already rejected a number simply because I never met them and don't plan to meet them.
6. If you want to add someone to your favorites list fine but ask them FIRST. I would like to see an option where I can remove guys who have added me to their friends list especially when I have no idea who they are.
7. Last but not least FACE PICS - FACE PICS - FACE PICS. Got the idea?
Steeleyes (45 )
6/05/2017 10:56 PMTo newbies,dont worry too much if you dont like your own face pics;I dont like mine at all;so it is always a great boost when you are told that you look better than your pics when seen live!
WrestlerandGeek (24)
6/05/2017 11:32 PMBe careful what you say. Best to keep your opinions to yourself and dont play games.
Steeleyes (45 )
6/05/2017 11:36 PM(In reply to this)
Very sound advice sir
StrikeFighter (82 )
6/06/2017 12:03 AMThe only thing I can think of to add in the way of 'Tips for New Users' is: be clean when you show up for a match and make sure your nails (fingers and toes!) are cut.
Re. photo classification: what bugs me most is:
- when is a photo considered too small, or wrongly framed?
- can we please instate a rule that sunglasses automatically means gallery?
Crushwrestler (13)
6/06/2017 11:35 AMFor new guys: Many of us make our decisions to meet from match reviews and consistent photos. The fewer reviews you have, the more evidence you'll need before you're taken at face value.
Therefore, get out and wrestle. 😎
Also, make an effort to write reviews and mark a few favorites. It gives us an idea of what you're after as well as making others appear credible (or not).
Spruceman (55)
6/06/2017 1:25 PMAs a guy who welcomes 'newbies,' as a sort of payback to the sport for having been more or less mentored in the past, I have one very serious piece of advice: "Don't try to imitate the stuff you see on TV" – No trying to snap fingers, no going for the eyes, no cranking the neck (as in taking out enemy combatants). Have had guys try all three, and more, even after briefing guys on the subject before [in some cases] the first wrestling of any kind in their lives. Make it a stern point that Safety Is Job Number One!
baerhd (29)
6/06/2017 3:42 PMBe real and honest.
edscissors (30 )
6/06/2017 3:47 PMTo real, honest, I'd add appreciative, tolerant and considerate.
hephaestion2014 (49)
6/06/2017 5:26 PMDon't worry about those who don't want to wrestle you, only about those who do.
If you have an age limit/size limit - break it occasionally. Rules are made to be broken.
Say yes more than no.
If you don't want to wrestle someone, be honest or polite. You can still be friendly with those you don't want to wrestle.
Behind the profile name is a real person dealing with their own real life stuff. We are all human.
NJWoodbridge (143)
6/07/2017 3:29 AMThe safety awareness link sent me into circles - never got tot he basic safety tips.
freestyle (87 )
6/07/2017 9:58 AMI think most posts have covered the main subjects . If you are bit nervous about your first meet then let the guy know is a bit annoying giving a date for match for you then to get over nervous and then having you cancel .
Also on your first meet if you are worried then let someone know who you are meeting could even be another guy on the site you have been sending messages to if this helps make you feel more at ease once you had your first match or two then you feel more comfortable in meeting opponents . But don't feel you have to rush into it if you don't feel at ease.
If you have a very tight schedule where it is hard to fit a match in then then make it clear in your profile I say this because I met a guy where we were both in the same city visiting and it worked out for us both on that day if it had been another day then we would have not met, he is a full time student plus he also has work when he is not studying and I am the only guy who has wrestled him since he has been on this site . But I do understand why because his free time is taken up so much with his exams coming up but unless you state this then others might think you are not serious as the don't know why you just say I am not available when they give you dates for a possible match.
As to the photos
Back photo the question is, is it acceptable as a profile photo ? I think yes you might not like the photo though if you are into bare-chested wrestling only ,gut punching pecs etc. as those are not in view and those into that might find it a bit disappointing but clearly it shows their build and fitness.
Singlet photo again the question is is it acceptable as a profile photo ? Again same answer as for the back photo .
This is after all a wrestling site that covers all forms of wrestling martial arts etc. not just those who are into just one type of thing and i think all should be reflected in regards to gear as long as you can judge the persons build and meets the criteria for photo classification as a profile photo then the photo should be acceptable .
There are after all profile photos on here where the person is wearing a suit , loose t-shirt , loose clothing , denim jackets multi layered clothing etc. These to me hide a persons build fitness more than say the back and singlet photo , but if you have found a way to standardise these photos for classification then surly you can find a way or use the same way that has been used to enable them to use them as a profile photo to accommodate the other two types of photo used here just my point of view :)
BikerE1W (5)
6/07/2017 2:56 PM(In reply to this)
I totally agree... as you get older you may want to wrestle lighter or slimmer people who will do you less muscle damage perhaps.. I like to wrestle guys with small butts and narrow waists...and I find smoother guys do not get as much man-smell as hairy guys.... so one can make a judgement on that too perhaps, according to their preferences. Some like man smell, I do not..
The more information we can have before arranging a meet, the more likely the meet will be successful and will be repeated.
If someone is trying to hide something, there is generally a reason... I prefer wrestling people who are open, truthful and real..- it makes it so much more fun and less dangerous.
Ironbull (96)
6/12/2017 6:36 PMHow about promoting groups run by reputable organisers. Grapevine in the UK would be a safe place to meet others safely, get some tips and some recommendations
Rock Hard Pete (41)
6/22/2017 6:06 AMBe yourself, not what you would like to be. You will be a disappointment to your opponents if you have a fantasy profile, and you will miss the people who are looking for the real you.
To start with, meet at a group session. This will have the advantage of avoiding no-shows (very rare for no one to show up for a group), you are not alone with a total stranger and if you don't like it, you can leave early without offending anyone.
Avoid arranging matches with people who have been on Meetfighters for years but have no past opponents, they are frequently time wasters and no-shows.
Think twice about putting up a naked picture of yourself that is recognisably you, this is the internet and once it is out there it is impossible to delete it.
After you have been on the site, think about revising your profile as you will have realised that the site is not what you imagined it was!
Avoid putting up lots of pictures of only yourself, when we have seen a few, adding more tells us very little. Also edit your pictures, we don't need to see taps or large margins, just the people who are the subject of the picture.
Most of all, you are here to enjoy yourself, you are allowed to say no to anything you don't like, but feel free to experiment.
bigchicago (68)
8/01/2017 4:45 PMIs there still no new way to disable the interest group daily digest messages? I love the interest groups and don't mind being notified about posts. But it's exceptionally annoying to log in and see that I have 10 messages only to find out they are all just from groups.
When I last asked this right after those started I think a couple years ago, I got my head bitten off saying "if you don't want them just quit the groups." It's not the end of the world if there isn't a way to disable them, I would just appreciate a respectful response.