What features are most important for you?
- Undecided, do what you want admin. (29 votes: akerheppo, bigt730, bogeyedmonk, Carlos, CelticWrestler, ChineseGrappler, Chris55, Chubbybear, ConshyMan, Crusher 2, DavFight7400, Earth, Fireball05, hunotter, ikf, KBlume, Mainewrsl, maw1667, melbourne boxer, Mirco2, MuscleFanQLD, Peteuk, Scott Roberts, Tanker, topper, ukwrestler, wibster74, Will Bring It, wrestle jock42)
- Ignore the chat, improve the main site! (20 votes: andrewspider, Bigfurrydaddy, Cbwrestler, Crumpy141, Danny biceps, FightLover, gemtown, johnychoke, Jskofield, KBlume, mikey28, Nordic Wrestler, painangel1213, Scott Roberts, Shorty, SubPrey, toxic, Wresslefun, WrestoBG, Zephyr)
- Implement more colour options (see poll) (15 votes: AlphaViking, chigrapple, CLIPUS, fighter3, jdboxing20, Judopete, kimmetje, liketowrestle, Lovetobecrushed23, Marios1991, matwork21, neatpete, OttawaWrestler, the punisher, wrestler noob)
- Implement a silent/mute function to hide members (see poll) (38 votes: Aidan, AlphaViking, Andy Bluebear, Animal KingDom, aussiejobbersqueeze, Bakugo, Barefoot Grappler, Bigfurrydaddy, Captainandy, ChiFight, DCotter, EduardoJavierMoreno, friendlyduel2, hermes89, ikf, jdboxing20, jonny innocent, Julian Chang, Katfitefan, leanmachine94, lessrepressed, Lightning, liketowrestle, MAnderson, Marios1991, Mean Mike McGold, Middlegaguy, MikeUK, Mikey Aarons, nightstranger, olibrius, painangel1213, Prostyleguy, Scunfight, the punisher, toughmatch, wrestler noob, Zeus)
- Change the sound notification (see poll) (26 votes: aznstud, cyberjobber, DCotter, Donwres, FLGripper, friendlyduel2, jdboxing20, LA Stocky Wrestler, Lbwrestler, liketowrestle, Mean Mike McGold, mondayandi, neatpete, OldSchoolPro, olibrius, OttawaWrestler, phoenix th, rjbklyn, RuffFightChallenge, SqueezeNW, StrikeFighter, the punisher, UKSubsFighter, wrestle4pins, wrestler noob, Zeus)
- Improve the unread messages [1] chat counter (see poll) (57 votes: Aidan, Andy Bluebear, AnimeBoxer, Barefoot Grappler, BAWrestler, BeardedVillain, BigIrishman1, Caguy, Carlos, cookie0, dad72, DM Mask, Donwres, EduardoJavierMoreno, FitScot, FLGripper, Glovefight, glovesupboxer, gpme23, GrappleBear, GutpunchCharlie, gutpuncherfl, Hardmatch, Heyoo, hot2wrestle, ikf, Isaactogar, jowee13, Judopete, Julian Chang, Lightning, Lovetobecrushed23, matwork21, melbourne boxer, MKEwrestlebear, Natwing, neatpete, Newbiewrestler, OldSchoolPro, OttawaWrestler, Playhard, playtime, Princesse Ludwyna, Rickp, Scunfight, stormwrestle, Superapolo, Takushitsu, Tc3000, The Undertaker, twigster, twilegs, VinnyDurango, wrestle4pins, wrestler noob, youngchubwarrior, Zeus)
- Add Video room (video chat with more than one person) (101 votes: Adrian, Aidan, AlphaViking, Animal KingDom, AnimeBoxer, Ashmassage85, aussiejobbersqueeze, barcoded, beachedboy, Bibama527, BobL1957, BOXERMAN, brilliant n buff, calboy310, cntryddy, crx, Cyber Villain, Cymrofight, DraigGoch, EduardoJavierMoreno, FerrelFighter, fightjunkie, fitnesssouth1, Glovefight, gpme23, grapplingman891, GruntOutLoud, GutpunchCharlie, Hardmatch, headscissorschgonwburbs, Heyoo, highpin, irishpunknyc, ironbear, Isaactogar, jcapo, jdboxing20, JJAllen, Jon666uk, Kamikaze, kickbokser, lakelandjobber, lessrepressed, Lightning, lincolnshire53, Lovetobecrushed23, MAnderson, Marcus5678, Marios1991, matureMMA, musclefightsmuscle1, neatpete, Nightmareera, OceanWrestler, olibrius, Ondy, painangel1213, Pecman, pinningmuscle, Playhard, pndfighter, pollebe, poseidon, Prostyleguy, Prosubswrestler, randywrstl, Raufbold1976, ricky gonzo95, Ricotewrestler, Sac-newbie, scottimike, Scott Roberts, Shorty, slick, slimp, softbellypro exjock, soloboxerboy, son4coach, statenwrestler, Subduded Dude, Superapolo, swflwrestle81, Takushitsu, tbone123, the punisher, Thickbeef, TOBearhugFan80, Trainsp, Txbigb, underwarelad, Warkscub, Wresslefun, wrestledude, Wrestleprince, Wrestlergreg1985, wrestler noob, wrestler sv, wrestlingtime, yayayo, youngchubwarrior, Zeus)
- Add admin tools to private rooms (ability to kick a member out of your private room) (42 votes: Andy Bluebear, aussiejobbersqueeze, Bakugo, barcoded, brilliant n buff, Captainandy, Churd, Cyber Villain, David S, fineyngmn, FitScot, GoingUp, GruntOutLoud, Hardmatch, Isaactogar, kimmetje, Lightning, lincolnshire53, Meilo1, musclefightsmuscle1, neatpete, Nightmareera, OceanWrestler, Ondy, playfulwrestler, pndfighter, poseidon, Princesse Ludwyna, scottimike, Senior Bear, shore2shore, slick, soloboxerboy, swflwrestle81, Takushitsu, Tc3000, the punisher, Trainsp, twilegs, wrestler noob, wrestlingtime, Zeus)
- Add option to sort the member's list: Name, age, location, ect. (99 votes: andrewspider, Andy Bluebear, Animal KingDom, Anthon1, austinwrestle, barcoded, Barefoot Grappler, BearBoarMore, beefy, Bibama527, Captainandy, ChiFight, Churd, Competition, Crushwrestler, crx, David S, doyouevenwrestle, DraigGoch, fantasyfeak, FerrelFighter, fireman87, fitguy2, FLGripper, friendlyduel2, gemtown, Glovefight, GoingUp, gpme23, GrappleBear, GutpunchCharlie, gutpuncherfl, haha12345678, HeadsczrAgony, Heyoo, hunotter, irishpunknyc, Isaactogar, Jemtl, Jobber Guy Dan, Jon666uk, jowee13, Kamikaze, Katfitefan, lakelandjobber, leanmachine94, Lightning, liketowrestle, little Tony, Lovetobecrushed23, Marcus5678, matwork21, Maximovillareal, Meilo1, Merseywrestle, MikeUK, MKEwrestlebear, mondayandi, munichsubfight, Natwing, neatpete, NJMusclebud, NJWoodbridge, OceanWrestler, OttawaWrestler, phoenix th, playfulwrestler, playtime, pndfighter, Princesse Ludwyna, Prostyleguy, pro style kris, ProWorkover, pupupper, Raufbold1976, recruit20-02-67, Rickp, Rob3811, Sac-newbie, ScotLaird1, Shbwrestler, shore2shore, SilmBoxer1, soloboxerboy, son4coach, StrikeFighter, SubPrey, Superapolo, Tc3000, the punisher, TigerWizard, toughmatch, Trainsp, twilegs, wrestle4pins, wrestledude, wrestler noob, wrestlingtime, Zeus)
- Function to copy the chat transcript to the clipboard (40 votes: aussiejobbersqueeze, aznstud, Barefoot Grappler, Cyber Villain, fitguy2, gpme23, GruntOutLoud, Isaactogar, j50yomuscle, Jemtl, JJAllen, jonny innocent, kimmetje, lessrepressed, MAnderson, Maximovillareal, MCRLON30UK, Mean Mike McGold, Meikyo, munichsubfight, MusclePunkKID, neatpete, nightstranger, Ondy, pinningmuscle, playfulwrestler, Playhard, pndfighter, recruit20-02-67, Rickp, ricky gonzo95, Senior Bear, Shbwrestler, SilmBoxer1, soloboxerboy, tbone123, TigerWizard, volcano, WreckIt, wrestler noob)
- Being able to copy and paste fighter-smilies (7 votes: Bakugo, gpme23, Isaactogar, neatpete, tbone123, VaThunder, wrestler noob)
- More fighter smilies. (30 votes: Andy Bluebear, Bakugo, barcoded, BeardedVillain, Boxwrestle99, Caguy, Cbwrestler, Cdncplfight, Cymrofight, DM Mask, Donwres, DraigGoch, dz30x, gamersduo, gemtown, gpme23, Jemtl, Jobber Guy Dan, Kamikaze, little Tony, neatpete, NJMusclebud, poseidon, pro style kris, soloboxerboy, StrikeFighter, Superapolo, swflwrestle81, tbone123, wrestler noob)
- Implement Auto-reconnect (68 votes: afwrestler, Andy Bluebear, Animal KingDom, Anthon1, BeTrayedBetrayal, BigIrishman1, Caguy, calboy310, Cbwrestler, ChiFight, Churd, COWrestle81, Crushwrestler, crx, dad72, Dave8, DCotter, dz30x, EduardoJavierMoreno, FightLover, Fireball05, fitguy2, Glovefight, glovesupboxer, gpme23, GruntOutLoud, Isaactogar, jdboxing20, Jemtl, Judopete, Julian Chang, Kamikaze, Katfitefan, kimmetje, Lbwrestler, lessrepressed, Lightning, Marios1991, matwork21, Maximovillareal, MCRLON30UK, MKEwrestlebear, Natwing, neatpete, olibrius, Playhard, playtime, Puroresu, ricky gonzo95, Ricotewrestler, rjbklyn, Roreg, Saturday4pm, ScotLaird1, scottimike, Shbwrestler, shore2shore, soloboxerboy, Superapolo, swflwrestle81, tbone123, The Titan, tomhand37, volcano, wingnut, wrestle4pins, yayayo, Zeus)
- Highlight messages from the same member when you hover over his name (49 votes: akerheppo, andrewspider, Anthon1, aznstud, barcoded, BearBoarMore, bigt730, Caguy, Cbwrestler, CornerBoxer, crx, Cymrofight, fightjunkie, FightLover, fineyngmn, GruntOutLoud, HeadsczrAgony, ikf, irishpunknyc, Isaactogar, Jemtl, jonny innocent, jowee13, Julian Chang, Katfitefan, Lightning, liketowrestle, Marcus5678, Middlegaguy, munichsubfight, musclefightsmuscle1, MusclePunkKID, Natwing, neatpete, pro style kris, recruit20-02-67, Scooter, ScotLaird1, Senior Bear, shore2shore, SilmBoxer1, slyph82, soloboxerboy, Subduded Dude, tbone123, ThisIsTeal42, twigster, VaThunder, Zeus)
- Disable "New member has registered at MeetFighters.com" messages (83 votes: Adrian, Aidan, Andy Bluebear, Anthon1, aznstud, beachedboy, BearBoarMore, BeardedVillain, Benmore, BigIrishman1, brilliant n buff, bullpupthor, Caguy, calboy310, Captainandy, ChiFight, Churd, Competition, Crushwrestler, crx, dad72, Danny biceps, Dave8, David S, DCotter, doyouevenwrestle, DraigGoch, fantasyfeak, fineyngmn, FitScot, friendlyduel2, gemtown, glovesupboxer, gpme23, gutpuncherfl, haha12345678, jonny innocent, jowee13, Julian Chang, Katfitefan, kimmetje, lakelandjobber, leanmachine94, lessrepressed, Lightning, Lovetobecrushed23, Marios1991, MCRLON30UK, Middlegaguy, neatpete, Newbiewrestler, nightstranger, OldSchoolPro, olibrius, Ondy, painangel1213, Playhard, Profan1, pro style kris, PSBBO, pupupper, Ricotewrestler, rjbklyn, ro7999, Roreg, Scooter, scottimike, Scunfight, Shbwrestler, SilmBoxer1, slamitdown, statenwrestler, swflwrestle81, tbone123, The Titan, TOBearhugFan80, Trainsp, twigster, twilegs, VinnyDurango, wrestle4pins, Wrestlergreg1985, youngchubwarrior)
- Get notified from outside the chat like: "Member ABC has sent you a private message." (120 votes: AbsAbuser, Aidan, akerheppo, Animal KingDom, Anthon1, aussiejobbersqueeze, barcoded, beachedboy, BearBoarMore, BeTrayedBetrayal, Bibama527, brawlmart, brilliant n buff, bullpupthor, busted open, Captainandy, Carlos, ChiJobber, Chris Flashman, cntryddy, Competition, CornerBoxer, COWrestle81, Crendal, crx, cyberjobber, dad72, Dave8, DCotter, DraigGoch, EduardoJavierMoreno, fastfight, FerrelFighter, fighter3, Fireball05, fireman87, fitguy2, FLGripper, friendlyduel2, gemtown, GoingUp, gpme23, grapplingman891, Grizzled Wrestler, haha12345678, HeadsczrAgony, hereit is, hot2wrestle, Jemtl, Jobber Guy Dan, Judopete, Kamikaze, KBlume, kimmetje, Lbwrestler, leanmachine94, lessrepressed, Lightning, london sub, MAnderson, Maximovillareal, MCRLON30UK, Merseywrestle, Middlegaguy, MikeUK, Mikey Aarons, MKEwrestlebear, mondayandi, Mrbok73, Natwing, neatpete, Newbiewrestler, NJMusclebud, OceanWrestler, olibrius, Ondy, OttawaWrestler, painangel1213, Peteuk, phoenix th, pinningmuscle, Playhard, pndfighter, poseidon, Princesse Ludwyna, PSBBO, punchandroll, Puroresu, recruit20-02-67, ro7999, Roreg, RuffFightChallenge, RufTumblr, sayrob, Scooter, ScotLaird1, Senior Bear, Shbwrestler, shore2shore, SilmBoxer1, slamitdown, slyph82, softbellypro exjock, statenwrestler, Stockygrappler, StrikeFighter, Subduded Dude, swflwrestle81, Takushitsu, tbone123, the punisher, The Titan, The Undertaker, TigerWizard, twigster, volcano, Wresslefun, wrestle4pins, wrestler noob, wrestlingtime)
- Other (please comment) (16 votes: fineyngmn, Hammer two point 0, ikf, kimmetje, LA Stocky Wrestler, MadTownWrestler, MGBDER, mikey28, psrassle, Rob3811, slimp, spida1, StrikeFighter, TayYates, weightclass170, Wrestling4fun1958)