Role-playing fighting

Role playing as submissive girl

moonmattx (0)

12/25/2023 7:28 AM

Interested in trying this out with a guy. Dressing up and fighting them as a jobber.


Markwrestle (0)

1/20/2024 4:17 PM

(In reply to this)

Sounds really hot!


Goose (63)

4/09/2023 9:08 PM

Have started doing this myself and it's lots of fun - I love having a height advantage in my matches, and boots with 6' heels give me way more height! Also leads to way more humiliation when I get manhandled lol


spartacus taurus (2)

3/06/2023 11:19 PM

H.. newbie here


Jack wmids uk (0)

9/19/2021 9:51 AM

I’d definitely be interested, I would fight to win though


Mat Man (0)

7/12/2021 3:17 PM

So hot!😃 I love the idea of fighting someone role playing as a girl


Rock2218 (1 )

1/16/2023 9:25 PM

(In reply to this)

Would you be interested if we did a girl vs girl roleplay? Send me a message.


Parisianwrestler3 (0)

4/13/2023 1:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Sounds awesome


Nightmareera (0 )

2/14/2019 11:19 AM

Lol well that sound nice since I don't have nothing against you dressing as a female school girl, but still I make you tap at the end of role play.


Princesse Ludwyna (1)

2/14/2019 10:19 AM

Haha. I'd do that dressed as an anime magical girl for example.


headscissors2 (0)

2/13/2019 1:45 PM

I would like that


BenfromBritain (0)

2/10/2019 1:11 PM

Nice idea
Like th girl is leading the guy on then when she annoys him, start to wrestle?


jfern009 (0 )

2/10/2019 10:51 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes! Kinda like that


BenfromBritain (0)

2/10/2019 11:55 PM

(In reply to this)

Sounds fun


jfern009 (0 )

2/10/2019 11:06 AM

Was thinking of dressing as a feminine school girl and wrestle in a 1v2 scenario as a jobber. Not sure if that fits in within this group! Lol

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