masochistic wrestling

favorate hold

rumblerosa (8)

3/24/2016 9:26 PM

Single legged Boston crab with either a wedgie, stroke or ball/cock claw


stxrasler (5)

6/08/2016 6:54 AM

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You betcha!


rumblerosa (8)

3/29/2016 5:26 AM

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AlexTritos (6 )

12/18/2017 9:09 PM

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wow! I love the same hold, bud


bobbie (0)

6/09/2016 7:57 AM

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yes. this is "control". a boy has to surrender when the Man grabs his balls. a great hold and position for the heel to drawing out the jobber's humilation.


Chuck (57)

3/29/2016 10:44 AM

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Wouldn't mind dishing it out or receiving it from the owner of those guns.


Jock Buster (3)

3/28/2016 3:30 AM

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excellent way to torture an opponent, maybe start with a full Boston, then drop one leg and go to work on his undefended balls


Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )

3/28/2016 11:17 AM

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Very good strategy To give full Boston first jock buster


Lutte Cannes (20 )

6/02/2016 6:25 AM

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Très envie d'expérimenter ces deux prises sur toi.


Vikingwrestler (9)

6/03/2015 3:03 AM

My favorite torturous hold is the Boston Crab. I like to work it so it also leads to some pain in his lower back and hips.


Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )

3/25/2016 11:40 AM

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I hâte the pain In My lowerback


harrier (4)

3/25/2016 2:46 PM

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It's really a painful hold. Helpless. Also anyone enjoy an over the knee backbreaker.


BigBlackHeel (2)

3/29/2016 9:35 PM

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I love delivering OTK backbreakers. Love to look down and see the sheer agony on their face as I push down on their thigh and chin/throat


GruntOutLoud (0)

3/25/2016 4:19 PM

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I do. Especially if you repeatedly bring your free elbow down into my gut.


BigBlackHeel (2)

3/29/2016 9:38 PM

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I LOVE doing that when I have my victim stretched out over my knee. Love seeing him instincively raise up then fall back when my elbow slams into his wide open gut. Coughing and gasping for air.


harrier (4)

3/30/2016 2:11 PM

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That is soooo hot. Great hold. Arms and legs dangling and twitching as you keep putting on the pressure.


Stxrasler2 (8)

12/22/2014 5:34 PM

any nut hold or cock grip is my favorite to do and have done to me


Abifighter (0)

5/07/2014 7:21 PM

Like everything else I go both ways as a heel or a jobber and am I good at either role...however for me it gets more intense when I am matched up with a competitive fighter and it is the fight that decides which role I take on...if I win, administering pain and humiliation in various holds is totally erotic, if I lose, having pain and humiliation administered to me is totally erotic...either way I win...


jason (27)

5/08/2014 12:20 AM

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The most erotic hold for me is a bearhug. Since I am almost always a jobber-having my thong removed and being crushed stomach to sweaty stomach is totally awesome!!!


daveylad (7)

5/04/2014 7:36 PM

Well this might sound a bit pathetic to all the out and out masochists and sadists alike...but I love being put in a really prolonged reverse face sit maybe with some hard nipple work, gut punching or ball punching included while I am stuck right under the guy's sweaty dirty arse struggling to breathe...for ages...! (maybe just the odd lift now and again to gulp in much needed air then back down again.

Works for me at least.


rfp6015239 (6)

3/29/2016 8:30 AM

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This is exactly what I seek also!!!!


Tuffenough (6)

3/29/2016 5:42 AM

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Fucking love EXACTLY the scene you posted


stxrasler (5)

1/30/2014 10:22 PM

any hold to the nuts or cock is great whether grabbing, hitting, kneeing, squeezing, whatever.. i love it


headlockmehard (18)

12/11/2012 1:13 AM

Anything that slowly squeezes my head or neck is a total turn on for me. Headlocks, chinlocks, rear naked chokes, two hand chokes, headscissors, neck scissors. A long slow squeeze that put me to tapping, a letting up and crushing out another gasping submission


liketowrestle (120)

7/17/2012 2:21 AM

I like any and all holds that SLOWLY drain the energy from my opponent! Really enjoy working a guys arms in holds where you can feel his bicep and triceps muscles resisting and straining to an eventual muscle failure! Example applying an arm bar without the joint lock extension where my opponent resists as long as he can as I hang back on his wrist or back mount hooks in while my opponent is on all fours as he bears my full body weight over his upper body!


liketowrestle (120)

7/17/2012 2:20 AM

I like any and all holds that SLOWLY drain the energy from my opponent! Really enjoy working a guys arms in holds where you can feel his bicep and triceps muscles resisting and straining to an eventual muscle failure! Example applying an arm bar without the joint lock extension where my opponent resists as long as he can as I hang back on his wrist or back mount hooks in while my opponent is on all fours as he bears my full body weight over his upper body!


wristlock (13)

3/19/2012 1:04 PM

your right NZ HEEL, like you i love wrist and arm holds especially Jim Breaks style, love the arm bar


NZ Heel (7)

3/17/2012 12:10 AM

I love to apply all wrist and arm weakeners ala Jim Breaks. Working a guy's neck and back turn me on too.


Mark uk (293)

3/12/2012 9:16 AM

The Ultimate Hold has to be a Torture Rack. I have racked 220lbs standing on a regular basis. Under 200lbs includes squats for added humiliation. 270lbs but did on my knees as was 2 guys over a concrete floor and didn't wanna drop them lol. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Tuffenough (6)

3/29/2016 5:44 AM

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Never had dome but SO want this. Throw in some ball crushing


BusterSTL (2)

3/09/2012 6:20 PM

Love getting locked in a camel. Inescapable. Love being slowly unmasked while in a tight camel. Heel bouncing his butt on my back, cracking my spine and taunting me as each lace is loosened, taking my ever closer and closer to my ultimate humiliation! Please log in to view gallery photos.


hardboy (18)

12/16/2011 1:52 AM

Love to put guys in full boston crab and Camel clutch. Start gently then work him to submission, then ease of and put it back on again. Turns me on to feel him try to escape and groan in pain. Please log in to view gallery photos.


BearhugAddict (3)

8/29/2011 1:43 AM

No points for guessing what my favourite hold is ;) but I love all holds that target my back also. Crabs and camels, backbreakers (knee and shoulder varieties), racks are my top choices, and also to a lesser extent hangman, scissors, crucifix, cradle and surfboard.


Tyger (106)

8/20/2011 12:34 PM

my fave is boston - giving or taking. even hotter if add ball claw!


lycramike (3)

8/20/2011 12:04 PM

Camel Clutch is a good one which i enjoy applying mostly, but a fave to have put on me is a Head/Body Sissor, and put on from the Side. Similar to the pic ive posted Please log in to view gallery photos.


rufffight1979 (2)

6/10/2016 2:31 PM

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That is an amazing hold. Especially being choked for ages in a great pair of legs and not being able to use your arm. Want to be KO'd again and again like that.


wristlock (13)

8/18/2011 11:21 AM

back breaker over the knee is a great weakener, then a boston, to get a submission


untouchable1 (12)

8/17/2011 1:21 PM

Yeah, usually gets me tapping pretty quickly! The pressure is intense


wristlock (13)

8/17/2011 12:16 PM

I agree th boston crab is almost unbearable,


canucrushme (2 )

8/17/2011 4:58 AM

bearhugs and scissors gets me going..


untouchable1 (12)

8/16/2011 1:02 PM

I enjoy scissors, definatly, love to be squeezed. Never tried a backbreaker, and I do like crabs, although they are almost too painful!!


musclebear2b (4)

8/14/2011 12:07 AM

I love all holds being applied to me... the feeling of another man using his own body, weight and strength to restrain me gets me going.


rufffight1979 (2)

6/10/2016 2:34 PM

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I totally agree with you musclebear2b. All holds are hot but the more vicious and sadistic a guy gets using them really gets me going! The tighter the better in any constricting hold as well. LOVE being taken to KO in as many ways as possible.


untouchable1 (12)

8/13/2011 4:47 PM

Camel Clutches and Bearhugs for me! Very painful and really turns me on! Same with torture racks and sleepers!


wristlock (13)

8/13/2011 12:08 PM

as my user name surgest i love the wristlock were my opponant bends my wrist inward causing great pain to my wrist, that hold gets me really excited, but any wrestling hold turns me on, does anybody get turned on from being in a painfull hold

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