MeetFighters News

FightPedia, Mobile App and More

It's been a while since the last site news. Let's see what's been happening!


I am looking for FightPedia editors! FightPedia is a "wiki" for MeetFighters, concentrating on topics related to combat sports and the site itself. I consider it an experiment in collaborative editing. Let's see how it goes! For now, it is completely empty except for some placeholder pages. It's up to YOU (as in, every member of this site) to make it something great.

If you want to contribute and shape FightPedia, please drop a comment below. Do explain what it is that you want to add or change.

FightPedia is available for preview here.

Mobile App

Work has began on a MeetFighters Mobile App targeting the Android and iOS platforms. The app itself is in very early stages of development, largely in a pre-alpha, proof-of-concept state. I expect to see a first release sometime around mid-April. More information will be coming early April.

We are not yet ready for an alpha test, but post a comment if you have ideas for mobile app features.

New Messaging Page

I am working on a new messaging code, something cleaner and more streamlined than what we have now. There is a beta version for the adventurous here. It has most basic features in place, but lacks that certain spit and polish.

Check it out if you dare! :)

XXX Gallery

I am considering the option of posting photos that are not family friendly in profile galleries. There is obviously some demand for this sort of attraction. On the other hand, there is a risk that too much sugar could attract folk who are not interested in fighting.

Before I commit to this, I want to ask Your opinion on the matter!

Would you like to see XXX photos in profile galleries?

This poll is closed.

Would you post your XXX photos in your profile gallery?

This poll is closed.

Please don't forget to click on each "Vote!" button.


Behind the scenes, a lot of improvements went into the site code:

Last edited on 3/01/2015 3:53 PM by Admin



wrestlingspeedos (27)

3/01/2015 12:36 PM

What a great work and in being made here. Oh my God ! This site is wonderful !


SpeedoFun (12)

3/01/2015 12:44 PM

Great ideas! Being a traveler, I look forward for s mobile app, hopefully with automatic location capability. Cheers and good luck.


El Mistico (0)

3/01/2015 12:45 PM

This all sounds awesome! Thank you.



3/01/2015 6:00 PM

(In reply to this)

Your welcome anytime man


StrikeFighter (82 )

3/01/2015 12:56 PM

Great news and well done.

- I'm willing to help out with the FightPedia project.
- I'm willing to alpha test the mobile app when it's ready

- I've had a look at the new messaging page, great improvement!
- I'm very much against allowing XXX-rated pics in profiles and have voted against it. Like you hinted at in your own words on the subject, 'there is the risk that too much sugar would attract folk who aren't interested in fighting.' Allowing XXX-rated pics in profiles could shift the focus of the site somewhat, if not significantly.



3/01/2015 2:01 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks for your feedback!
You are now a FightPedia editor :) Please get started, I can't WAIT to see some stuff there :)



3/01/2015 6:11 PM

(In reply to this)

I would love to wrestle you


grappa50 (6)

3/02/2015 5:27 PM

(In reply to this)

The support system seems to be down I appreciate your really busy with all the new developments which sounds great but every time I upload a single pic it says file to big?



3/02/2015 5:50 PM

(In reply to this)

Maybe... the file is too big?
Anyway, How about we not waste everyone's time with your support request here? This is REALLY not the place.


brooklinewrestle (0)

3/01/2015 1:05 PM

I would love to help you be an Alpha Tester


Hunnog (87)

3/01/2015 1:14 PM

If you think you are an Alpha, I will test you



3/01/2015 2:03 PM

(In reply to this)

You're a funny boy ;)


luttefrance (37)

3/01/2015 2:18 PM

(In reply to this)

Please can i watch?


j2047 (51)

3/01/2015 1:54 PM

Please keep the site xxx pics free, thnx!


Hunnog (87)

3/02/2015 12:00 AM

(In reply to this)

yes please, let's keep it xxx free. There is enough xxx everywhere on the internet. let's keep focused on fighting here. And people can send whatever they want to each other anyway via email or private message. It would be sad to see meetfighters become just another porn website


Ironbull (96)

3/01/2015 1:56 PM

Happy to add content to fightpedia.
Please no Xxx rated pics.



3/01/2015 2:00 PM

(In reply to this)

And Boom! Instant FightPedia editor access.
You can get started right now. I can't wait to see ;)


Ironbull (96)

3/03/2015 1:19 PM

(In reply to this)

Tell me how


anathema1032 (1)

3/01/2015 2:16 PM

Sorry to say I would like to see stronger pictures on the site, yes there is a risk involved but since this is a fetish that is mainly bisexual and homosexual male orientated the simple fact is that a lot of the users here would like pictures in general that are not so restricted in terms of content while balancing that with the continuing need for genuine images.
Keep them to the galleries yes and make it clear that you will have to approve to view them and it is better than being told your picture does not meet current criteria, afterall there is a fair degree of people using this site as hook ups for more than wrestling


synxiec (76)

3/01/2015 2:17 PM

Ñ the messages beta is life-giving.


fsmeets60 (14)

3/01/2015 2:25 PM

What is wrong with sexual oriented
pictures for adults??? Of course
after being approved and not naked
since we are all free funloving
people with sexual feelings....


fitnesssouth1 (13)

3/01/2015 2:38 PM

Ill be happy to alpha test the new meetfighers app. i have both android and iOS phones please let me know how I can help.




3/01/2015 2:40 PM

I like the xxx photos and video that everyone has


The Kestrel (47 )

3/01/2015 3:19 PM

I'd like to offer being a guinnea pig for the mobile app, i would happily offer feedback as a user to help



The Kestrel (47 )

3/01/2015 4:09 PM

(In reply to this)

I have android


bulldogwrst (10)

3/01/2015 3:36 PM

I would like to test the mobile app. I have an Android phone.


oilrumble (6)

3/01/2015 3:37 PM

Happy to test the alpha app. Have both ios n Android. ;)


FighterBA (46 )

3/01/2015 3:53 PM

I would not like to see XXX pics or videos, for an stretegic reason.

A lot of wrestlers and fighters -mostly the straight and young guys, who are the best challengers against guys in our forties, as me- probably will go far away from this site if they see this site as a sex site for men.

We are here to fight and wrestle. It could be something else, for sure, but we need to build a site in position to comprehend all wrestlers.

Sex is an intimate issue of people, leave it there.

We are fighters!


The Kestrel (47 )

3/01/2015 4:08 PM

(In reply to this)

I could not agree more, there are other sites that promote xxx rated content, fighting sites included, it would be a shame to put off the straight wrestlers and allow guys with no intention to wrestle to swamp this site.


gures (54 )

3/01/2015 10:53 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree with Kurtz

Keep this site for wrestling and fighting.

Let the straight guys feel comfortable here.

People can exchange their xxx pics in private

Thanks for the excellent work on this site.



Hunnog (87)

3/02/2015 12:04 AM

(In reply to this)

thanks. you are right


bristolwrestler (8)

3/03/2015 7:56 PM

(In reply to this)

A good point well made.


Billy Bonney (6)

3/01/2015 4:28 PM

I voted for XXX simply because I don't think facesitting pins in jeans or wrestling trunks should be relegated to porn.


FighterBA (46 )

3/01/2015 4:38 PM

The core identity of this site is wrestling and fights, we should stay firmly there.

Evrybody in the world should think: "You want to arrange a fight or wrestling match via internet, there is a site to do that clean: Meetfighters".



Hunnog (87)

3/02/2015 12:08 AM

(In reply to this)

I'm against xxx because it would mean that most liklely meetfighters would be blocked soon in Indonesia (and maybe in other countries, don't know). That would be sad, there are nice guys from meetfighters in Indonesia and I had some good matches there



3/01/2015 5:22 PM

*"CloudFlare" will be very good for the site. It's used to protect many community websites I use and makes the domain somewhat safer from tech-savvy idiots, DDoS attacks, etc.

*Obviously I'll be a fightpedia (thankfully we didn't call it fightopedia) editor. For now copying + editing down content from Wikipedia would be a good start, then we can put our own stamp.

*XXX pictures in private is fine. In public, you run the risk of this website being considered porn, which is a little bit more complicated than at present, even though the site is already 18+. It's not treated the same way everywhere. Not to mention, in some parts of the world, combat sports are okay, but porn isn't so much.

*The new messaging app is better than the status quo in some respects. The primary issue right now is when you first open a folder, new messages or unread, etc. any messages that appear don't fill the width of the frame. It's only when you open a message, and the message history fills the frame, ping-pong style. Ping pong style is good, and will appeal to people used to smartphone messaging apps, which I imagine is more & more of us. Widen the initial message appear to fill the empty space.

*I'm up for testing the Android app of this site. However, I'm not sure if we'd all be better served by enhancing a shiny & new mobile site, regardless of mobile OS. Android/iOS apps would have to be installed in two ways, 1) Be on the Play store/iTunes, which would include a number of hurdles. Apple's approach to adult content in particular could be problematic. 2) A direct download + install app, which would either require jail-breaking (iOS) or install from anywhere on Android. I'm fine to do both, but not everyone else it, it'll be a potential hurdle.



3/01/2015 5:27 PM

(In reply to this)

I am aware that Apple's walled garden is hard to get into. The android release will most likely come several months earlier.

Welcome to the very exclusive and elite group of FightPedia editors!


wrestling82 (55)

3/01/2015 5:50 PM

Happy to help in testing the iOS App.
Keep in mind that Apple don't allow xxx images throught their apps and even images with soft nudity.

Regarding XXX gallery tab will be a solution and the option for each user to activate the tab in his profile.
Else we can still upload it on our private gallery and send them individualy on messages.


Viking Warrior (10)

3/01/2015 6:47 PM

I have no problem with allowing XXX Rated pics here of its members. We are all adults here and as long they are not pics of actual sex acts, then they should be allowed. There are nude sports/ artistic type photos and there are porno types of pics.
I belong to other "sports/ fitness" sites that include nude shots and they are just as popular. Just because this is a "wrestling" site to meet other wrestlers & fighters no doubt many guys visit or join for the eye candy of seeing really, inshape guys who enjoy wrestling. Sex is always a factor in any similar group. I was raised a nudist by my family starting at 10 yrs of age so i was "exposed" to male nudity at a very young age. I attended many sports events or nude spas/ gyms where nudity was allowed over my years and sex was never the single issue of joining or participating. Its also that many guys here are wrestlers, athletic and have great gym bodies that they have worked hard for so why is it wrong to be proud of your body.


FighterBA (46 )

3/01/2015 8:57 PM

XXX pics is not nudity.


Elan1 (0 )

3/01/2015 9:08 PM

Generally in favor of the gallery ideas but think it should be limited to subscribers only, and perhaps even only paying subscribers.


Richard (2)

3/01/2015 10:23 PM

I agree with Kurtz. This site is for those whose main interest is to wrestle or box. If we allow XXX rated photos or videos we will attract people who are more interested in sexual activity than in fighting. I think it would lower the whole tone of the site. At the moment everyone is at liberty to say on their profile if they either want sex or are open to it. Surely that is enough.


anathema1032 (1)

3/01/2015 10:39 PM

(In reply to this)

That excludes those for whom the wrestling is linked to sexual arousal, more pertinently it says to those members who use the site and who find sexual attraction to each other through their shared fetish that they don't matter as much as those interested in "pure wrestling"
Sorry the fact that the site might allow a few pictures in galleries so that means you get to chose to view them, it's not like their erect and naked penis is going to be thrust out of your screen at you.
We are all adult enough to make choices on the material we chose to view and denying some the choice on whether to post xxx images or others to view them strimkes me as unfair


The Kestrel (47 )

3/01/2015 10:58 PM

(In reply to this)

The guys wanting to see and share xxx content have an abundance of other sites to look at for this, including wrestling sites, that is a choice available for them.

A large amount of guys come to this site purely for wrestling currently have that here, that is their choice.

If some of the ideas above are implemented, like only site donors get to see xxx content, then it will become just like other sites in effect with payment required for full benefits, which from what i understandis a direction this site was not aiming for.

If xxx content is permitted into galleries with nothing required to see them then, then instead of upsetting those wanting it, we would be ignoring the wishes of guys on the other end of the scale.

Sadly one side will lose out on the arguement, since there are other sites that provide xxx content, and not forgetting that xxx pixtures can still be sent privately if such anatomy is a deciding factor, i'd side with maintaining it as private only.

I personally struggle to see how it can be unfair to those who have many other options, when you are up for squeezing out the wrestling focused site for the others. As you say, we are adults, so if xxx content helps sell a match up then we are also adult enough to ask for the pictures rather than hoping to come across any in galleries.


grappleruk (120)

3/01/2015 11:10 PM

Lots of exciting sounding development!

I'm also willing to be both a mobile app tester (primarily Android) and a fightpedia contributor


grappleruk (120)

3/04/2015 11:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks Admin. How to stay making contributions at the weekend.


grappa50 (6)

3/02/2015 12:45 AM

having read all the comments i have decided to vote don't know purely because i think option questions are what are called "closed questions" ie they don't allow for variations it a yes or no option from what i have read the no comments are a definite no where as the yes most want see yes but with restrictions
the site is always going to attract guys who are just wanting sex ive had a few offers already lol we need to be adult we can all say no
i also agree with the prospect of providing an income for the site and wouldn't complain about a reasonable one off fee to view xxx content
as the site continues to grow it is going to be more and more expensive to maintain quality and develop
so i would rather keep the main site free and and charge for the xxx content for those that want it after all most xxx sites already charge


FighterBA (46 )

3/02/2015 2:47 AM

(In reply to this)

I think it should not be any kind of xxx content, not even payed.

This excludes nudity if you want to take a pic of your whole body completely naked. But I think that is the limit.

Hey, this is a wrestling site, not an XXX site or a porn site.



Tigerrific (129)

3/02/2015 3:09 AM

Thank you for the work in improving an already awesome website! I'll be glad to contribute to Fightopedia.

As for allowing XXX content, I voted against it because I think it carries more risks than benefits. Many of my reasons have already been stated in the comments above (ie. strong association to porn rather than a fighter's site, banning of site in some countries, potentially creating an uneasy social environment for straight guys, complications on arrangement for access etc.)

Keeping the XXX as private attachments is working well.



3/02/2015 6:54 AM

(In reply to this)

You now have editor access to FightPedia.

This is a rather complex discussion. I thank everyone for their insight.

Please understand that when I open a poll on MeetFighters, I always follow the outcome, even if it is not how I would have voted.


quasiotter (7)

3/02/2015 4:59 AM

This isn't GlobalFight.


kateintense (0)

3/02/2015 5:53 AM

This site is the most fully featured and member-service site I have ever seen. THANK YOU FOR THE EXCELLENT WORK !!!

This is a comment on issues not raised in this site-news posting.
Would you please consider adding features that make it easy to search profiles for female members, and also a way to search for a cyber-fighting interest, please. These things can be listed in profiles, and here is the new member lists in the newsletter data bases for this. Also, I want to suggest the idea of a cyberfight chat log page.

What is the value here, consistent with the interests you have in creating the community of meetfighters?? This serves the enjoynent and participation of members who are a very small minority group at this predominately male-member site. Women in combat sport (my interest here) from play 'rasslin' to serious MA training in box, jiu-jitsu etc are always struggling with finding a place to express and advance their interest. It seems to me that the difficulty in finding the few women members is a factor in women becoming inactive here.
I am do cyber fight now due to health risks from injuries. I am*condemned* to cyber, but have eventually found some fun here and a a sweet bit of a taste of past RL fight emotions even in cyber. And simply wanting to have fun with it is reason enough. Yet I think I have seen some evidence of a prejudice against cyber fight. Let those who want to post pics with explicit sexual content do so and post content warnings so those who don't want it can avoid it. Give those who seek it an easier way to get with people thy want to be with as many at this site should know is right to do; those who don't think that necessary have a way to avoid that as well.
A chat fight log of the boxing match "Kat vs Dan" on Proboxer's blog whows how well cyber fight logs can express a fight,and how those doing them can competitive fight experience in them.
Please consider this as you review ways to improve this already excellent site.



3/02/2015 9:37 AM

(In reply to this)

The feature you request exists already. I call it the Search Page.


fsmeets60 (14)

3/02/2015 4:30 PM

This fightersite is open to everybody
interested in combatsports, being old,
young, whatever color or preference...
If not, I would not be so interested
finding lots of friends and sportsmen!


ImtiazAli (198)

3/03/2015 12:52 AM

I would be interested in becoming a part of FightPedia editors if allowed...

A mobile application for Windows OS too - once the two mainstream OS have been solved.

New messaging page is a good start.

Don't allow XXX photos in profile galleries.
I would not post my XXX photos.
Fighting is just a sport to me... I prefer not to see genitalia.


StrikeFighter (82 )

3/03/2015 12:54 AM


First of all, thanks for making me a FightPedia editor. I was hoping to start describing some of the fetishes, but whenever I click on one of the links I get an error message: "This page has too many characters".


yerv (0)

3/03/2015 12:59 PM

Great work and improvements guys, well done.
1 suggestion. Perhaps when someone uploads say new pics, these pics could have a different colour frame around them enable us note the new from the old. Just an idea.
Keep up the good work,



3/03/2015 1:35 PM

(In reply to this)

This sounds like something for the Idea Box.


MMTwister (23)

3/03/2015 3:43 PM

More than happy to help with fightpedia, plenty of knowledge of different styles, techniques and history that I'd love to share with the rest of Meetfighters!
