I'm a fan of this. I'd love to beaten up to the point of death (RP only obviously haha.) Slowly I get weaker and weaker as my opponents utterly destroys me. It's like the ultimate nomination.
I've had a recurring fantasy in which I get beaten until there's no more fight left in me, and then my rival castrates me. After cutting my balls off, he slowly shoves the knife under my ribs and into my heart.
For me a fight to the death must include martial arts and/or combat Sumo, preferably naked, with a fellow heavyweight.
My styles of choice are Judo, Karate, Kung Fu and combat sumo. Full contact, no rules, so biting and ripping off body parts too all allowed, so long as itâs unarmed and lethal.
Chatfighters has a "Death" room. I RP there sometimes. I do have a death fantasy, along with a few different scenes in which it happens. In every one of them, death is the result of a torturously slow process of total gut destruction. Much as it is here, the main orientation is towards ring fighting, but my character is a lousy fighter who'd never be found in a ring, so I end up cornered in a warehouse, alley or similar. Oh yeah, my character is such a low life cowardly villain that there's no need, in fact not possible to feel any guilt about ending me.
A young warrior has volunteered for what appears to be a suicide mission: to stop Viking raids along the coast. The Vikings are looting, raping and terrorizing.
For days, he tracks down the tribe and its leader. The latter is not an explorer but just a predator, a vicious, devious and bloodthirsty giant. He ends up finding their trail by their smell. These warriors are animals.
He finally finds their camp, when their leader is about to brand a captive. The young warrior leaps into the middle of the tribe and calls out to him:
"Hey you! I challenge you according to the Viking laws!
Uproar among the barbarians.
The other stands up with all his height. Pecs in front, he approaches the intruder that he dominates of a good head by holding the reddened iron and hisses...
"Viking laws forbidden to your people!
A growl rises in the ranks of the tribe's warriors.
- Your men disapprove of you," sneers the young warrior, "they think you're afraid!
The barbarian spits on the ground and pulls up his balls
- I will accept! I will dismantle you, you will roll in the dust and my foot will weigh on your head like on a slave dog!
The two men face each other and the tribe circles around them.
The young Arab goes bare-chested. And this surprises the barbarians. They are all bearded but hairless and have never seen such brown hair on their chests. Raising his arms, he flexes his biceps which appear more prominent than the Viking warriors would have imagined.
The barbarian chief and the warrior turn around each other. The chief manages to grab his opponent by the triceps to bring him to him and choke him. But the young warrior supersedes the hold, sticks him, and takes him in a bear hug. The viking's muscles bulge to escape but the youngster squeezes his ribs like steel cables. The leader desperately tries to free his arms but the other holds on and eventually throws him to the ground like a sack. The Viking falls on his back and remains on the ground, panting. He doesn't understand what is happening to him. Unfortunately for the other fighter, he didn't see a stump at his feet. He stumbles. The chief, playing with his weight, throws himself on him and crushes him, taking his breath away.
The tribe exults. Then without waiting, he straddles the young warrior and seizes him by the throat. This last one pounces, jiggles but the hands of the barbarian are like talons.
The two warriors are sweating. Their armpits are dripping.
Suddenly of a formidable and desperate blow of kidney, the young person gets free of the hold of the Viking, rises on a knee and strikes the biceps big as a ball of the barbarian leader of the edge of the left hand. The other grimaces and moves back while holding the projection of his tattooed arm.
The two men straighten up. The Viking chief advances, terrible, threatening and prepares once again to take his adversary in bearhug but the sweat made that the young person slips like an eel. He seizes the nipples of the enormous pecs of the barbarian and twists them violently. The other squeals and is stunned. He lets his muscles relax...The warrior slips under the crotch of the of the barbarian. He is behind him. Before the other one turns around, he puts his hand between his thighs, grabs his balls, squeezes them and pulls them back with a sharp blow.
This time the barbarian yells and puts the two knees on the ground...
The young warrior lets go of the balls of the chief but it is to plaster himself against his back. He straddles him, takes him in sleeperhold and throws himself back to bring his victim to the ground. His forearm plates itself against the throat of the barbarian, his biceps inflates under the effort. The other one tries to get free of the hold which is all in nerve and snarl. But the forearm of the young person crushes him the throat and he maintains his prey by a scissor to the body. And his heels come to crush the bruised balls.
"So," he said, "is that all you know how to do? Is that a barbarian leader? What do you use your muscles for?"
Indeed, soon a gurgling sound rises from the throat of the alpha and bloodthirsty warrior...
He turns red. The veins on his forehead are swollen. His resistance is softening, soon he will be knocked out definitively in front of his men who start to boo him.
He acts slyly as often in the fights and like an animal, manages to plant his teeth in the forearm of the young man who cries and releases the catch.
The viking gets up and grabs his opponent by the hair to straighten him up and clutches his head between his thighs to make it crack like a nut.But again, the sweat makes the bodies slip and prevents the holds. The young warrior escapes and makes two jumps backwards.
The Viking chief is mad with hate. He wants to take advantage of his length and swings his leg to strike a fatal blow....
But the young fighter saw it coming, he dodges and gets to the side, blocks the leg under his armpit and hooks the other leg. The viking makes a thud as he crashes to the ground...
The young warrior kept his hold. He seizes the two ankles of the barbarian and spreads him more the thighs. The other guessed the blow and tends the arms to implore the clemency of the young warrior. But this last looks him right in the eyes with a sneer and crushes him the balls with his heel. The leader's hoarse cry of pain ends in a shrill scream.
"That'll keep bitches like you from breeding" hisses the warrior.
The barbarian rolls on the ground in fetal position but his opponent is not finished with him. He slams him face down on the ground, sits on his back. He double nelson's him with his legs and lifts his arm. The barbarian cries of pain. Then he takes him in camel clutch. He pulls him back, you can almost hear the long spine of the chief cracking, and puts his fingers in his mouth as if it was a bit and he was riding it. In fact the little warrior has tamed what is now just his mount.
"Forfeit and live!" he shouts.
The other still tries to resist but ends up letting go: "I-I -forfeit"
STRONGER! shouts the young man who makes him repeat several times the sentence by working his pecs and nipples;
Then he ends up releasing him, the Viking falls back under the booing.
The youngster turns towards the tribe which cheers him, the courage and the chivalrous spirit won on the barbarism but by receiving the honors, he did not see that the Viking leader gets up behind him. He staggers and is once again about to take him as a traitor. The glance of one of the barbarians warns him and saves him. At the moment when the other one jumps on him, the youngster kneels down and uses his momentum to pass him over his shoulders and fall back to the ground.
He follows up with a scissors to the head. The embrace of the thighs of the young warrior is deadly. The barbarian warrior or what it remains of it moans, he would never have imagined such a force in these thighs there...and he struggles only limply...
"Lick my full balls!" orders the young fighter, pressing his face against his pack. The other complies despite the strong smell of sweat. When he was well humiliated, the young man tightens his
his thighs abruptly with all his forces while pushing a wild grunt. The feet of the barbarian plough the ground. All his body tressaute and he beats of the arms but clutches only air.
A sinister crack echoes through the camp. The Viking is lifeless, mouth wide open. The young warrior takes off his soaked loincloth and presses it over the defeated man. Sweat flows into the barbarian's mouth. Then he pushes his body with the tip of his foot like a vulgar package that rolls over itself. This carcass of muscles and tattoos of thick brute was reduced to nothing by a warrior smaller and less drunk than him but slim and virile...
A warrior who stands up and flexes under the tribe's hurrahs. His foot forcefully enters the Viking's mouth and he throws at the wide-eyed face, "I didn't even want you as a slave..."
Please log in to view gallery photos.
Il finit par trouver leur campement. u moment oĂč leur chef va marquer au fer rouge un captif. Le jeune guerrier bondit au milieu de la tribu et lâapostrophe :
I mentioned in 2020, being slowly gutpunched to death, but in the context of RP, I think there needs to be more to it than that. In fact with any of the deaths mentioned here, I think there should be some kind of context, otherwise it's probably a non-verbal role that lasts only a few seconds. I'll think about writing some scenes that accommodate my fantasy of death by gut punishment. One thing that comes to mind is interrogation which includes a lengthy session of gut punches and verbal abuse, and ends with a fatal gutpunch.
Another role can be a first person account/narration of how a person dies. One thing I think about is being restrained against a wall, and a machine with a ramming device, probably about 5" in diameter, moving forward and back, like a piston. It's not fast, like a punch would be. It's more like a slow moving thing. At first, it doesn't even touch my gut, but it slowly advances a few millimeters or so every minute or so. I start feeling the breeze of it coming close to my belly. Then it starts touching, but without any depth. Finally, I start feeling it making solid contact. It takes a good long while before it starts forcing a bit of wind out of me, but I can suck my gut in, and keep it from touching. After a while, it reaches far enough that I can't stop it from plunging into me. Even then, it doesn't really hurt, but it starts pumping the wind out of me with each plunge. Time passes, and it's starting to hurt. I start to moan. Each moan is forced out by the device. This goes on till my voice is hoarse and raspy. Each thrust causes a white hot flash of pain. It feels like the machine is having fatal sex with my gut. I lose consciousness and it's over.
Now, imagine the above thing happening while at the same time, I'm being interrogated and am begging to be let go, and that I'm begging while the machine is rhythmically forcing my breath out.
What in your opinion would be the most feminine and sexiest way to get killed ?
I think grounded, two hand-strangled, while trying desperately to unbalance the heavier assaulter, hair wildly flowing all around, legs struggling in the air and my little hands unable to break the much stronger grasp.
Second thing i can imagine is standing up, fighting with courage, speed and agility against a slower but stronger and robust huge opponent, using fancy kicks but unable to break the guard of the enemy because i lack strength and suddenly having him moving in my back and neck breaking me by surprise, killing me while i fall down like a rag doll in a cloud of petticoats...
Other ideas?
maybe throat squeezed between the legs of your opponent, desperate trying to catch some air, but only able to flop around like a fish outside the water....sourrounded by wild hair?
Like I said it is on VHS. I looked at my DVD's, but I didn't see them. The VHS are in boxes. I think I have Hillary Clinton vs Monica Lewinsky, and prince versus Michael Jackson. I am not sure I will let you know when I find them over the weekend.
I sure like to role-playing a death match with you CMDheel.. please give us a scenario you want to see acting out between two opponents right physically fighting ? who would be a celebrity you'd like to see in a deathmatch? We're very interested
I am always looking for a erotic death cyber fight, both as killer or victim. love the idea of dead body handling and abuse too. Roleplaying as enemy solider, assassins, mob hit, POW, robbery gone bad, etc. Available most weeknights - PM me !
The thought of it is so hot... (no actual death, of course) but fighting for your life, knowing one opponent will lose everything and not walk out of the combat alive. Everything you worked for: your combat skills, years of training, your body: all destroyed and over once you lose the fight, as you descend into eternal darkness...
I want this to happen for real ... I will play any role... and stakes... just make it end with a series of frog splashes ... smashing the life out of me
I find it a lot of fun in cyber.
Barbarian VS Roman sounds fun. Could do it with a captured leader and a gladiator too.
My favorite hold is sleeper chokes. Transitions to necksnaps are hot.
Or with erotic stories, loser choking to death on the winner's cock is really hot.
Who likes to play the fight to the death? Hand-to-hand combat. For example between barbarian leader and Roman soldier? What is your favorite hold, fatal hold for the opponent?
ifonly (11)
4/09/2024 5:14 AMI'm a fan of this. I'd love to beaten up to the point of death (RP only obviously haha.) Slowly I get weaker and weaker as my opponents utterly destroys me. It's like the ultimate nomination.
4/07/2024 7:17 PMWould love to have a nude fistfight to the death.
Lottachubby (10)
4/04/2024 2:37 PMI would like it real
Lutteurrouen (8)
4/07/2024 2:45 PM(In reply to this)
Me too... Very much !
Fighter19788 (4)
4/01/2024 10:09 PMIo faccio thai boxe ed Ăš normale pensare a cosa possa succedereâŠ
Italian Gladiator (17 )
4/05/2024 11:06 AM(In reply to this)
A me del death fight piace proprio l'adrenalina del saper "cosa puĂČ succedere" đ
Small package (0)
3/27/2024 8:56 AMNude wrestle that climaxes with both wrestling under water only one returns back up to the surface
MIbigguy (8 )
3/27/2024 2:16 PM(In reply to this)
That has been an idea of mine for years.
Lottachubby (10)
3/27/2024 6:52 PM(In reply to this)
Mine too mm.m..m.
Lottachubby (10)
3/27/2024 8:58 AM(In reply to this)
Yes I.like.it.pity.
BrassRing (0)
3/26/2024 3:47 AMI've had a recurring fantasy in which I get beaten until there's no more fight left in me, and then my rival castrates me. After cutting my balls off, he slowly shoves the knife under my ribs and into my heart.
Parry Steele (0)
11/17/2023 10:40 PMAnyone into death fight role play with (stage/play) knives PM me.
Lutteurrouen (8)
3/27/2024 2:01 PM(In reply to this)
Me ! But I am in France.
Lottachubby (10)
3/27/2024 2:03 PM(In reply to this)
I know this for
Lutteurrouen (8)
11/27/2023 8:19 AM(In reply to this)
Oui, moi, je veux bien essayer, au poignard, plus prÚs possible de la réalité, en essayant d'aller jusqu'à la limite.
Lottachubby (10)
3/26/2024 5:53 AM(In reply to this)
J'aimerais vous défier nu avec une dague en plastique et me battre jusqu'à la mort pour voir qui mourra.
BayArea Shark (0)
11/14/2023 7:02 AMInterested in roleplaying this. Sounds like fun. I wouldn't mind snapping some necks or bear hugging some victims
Lottachubby (10)
3/26/2024 5:56 AM(In reply to this)
Yes, I too would like a real brutal challenge with you
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
10/15/2023 9:59 AMFor me a fight to the death must include martial arts and/or combat Sumo, preferably naked, with a fellow heavyweight.
My styles of choice are Judo, Karate, Kung Fu and combat sumo. Full contact, no rules, so biting and ripping off body parts too all allowed, so long as itâs unarmed and lethal.
Being naked also involves cockfighting too.
Who wants to fight to the death?
MattsterBlaster (0)
3/26/2024 11:55 AM(In reply to this)
Hell yeah...sounds awesome!
Lottachubby (10)
3/26/2024 5:58 AM(In reply to this)
I accept yours
Lottachubby (10)
11/06/2023 8:15 PM(In reply to this)
I would like a brutal encounter between naked chubbies and a cock challenge with you
Lottachubby (10)
11/06/2023 8:07 PM(In reply to this)
Io ti sfiderei
slimp (0)
6/14/2023 5:18 AMChatfighters has a "Death" room. I RP there sometimes. I do have a death fantasy, along with a few different scenes in which it happens. In every one of them, death is the result of a torturously slow process of total gut destruction. Much as it is here, the main orientation is towards ring fighting, but my character is a lousy fighter who'd never be found in a ring, so I end up cornered in a warehouse, alley or similar. Oh yeah, my character is such a low life cowardly villain that there's no need, in fact not possible to feel any guilt about ending me.
mikey3458 (25 )
6/12/2023 3:55 AMI would love to role play my death, keep hammering on me at the end, pull my head up by the hair and keep hammering my head.
hollywoodbattle (0 )
6/11/2023 10:48 PMfuck yeah man bring it on
Parry Steele (0)
4/11/2024 8:49 PM(In reply to this)
Choose your weapon.
Fight Boston (6)
5/06/2023 6:57 PMI would be squashed laying under the full weight of some heavy guys!
Wrstlsports (119)
5/05/2023 7:43 PMA young warrior has volunteered for what appears to be a suicide mission: to stop Viking raids along the coast. The Vikings are looting, raping and terrorizing.
For days, he tracks down the tribe and its leader. The latter is not an explorer but just a predator, a vicious, devious and bloodthirsty giant. He ends up finding their trail by their smell. These warriors are animals.
He finally finds their camp, when their leader is about to brand a captive. The young warrior leaps into the middle of the tribe and calls out to him:
"Hey you! I challenge you according to the Viking laws!
Uproar among the barbarians.
The other stands up with all his height. Pecs in front, he approaches the intruder that he dominates of a good head by holding the reddened iron and hisses...
"Viking laws forbidden to your people!
A growl rises in the ranks of the tribe's warriors.
- Your men disapprove of you," sneers the young warrior, "they think you're afraid!
The barbarian spits on the ground and pulls up his balls
- I will accept! I will dismantle you, you will roll in the dust and my foot will weigh on your head like on a slave dog!
The two men face each other and the tribe circles around them.
The young Arab goes bare-chested. And this surprises the barbarians. They are all bearded but hairless and have never seen such brown hair on their chests. Raising his arms, he flexes his biceps which appear more prominent than the Viking warriors would have imagined.
The barbarian chief and the warrior turn around each other. The chief manages to grab his opponent by the triceps to bring him to him and choke him. But the young warrior supersedes the hold, sticks him, and takes him in a bear hug. The viking's muscles bulge to escape but the youngster squeezes his ribs like steel cables. The leader desperately tries to free his arms but the other holds on and eventually throws him to the ground like a sack. The Viking falls on his back and remains on the ground, panting. He doesn't understand what is happening to him. Unfortunately for the other fighter, he didn't see a stump at his feet. He stumbles. The chief, playing with his weight, throws himself on him and crushes him, taking his breath away.
The tribe exults. Then without waiting, he straddles the young warrior and seizes him by the throat. This last one pounces, jiggles but the hands of the barbarian are like talons.
The two warriors are sweating. Their armpits are dripping.
Suddenly of a formidable and desperate blow of kidney, the young person gets free of the hold of the Viking, rises on a knee and strikes the biceps big as a ball of the barbarian leader of the edge of the left hand. The other grimaces and moves back while holding the projection of his tattooed arm.
The two men straighten up. The Viking chief advances, terrible, threatening and prepares once again to take his adversary in bearhug but the sweat made that the young person slips like an eel. He seizes the nipples of the enormous pecs of the barbarian and twists them violently. The other squeals and is stunned. He lets his muscles relax...The warrior slips under the crotch of the of the barbarian. He is behind him. Before the other one turns around, he puts his hand between his thighs, grabs his balls, squeezes them and pulls them back with a sharp blow.
This time the barbarian yells and puts the two knees on the ground...
The young warrior lets go of the balls of the chief but it is to plaster himself against his back. He straddles him, takes him in sleeperhold and throws himself back to bring his victim to the ground. His forearm plates itself against the throat of the barbarian, his biceps inflates under the effort. The other one tries to get free of the hold which is all in nerve and snarl. But the forearm of the young person crushes him the throat and he maintains his prey by a scissor to the body. And his heels come to crush the bruised balls.
"So," he said, "is that all you know how to do? Is that a barbarian leader? What do you use your muscles for?"
Indeed, soon a gurgling sound rises from the throat of the alpha and bloodthirsty warrior...
He turns red. The veins on his forehead are swollen. His resistance is softening, soon he will be knocked out definitively in front of his men who start to boo him.
He acts slyly as often in the fights and like an animal, manages to plant his teeth in the forearm of the young man who cries and releases the catch.
The viking gets up and grabs his opponent by the hair to straighten him up and clutches his head between his thighs to make it crack like a nut.But again, the sweat makes the bodies slip and prevents the holds. The young warrior escapes and makes two jumps backwards.
The Viking chief is mad with hate. He wants to take advantage of his length and swings his leg to strike a fatal blow....
But the young fighter saw it coming, he dodges and gets to the side, blocks the leg under his armpit and hooks the other leg. The viking makes a thud as he crashes to the ground...
The young warrior kept his hold. He seizes the two ankles of the barbarian and spreads him more the thighs. The other guessed the blow and tends the arms to implore the clemency of the young warrior. But this last looks him right in the eyes with a sneer and crushes him the balls with his heel. The leader's hoarse cry of pain ends in a shrill scream.
"That'll keep bitches like you from breeding" hisses the warrior.
The barbarian rolls on the ground in fetal position but his opponent is not finished with him. He slams him face down on the ground, sits on his back. He double nelson's him with his legs and lifts his arm. The barbarian cries of pain. Then he takes him in camel clutch. He pulls him back, you can almost hear the long spine of the chief cracking, and puts his fingers in his mouth as if it was a bit and he was riding it. In fact the little warrior has tamed what is now just his mount.
"Forfeit and live!" he shouts.
The other still tries to resist but ends up letting go: "I-I -forfeit"
STRONGER! shouts the young man who makes him repeat several times the sentence by working his pecs and nipples;
Then he ends up releasing him, the Viking falls back under the booing.
The youngster turns towards the tribe which cheers him, the courage and the chivalrous spirit won on the barbarism but by receiving the honors, he did not see that the Viking leader gets up behind him. He staggers and is once again about to take him as a traitor. The glance of one of the barbarians warns him and saves him. At the moment when the other one jumps on him, the youngster kneels down and uses his momentum to pass him over his shoulders and fall back to the ground.
He follows up with a scissors to the head. The embrace of the thighs of the young warrior is deadly. The barbarian warrior or what it remains of it moans, he would never have imagined such a force in these thighs there...and he struggles only limply...
"Lick my full balls!" orders the young fighter, pressing his face against his pack. The other complies despite the strong smell of sweat. When he was well humiliated, the young man tightens his
his thighs abruptly with all his forces while pushing a wild grunt. The feet of the barbarian plough the ground. All his body tressaute and he beats of the arms but clutches only air.
A sinister crack echoes through the camp. The Viking is lifeless, mouth wide open. The young warrior takes off his soaked loincloth and presses it over the defeated man. Sweat flows into the barbarian's mouth. Then he pushes his body with the tip of his foot like a vulgar package that rolls over itself. This carcass of muscles and tattoos of thick brute was reduced to nothing by a warrior smaller and less drunk than him but slim and virile...
A warrior who stands up and flexes under the tribe's hurrahs. His foot forcefully enters the Viking's mouth and he throws at the wide-eyed face, "I didn't even want you as a slave..." Please log in to view gallery photos.
Wrstlsports (119)
5/03/2023 2:25 PMUn jeune guerrier sâest portĂ© volontaire pour ce qui apparaĂźt comme une mission suicide : mettre fin aux raids vikings le long des cĂŽtes. Ces derniers, pillent, violent et font rĂ©gner la terreur.
Pendant des jours, il va traque la tribu et son chef. Ce dernier nâest pas un explorateur mais juste un prĂ©dateur, un gĂ©ant vicieux, sournois et sanguinaire. Il finit par retrouver leur trace Ă leur odeur. Ces guerriers sont des animaux.
Il finit par trouver leur campement. u moment oĂč leur chef va marquer au fer rouge un captif. Le jeune guerrier bondit au milieu de la tribu et lâapostrophe :
"Eh toi! Je te lance un défi selon les lois vikings!
Brouhaha parmi les barbares.
L'autre se redresse de toute sa haute taille. Pecs en avant, il sâapproche de lâintrus quâil domine dâune bonne tĂȘte en tenant le fer rougie et siffle...
"Lois vikings interdites Ă ton peuple !
Un grognement s'Ă©lĂšve dans le rang des guerriers de la tribu.
- Tes hommes, te désapprouvent, ricane le jeune guerrier, ils croient que tu as peur!
Le barbare crache au sol et se remonte les burnes
- Moi accepter! je vais te dĂ©monter, tu rouleras dans la poussiĂšre et mon pied pĂšsera sur ta tĂȘte comme sur un chien dâesclave!
Les deux hommes se font face et la tribu fait cercle autour d'eux.
Le jeune arabe se met torse nu. Et cela Ă©tonne les barbares. Ils sont tous barbus mais glabres du torse et nâont jamais vu une telle toison brune sur le torse. En levant les bras, il flexe ses biceps qui apparaissent plus saillants que les guerriers vikings nâauraient imaginĂ©.
Le chef barbare et le guerrier se tournent autour. Le chef parvient Ă saisir son adversaire par le triceps va pour l'amener Ă lui et lâĂ©touffer. Mais le jeune guerrer supasse la prise, le colle, et le prend en prise de l'ours. Les muscles du viking se gonflent pour sâĂ©chapper mais le jeune lui comprime les cĂŽtes comme des cĂąbles en acier. Le chef essaie dĂ©sespĂ©rĂ©ment de dĂ©gager ses bras mais lâautre tient bon et finit par le jeter au sol comme un sac. Le viking tombe sur le dos et reste Ă terre, haletant. Il ne comprend pas ce qui lui arrive. Malheureusement pour lâautre combattant, il nâa pas vu une souche Ă ses pieds. Il trĂ©buche. Le chef qui joue de son poids, se jette sur lui et lâĂ©crase, lui coupant le souffle.
La tribu exulte. Puis sans attendre, il chevauche le jeune guerrier et le saisit Ă la gorge. Ce dernier ponte, gigote mais les mains du barbare sont comme des serres.
Les deux guerriers sont en sueur. Leurs aisselles ruissĂšlent.
Soudain d'un coup de rein formidable et désespéré, le jeune se dégage de l'emprise du viking, se dresse sur un genou et frappe le biceps gros comme un boulet du chef barbare du tranchant de la main gauche. L'autre grimace et recule en se tenant la saillie de son bras tatoué.
les deux homme se redressent. Le chef viking s'avance , terrible, menaçant et s'apprĂȘte une nouvelle fois Ă prendre son adversaire en bearhug mais la sueur a fait que le jeune glisse comme une anguille. Il saisit les tĂ©tons des Ă©normes pecs du barbare et les tord violemment. L'autre couine et est stupĂ©fait. Il laisse ses muscles se dĂ©tendre...Le guerrier se glisse sous l'entrejambe du barbare.
Il est derriĂšre lui. Avant que l'autre se retourne, il lui passe la main entre les cuisses, lui empoigne les couilles, les serre et les tire dâun coup sec en arriĂšre en remontant.
Cette fois le barbare gueule et met les deux genoux Ă terre...
Le jeune guerrier lĂąche les couilles du chef mais câest pour se plaquer contre son dos. Il le chevauche, le prend en sleeperhold et se jette en arriĂšre pour amener sa victime au sol. Son avant-bras se plaque contre la gorge du barbare, son biceps se gonfle sous lâeffort. L'autre essaie de se dĂ©gager de l'emprise qui est tout en nerf et en hargne. Mais lâavant bras du jeune lui Ă©crase la gorge et il maintient sa proie par un ciseau au corps. Et ses talons viennent Ă©craser les couilles meurtries.
« Alors, dit-il, câest tout ce que tu sais faire ? Câest ça un chef barbare ? Tes muscles te servent Ă quoi ? »
De fait, bientĂŽt un gargouillis s'Ă©lĂšve de la gorge du guerrier alpha et sanguinaire...
Il devient rouge. Les veines de son front sont gonflĂ©es. Sa rĂ©sistance s'amollit, bientĂŽt il va ĂȘtre mis KO dĂ©finitivement devant ses hommes qui commencent Ă le huer.
Il agit sournoisement comme souvent dans les combats et tel un animal, parvient Ă planter ses dents dans l'avant-bras du jeune homme qui crie et relĂąche la prise.
Le viking se relĂšve et empoigne son adversaire par les cheveux pour le redresser et lui enserre la tĂȘte entre ses cuisses pour la faire craquer comme une noix.
Mais lĂ encore, la sueur fait glisser les corps et empĂȘche les prises. Le jeune guerrier Ă©chappe et fait deux bonds en arriĂšre.
Le chef viking est fou de haine. Il veut profiter de son allonge et balance sa jambe pour porter un coup fatal....
Mais le jeune combattant lâa vu venir, il esquive et se met de cĂŽtĂ©,, bloque la jambe sous son aisselle et crochĂšte l'autre jambe. Le viking fait un bruit sourd en s'Ă©crasant sur le sol...
Le jeune guerrier a gardĂ© sa prise. Il saisit les deux chevilles du barbare et lui Ă©carte davantage les cuisses. Lâautre a devinĂ© le coup et tend les bras pour implorer la clĂ©mence du jeune guerrier. Mais ce dernier le regarde droit dans les yeux avec un rictus et lui Ă©crase les burnes avec son talon. Le cri rauque de douleur du chef se termine en un cri strident.
"Ca Ă©vitera les salopes comme toi de se reproduire" siffle le guerrier.
Le barbare se roule au sol en position fĆtale mais son adversaire n'en a pas fini avec lui. Il le plaque face contre le sol, s'assoit sur son dos. Il le prend en double nelson avec ses jambes et lui lĂšve le bras. Le barbare crie de douleur.Puis il le prend en camel clutch. Il le tire en arriĂšre, on entendrait presque la longue colonne vertĂ©brale du chef craquer, et lui met les doigts dans la bouche comme si c'Ă©tait un mors et qu'il le chevauchait. De fait le petit guerrier a domptĂ© ce qui n'est plus que sa monture.
"Abandonne et vit!" lui crie- t-il.
L'autre tente encore de rĂ©sister mais finit par lĂącher :"Jâa-ban-donne;;;"
PLUS FORT! gueule le jeune qui lui fait répéter plusieurs fois la phrase en lui travaillant les pecs et les tétons;
Puis il finit par le relùcher, Le viking retombe en sous les huées.
Le jeune se tourne vers la tribu qui lâacclame, le courage et lâesprit chevaleresque a gagnĂ© sur la barbarie mais en recevant les honneurs, il nâa pas vu que le chef viking se redresse derriĂšre lui. Il titube et sâapprĂȘte une nouvelle fois Ă le prendre en traĂźtre. Le regard dâun des barbares lâavertit et le sauve. Au moment oĂč lâautre lui saute dessus, le jeune se met Ă genoux et utilise sa lancĂ©e pour le passer par-dessus ses Ă©paules et retomber au sol.
Il enchaĂźne par un ciseaux Ă la tĂȘte. LâĂ©treinte des cuissots du jeune guerrier est mortelle. Le guerrier barbare oĂč ce quâil en reste rĂąle, il nâaurait jamais imaginer une telle force dans ces cuisses lĂ ...et il ne se dĂ©bat que mollement...
« LĂšche mes couilles pleines ! » ordonne le jeune combattant en lui plaquant le visage contre son paquet. Lâautre sâexĂ©cute en dĂ©pit de la forte odeur de sueur. Quand il a bien Ă©tĂ© humiliĂ©, le jeune homme resserre s
es cuisses brusquement de toutes ses forces en poussant un grognement sauvage. Les pieds du barbare labourent le sol. Tout son corps tressaute et il bat des bras mais nâagrippe que de lâair.
Un craquement sinistre rĂ©sonne dans le campement. Le Viking est sans vie, bouche grande ouverte . le jeune guerrier enlĂšve son pagne trempĂ© et le presse au dessus du vaincu. La sueur coule dans la bouche du barbare. Puis il pousse son corps du bout du pied comme un vulgaire paquet quiroule sur lui-mĂȘme. Cette carcasse de muscles et de tatouages de brute Ă©paisse a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©duite Ă nĂ©ant par un guerrier plus petit et moins bourrin que lui mais Ă©lancĂ© et viril ...
Un guerrier qui se redresse et flexe sous les houras de la tribu. Son pied entre de force dans la bouche du Viking et il lance Ă la face aux yeux exorbitĂ©s : « je ne voulais mĂȘme pas de toi comme esclave...»
Princesse Ludwyna (1)
3/29/2024 3:19 PM(In reply to this)
Tiens j'avais zappé celle-ci. Sympa.
MusclesPassion (0)
5/07/2023 10:21 AM(In reply to this)
C'est vraiment une histoire géniale, j'adore beaucoup ce genre d'histoire (surtout en français, ce qui est rare sur ce site).
Si tu as d'autres histoires de ce genre ou des sites sur lesquels on peux en trouver, ce serait vraiment super sympathique de le partager. Merci d'avance.
Wrstlsports (119)
5/07/2023 11:06 AM(In reply to this)
Merci ! Je ne manquerai pas de le faire alors ...đđ€Œââïž
MusclesPassion (0)
5/07/2023 12:58 PM(In reply to this)
Ok, super ... đ
Encore une fois, un tout grand MERCI ... đđđ
slimp (0)
5/01/2023 4:55 AMI mentioned in 2020, being slowly gutpunched to death, but in the context of RP, I think there needs to be more to it than that. In fact with any of the deaths mentioned here, I think there should be some kind of context, otherwise it's probably a non-verbal role that lasts only a few seconds. I'll think about writing some scenes that accommodate my fantasy of death by gut punishment. One thing that comes to mind is interrogation which includes a lengthy session of gut punches and verbal abuse, and ends with a fatal gutpunch.
Another role can be a first person account/narration of how a person dies. One thing I think about is being restrained against a wall, and a machine with a ramming device, probably about 5" in diameter, moving forward and back, like a piston. It's not fast, like a punch would be. It's more like a slow moving thing. At first, it doesn't even touch my gut, but it slowly advances a few millimeters or so every minute or so. I start feeling the breeze of it coming close to my belly. Then it starts touching, but without any depth. Finally, I start feeling it making solid contact. It takes a good long while before it starts forcing a bit of wind out of me, but I can suck my gut in, and keep it from touching. After a while, it reaches far enough that I can't stop it from plunging into me. Even then, it doesn't really hurt, but it starts pumping the wind out of me with each plunge. Time passes, and it's starting to hurt. I start to moan. Each moan is forced out by the device. This goes on till my voice is hoarse and raspy. Each thrust causes a white hot flash of pain. It feels like the machine is having fatal sex with my gut. I lose consciousness and it's over.
Now, imagine the above thing happening while at the same time, I'm being interrogated and am begging to be let go, and that I'm begging while the machine is rhythmically forcing my breath out.
What can I say? That's how my mind works.
Vicious gladiator (0 )
4/30/2023 1:29 PMLove the classic gladiator contest. Especially at the end when a decision is made.
Princesse Ludwyna (1)
12/31/2020 5:15 PMWhat in your opinion would be the most feminine and sexiest way to get killed ?
I think grounded, two hand-strangled, while trying desperately to unbalance the heavier assaulter, hair wildly flowing all around, legs struggling in the air and my little hands unable to break the much stronger grasp.
Second thing i can imagine is standing up, fighting with courage, speed and agility against a slower but stronger and robust huge opponent, using fancy kicks but unable to break the guard of the enemy because i lack strength and suddenly having him moving in my back and neck breaking me by surprise, killing me while i fall down like a rag doll in a cloud of petticoats...
Other ideas?
AsselPunk (0)
1/01/2021 6:58 PM(In reply to this)
maybe throat squeezed between the legs of your opponent, desperate trying to catch some air, but only able to flop around like a fish outside the water....sourrounded by wild hair?
Princesse Ludwyna (1)
1/10/2021 1:12 PM(In reply to this)
Could be fun. Other ideas?
nosferatu (2)
1/01/2021 10:15 AM(In reply to this)
tu te fais suivre par un psychologue ou un psychiatre ?
Princesse Ludwyna (1)
1/01/2021 10:26 AM(In reply to this)
Comme c'est spirituel... On parle de roleplay lĂ .
stalksthemoon (86)
11/02/2020 8:47 PMIâve played this out in a couple of meetups, love this role play.
TakeYouDown (3)
11/03/2020 1:05 AM(In reply to this)
Do you usually win or lose? If you lose, how do you "die"?
Parry Steele (0)
4/11/2024 9:08 PM(In reply to this)
That would depend on where you manage to stick your play knife or sword.
mikey3458 (25 )
11/01/2020 6:23 PMI have a ring, yes i let others use it. I love fantasy fights to the death. I play dead very well. I host overnight as well.
TakeYouDown (3)
11/02/2020 4:37 AM(In reply to this)
how do you usually "die"?
bayridgefighter (3 )
1/04/2021 8:19 AM(In reply to this)
Death by Trident is ideal and a turn on
AsselPunk (0)
1/04/2021 9:49 PM(In reply to this)
or pierced by a spear
Boxmuaywrestling (10 )
12/17/2020 3:08 PM(In reply to this)
Neck snap, trampled to death, beaten to death, berahugged to death, etc
CDMHeel (39 )
12/19/2020 8:40 PM(In reply to this)
Flattened, Split, Heart ripped out, head ripped off
slimp (0)
12/21/2020 4:13 AM(In reply to this)
Chained to a wall and slowly gut punched to death.
Blaze wolf (2 )
11/04/2020 4:04 AM(In reply to this)
Neck snaps or other chokes are great ways to end a fight.
mikey3458 (25 )
11/03/2020 2:22 AM(In reply to this)
I go alone with the heels wishes
RP WS (1)
10/29/2020 9:09 PMlove role plays deathmatch !
my ring nearly ready... when you want ;)
Jcj0033 (0)
10/11/2020 10:14 PMIâm down letâs fight
TakeYouDown (3)
10/11/2020 4:19 AMId want to fight and win. Who wants to play defeated?
mikey3458 (25 )
3/29/2024 7:41 AM(In reply to this)
I would love to accommodate you and let you win. You can even choose the stakes
HeroMatches (0)
4/30/2023 5:21 AM(In reply to this)
We should hang out.
Starbrand2099 (1)
11/15/2020 3:57 AM(In reply to this)
Takemedown Iâd be defeated and âkilledâ
Phxdude (17)
10/21/2020 3:39 AM(In reply to this)
Yea I'm down man đ
Jcj0033 (0)
10/11/2020 10:14 PM(In reply to this)
Letâs go Iâm down
Tarzanwild (6)
10/11/2020 9:44 PM(In reply to this)
I would but am in Florida...
Leagle911 (0)
10/25/2020 2:19 AM(In reply to this)
Would love to roleplay death match and be the defeated!
Tarzanwild (6)
10/27/2020 12:01 AM(In reply to this)
Have to wait until covid vaccine is out.
Italian Gladiator (17 )
10/11/2020 8:00 AM(In reply to this)
I will be your happy volunteer to be killed... đ
DCJobber (82 )
8/02/2020 7:27 AMDCJobber (82 )
8/02/2020 7:21 AMCDMHeel (39 )
5/05/2020 5:37 AMAnyone into Celebrity Deathmatch?
Gladidead (7)
8/01/2020 10:45 PM(In reply to this)
Super into Celebrity Deathmatch. Haven't gotten to watch for years.
DCJobber (82 )
5/06/2020 8:26 PM(In reply to this)
Do you mean the claymation TV Show? I liked it and have a few matches on DVD/vhs...
CDMHeel (39 )
5/08/2020 2:19 AM(In reply to this)
Yes. Which do you have on dvd?
DCJobber (82 )
5/08/2020 10:32 PM(In reply to this)
Like I said it is on VHS. I looked at my DVD's, but I didn't see them. The VHS are in boxes. I think I have Hillary Clinton vs Monica Lewinsky, and prince versus Michael Jackson. I am not sure I will let you know when I find them over the weekend.
CDMHeel (39 )
5/09/2020 2:06 AM(In reply to this)
I can share what I have with you
joejohnson01608 (0)
5/05/2020 3:01 PM(In reply to this)
Please include me in this Deathmatch.
bayridgefighter (3 )
5/05/2020 8:01 AM(In reply to this)
I sure like to role-playing a death match with you CMDheel.. please give us a scenario you want to see acting out between two opponents right physically fighting ? who would be a celebrity you'd like to see in a deathmatch? We're very interested
ale bro (4 )
12/20/2019 12:27 PMI'm horny for a deathmatch, who has enough to fight this beast! Add me to skype
JONNY 246 (0 )
12/21/2019 10:02 AM(In reply to this)
love to work on you love to punish ur biceps
LisbonWrestler (39)
12/20/2019 1:06 AMHero vs Villain death match Please log in to view gallery photos.
commandertc (76)
12/20/2019 1:12 AM(In reply to this)
Hot but only hot if you are the heros who gets ended and destroyed by the villain
Scouser (0)
12/22/2019 10:38 AM(In reply to this)
Absolutely, far prefer it if the hero is destroyed
HeroMatches (0)
4/30/2023 5:19 AM(In reply to this)
Fully agree
Princesse Ludwyna (1)
12/19/2019 10:29 PMI like when it ends by a sleeper hold into neckbreak.
givesgoodchat (0)
12/19/2019 2:13 AMI am always looking for a erotic death cyber fight, both as killer or victim. love the idea of dead body handling and abuse too. Roleplaying as enemy solider, assassins, mob hit, POW, robbery gone bad, etc. Available most weeknights - PM me !
Scouser (0)
12/20/2019 1:01 AM(In reply to this)
Enemy soldiers and POWs are really hot. Or a prisoner turning the tables on a cop.
CollegeGladi8r 99 (31 )
12/16/2019 2:15 AMThe thought of it is so hot... (no actual death, of course) but fighting for your life, knowing one opponent will lose everything and not walk out of the combat alive. Everything you worked for: your combat skills, years of training, your body: all destroyed and over once you lose the fight, as you descend into eternal darkness...
Parry Steele (0)
11/17/2023 10:27 PM(In reply to this)
Would be hot to enter into "combat to the death" with you ... stripped to the waist, armed only with a knife.
AsselPunk (0)
12/16/2019 4:04 PM(In reply to this)
that`s trueâŠright to the point
joejohnson01608 (0)
12/13/2019 2:53 PMInterested in a mock knife fight to the death in the nude. PM.
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
12/13/2019 9:07 PM(In reply to this)
Yes, I could demonstrate a naked dagger fight to the death ...
Parry Steele (0)
10/15/2023 1:32 AM(In reply to this)
Naked dagger fight to the death would be hot. Bring it!
commandertc (76)
12/13/2019 7:32 AMI want this to happen for real ... I will play any role... and stakes... just make it end with a series of frog splashes ... smashing the life out of me
mikey3458 (25 )
6/12/2023 3:53 AM(In reply to this)
But Commandertc, i want to die under all of your frog splashes.
LisbonWrestler (39)
12/10/2019 9:20 AMHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Nice scenarios. Please log in to view gallery photos.
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
12/11/2019 10:42 AM(In reply to this)
I like very much too...
Lthrwrstlr (2 )
12/10/2019 7:52 PM(In reply to this)
no ref to intervene
LisbonWrestler (39)
12/10/2019 10:41 PM(In reply to this)
No ref. Fight ends til loser does not move, under his foe...
LisbonWrestler (39)
12/11/2019 1:27 AM(In reply to this)
No mercy. Loser gets destroyed. Please log in to view gallery photos.
Phxdude (17)
5/02/2023 5:40 AM(In reply to this)
And after the loser is destroyed and defeated.
And you're on top of him like in the pic. Turn him around, face down, and claim ur prize
Lthrwrstlr (2 )
12/10/2019 11:32 PM(In reply to this)
exactly, feel the life drain from him
Scouser (0)
12/14/2019 4:44 PM(In reply to this)
Totally destroyed if he loses.
fightkumpel (5)
12/09/2019 2:57 PMVery hot, with bare fists or ( toy) weapons .
Herkules vs Tarzan, Conan vs Barbarian...
bayridgefighter (3 )
11/06/2019 5:36 AMYeah I can go for most of that
Parry Steele (0)
11/17/2023 10:33 PM(In reply to this)
You would be a good opponent in a role play death match with knives.
Italian Gladiator (17 )
11/05/2019 6:31 AMI love them since I was 7yo! Still looking for blood enemies ;-)
Parry Steele (0)
11/17/2023 10:35 PM(In reply to this)
I will be your blood enemy!
Lthrwrstlr (2 )
11/05/2019 1:28 AMCheck out my profile
Scouser (0)
12/26/2019 6:31 PM(In reply to this)
Uniforms especially for me. Love them.
Roreg (1)
11/04/2019 6:34 AM- Cavemen fights for the lead of the tribe
- Guys fighting for a sadistic woman
- Deathmatch club
- Gladiators
- ...
I love when the end is brutal! Bloody and a kind of intense show for the audience like stomping to break each bones, brutal punching, ...
northjerseyjobber2 (7)
12/12/2019 9:32 PM(In reply to this)
I have done this scene irl... so so hot. Love when I'm played out dead under my conqueror.
LisbonWrestler (39)
12/13/2019 3:37 AM(In reply to this)
The best feeling, circling around and battle it out. Only one alive in the end.
Damn hot roleplay. Please log in to view gallery photos.
Scouser (0)
12/08/2019 11:40 PM(In reply to this)
Yeah all of these sounds good.
Include two soldiers wrestling and fighting as well.
Lutteurnurouen (4 )
11/06/2019 7:18 AM(In reply to this)
Me too... Il like that.
Lthrwrstlr (2 )
11/05/2019 1:29 AM(In reply to this)
Like all those scenarios
Fightharder (2)
11/04/2019 4:07 PM(In reply to this)
I'm very into cyber fights like this.
I have played at this irl too, with lots of fake blood.
AsselPunk (0)
11/04/2019 3:00 PM(In reply to this)
yes, a good merciless fight to the death is always good
Blaze wolf (2 )
11/03/2019 9:49 PMI find it a lot of fun in cyber.
Barbarian VS Roman sounds fun. Could do it with a captured leader and a gladiator too.
My favorite hold is sleeper chokes. Transitions to necksnaps are hot.
Or with erotic stories, loser choking to death on the winner's cock is really hot.
Boxmuaywrestling (10 )
12/17/2020 3:13 PM(In reply to this)
Wow, both of it so hot
Gladidead (7)
9/12/2020 12:17 AM(In reply to this)
I'm into this.
WarriorMeat (26)
11/02/2019 5:43 PMWho likes to play the fight to the death? Hand-to-hand combat. For example between barbarian leader and Roman soldier? What is your favorite hold, fatal hold for the opponent?