Role-playing fighting

What are you favourite weapons?

Princesse Ludwyna (1)

9/11/2021 9:59 AM

I prefer unarmed combat but if i had to go the gladiator way i'd have a sword and shield like a basic d&d fighter.
And i would love to fight a retiarius with a net and a trident.


mikey3458 (25 )

9/10/2021 10:39 AM

I wrestle pro style, so a piece of chain, golf club i like a putter. Folding metal chair. Rope. Turn buckle pad. A boot. But you need you need be trained to how to use this stuff so no one ends up in the er. The right way to hit a guy and the right way to take it. This way it always looks good and feels good.


bayridgefighter (3 )

9/10/2021 5:25 AM

I always like gladius versus trident battles. I've made a few trident. And made swords with that highly dense foam board. The type of material they use around outside building entrance is are usually white. they can be trimmed down with a plane they come I. 1/4 up to 3/4" thickest.


mikey3458 (25 )

9/04/2021 9:56 AM

I like it simple, a chain wrapped fist, to be used on my stomach and head


bayridgefighter (3 )

9/10/2021 5:18 AM

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Yes yes motorcycle gang s usually fight that way


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 6:37 PM

Where is best place to purchase some toy (safe) weapons for simulating gladiator fights ?
Best material to be made of ?


bayridgefighter (3 )

9/10/2021 5:16 AM

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You can try some Halloween stores or Chinese martial art stores . they have fake hard rubber knives and swords. So usually curve swords


bnjifghtr (2)

9/12/2021 7:20 PM

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Thx bro I found some
Also left you a message on your profile


AsselPunk (0)

9/02/2021 10:01 PM

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I know some are using nerf foam swords


Lutteurrouen (8)

9/03/2021 6:17 AM

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It's very well..


bnjifghtr (2)

9/02/2021 11:20 PM

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Cool that is good as well
I found some play fake knives that retract upon thrust into the body - so it looks like it penetrated the body


jacquolandin (29)

9/03/2021 9:57 AM

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Where did you find them? They sound like fun.
Are they solid?


bnjifghtr (2)

9/03/2021 4:10 PM

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And yes


Gladlover (0)

8/24/2019 5:49 PM

The New Arena Fighter forum is back up and running. The link is:

Lets get everyone back over there and start posting pics, stories, comments.


Lthrwrstlr (2 )

8/30/2019 5:22 AM

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Awesome! I'm lthrwrstlr on there too


GladiatorCombat (0)

7/24/2019 3:54 PM

There is something very hot about pitting a sword against a trident. One can understand why the Roman crowd was excited by the contrast between the agile nimble retiarius versus the strength and mighty swordsmanship of the secutor, fighting to the death in scantily-clad combat.



bayridgefighter (3 )

7/24/2019 9:21 PM

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Yes always excited and intrigued me watching a fight between the Trident and the sword


jacquolandin (29)

7/24/2019 7:07 AM

naked with short swords and eventually small shields...


AsselPunk (0)

7/26/2019 1:12 PM

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should be a good scenario up to the death of the looser


jacquolandin (29)

7/26/2019 1:27 PM

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the winner will finish off the loser slowly but surely
the loser will beg for mercy but to no avail


AsselPunk (0)

7/26/2019 1:32 PM

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of course not, as it is a Duell of manhood….sword vs. Sword, cock vs cock


jacquolandin (29)

7/26/2019 1:43 PM

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you're into quick honorable deaths
why not?


AsselPunk (0)

7/26/2019 2:19 PM

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yes, why not?


AsselPunk (0)

7/25/2019 11:29 AM

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also an idea


AsselPunk (0)

7/23/2019 1:55 PM

For me it should be a spear or a sword, but nothing to protect the body like a shield to hide behind. So it`s just a fight man vs man in their loin chloth , chest to chest….just protectet by their weapons and their power. Fighting without protection is more exciting, because if your unprotected body is presented to your enemy the whole fight, you might fight harder to avoid a sudden and mercyless death stroke


bnjifghtr (2)

8/25/2021 9:20 PM

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Def unprotected and vulnerable belly


bnjifghtr (2)

8/25/2021 9:19 PM

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Agree . . Maybe fake swords or knives in a role play would be fun


Belly Punch (3)

8/16/2019 1:53 AM

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I totally agree, no shield, bare chests and bellies, wide open!


AsselPunk (0)

8/29/2019 12:06 PM

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so everyone can see, that you`re a proud cladiator


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 5:34 AM

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Hell yeh. . . vulnerable especially in belly


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 5:35 AM

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Also like the short swords as weapons


Pettocontropetto (2)

7/26/2019 5:42 AM

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Yes I wanna try that


bayridgefighter (3 )

7/23/2019 9:43 PM

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Hi I'd like to try that your sword verus my tridenr


AsselPunk (0)

7/25/2019 11:29 AM

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this should be great


bayridgefighter (3 )

11/04/2018 5:57 AM

Hey like I like fighting with my Trident and net to take down and snarl my opponent all the while wearing my loin cloth and mancia left arm protector Please log in to view gallery photos.


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 5:37 AM

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Be fun to go with you using short swords - play ones ofc haha


Gladlover (0)

11/04/2018 7:43 PM

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I'm a fool for a man in a chest harness.


Gladlover (0)

10/30/2018 4:58 PM

A Gladius is a sexy weapon. A thrusting weapon.


GladiatorCombat (0)

10/26/2018 6:53 PM

I like to fight as a gladiator with toy weapons. My favourite fights are sword versus trident, maces, caveman clubs and mallets. Men also get shields to defend themselves. A simple swordfight in which both men have blades can also be good. It is good to fight with a traditional loincloth or thong or nude. What do other guys like?


cookie0 (0)

10/26/2018 7:45 PM

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If I had a fight with weapons . Like you a sword or trident, axe or 2 long knives


bayridgefighter (3 )

11/05/2018 10:00 PM

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A good choice of weapons

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