
Fight 4 Marshmallow

WrestlingJay (1)

2/20/2019 5:34 PM

Celtwrestle I'm actually in Hong Kong next month... I'd like to challenge your championship for OhMyMarshmallow !


celtwrestle (47 )

2/21/2019 11:51 AM

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PM me if you want. But be advised I don’t do cyber.


celtwrestle (47 )

2/21/2019 9:49 AM

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Challenge accepted- if I’m in town


Nightmareera (0 )

2/20/2019 11:02 AM

what the hell is going on



2/20/2019 3:38 PM

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Lots of barking here, I'd take on any of ya and see if the bite lives up to bark. Pretty much a newbie,I cant punch long,but I can punch hard.


thunder64boxer (8)

12/10/2018 11:59 AM

Neither of you do. Face it, boys...she wants and deserves the true alpha. A heavyweight champion.


Raeden (5)

2/18/2019 6:22 AM

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I'd beat the three of ya. Then she'd have a real man for a champ. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Wilmcfight (2)

3/27/2019 8:53 PM

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Damn , I wanna fight you


OhmyMarshmallow (0)

2/19/2019 9:50 PM

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It's so hot to see a new fighter want to step up for the opportunity. I look forward to seeing what you and that brutishness are capable of.


thunder64boxer (8)

2/20/2019 12:09 PM

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OMM, you and I both know how I'll ruin him. Now, it's just time to show him.


celtwrestle (47 )

2/20/2019 9:14 AM

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I’d tip Raeden to win. He seems to have the credentials- even though that might merely amount to one recommendation.
Roughtackyclown (or whatever the name is) seems to talk a good one.
If either of them were half as good at actual irl fighting as they are at online posturing they’d simply man up and both arrange to fight for real for the entertainment of ohmymarshmallow.
One of these chumps is in Illinois, the other around DC, and OMYMW roughly between the two. So fixing a time, date and place for a meet-up shouldn’t be too hard.
Empress, I wonder if such bozos are capable let alone committed?


Roughtakedown (6)

2/19/2019 2:03 PM

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I would rip you apart Boy !!!!


Raeden (5)

2/19/2019 2:52 PM

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Keep dreamin punk.


Roughtakedown (6)

2/19/2019 2:53 PM

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Reality princess


celtwrestle (47 )

12/08/2018 6:57 AM

Need to put this out here because so much fantasy claptrap is written about fight info for her.
Alansg and I had a fun fit in Hong Kong in the morning of December 8. Parts of the action were sent via kik messenger to oh my marshmallow. We were fighting for here and I won. Sorry Al but did you enjoy your pose-match punishment. I know oh my marshmallow appreciated my victory.
I remain her champion and I praise her for encouraging me and for letting me be her favourite.
So, a real fight over a woman took place yesterday and even though she was on the other side of the world it was still an exciting experience for her and me.
I think this is probably the first time this has happened thanks to digital messaging apps.
Would be interesting to see if anyone else fancies their chances of being the stable’s top dog.
Irl only. No cyber


Shrimpy (0)

12/09/2018 2:36 PM

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Do I stand a chance l


celtwrestle (47 )

12/11/2018 1:35 AM

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Ohmymarshmallow might let you into the stable as a featherweight

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