Please reserve your spot for the side activities
- Welcome drink at Babbelkroeg (city center of mechelen) (Fri 28th ﹥ 9 PM) (7 votes: Centaur, Damly, DavidVdw, GrapplingHB, hedloker uk, Rower87, Trapdoor)
- Training at fighting team guy (only if you train in a regular club) ( Sa 1st: 11 AM - 1 PM) (9 votes: Centaur, Damly, DavidVdw, GrapplingHB, hedloker uk, Mat74, Rower87, Trapdoor, ugo clever)
- Diner on Saturday evening after the open mat (11 votes: Armybob, Centaur, Damly, DavidVdw, GrapplingHB, hedloker uk, Mat74, mister, musclefan, Rower87, Trapdoor)
See also: events/1354