Role-playing fighting

Heel dominates and humiliated cocky Android fighter

slimp (0)

5/01/2022 4:55 AM

I like the idea of recovering quickly, but not immediately. It should take a bit of time, like at least a day, so the aggressor/sadist can take pleasure in seeing my pain for hours after. Then after a day or so, I'd be feeling good and cocky again, at which point, I'd act in a way that I'd again trigger in someone, perhaps even the same guy, a sadistic lust for working me over.

I remember an expression from years ago, "I have a hard on for you," which in a "G" rated context means, "I'm angry with you, and I'm coming after you." I'm pretty sure the expression didn't originate as "G" rated. It was probably a result of someone's latent sadism. Anyhow, since I exist on the flipside of sadism, I love the idea of a guy getting a hard on as he causes me pain, particularly when it involves punching or otherwise punishing my gut.


slimp (0)

7/10/2021 4:44 AM

Kinda reminds me of a story I wrote, set in the future, in which I was an artificial yet fully biological human, with programming built into my DNA that gave me an appearance and personality that made people want to gut punch me. I and others like me were created as an outlet for aggression, pent up rage, and sadism. We have slender, model-like bodies and no fighting skill. We have accelerated healing properties. Most injuries heal within a matter of hours and short of using guns, knives, or some other similar thing, we're nearly impossible to kill. Violent crime is down by 90% because it's legal and socially acceptable for people to work us over instead, which diffuses the violent urges that have existed in humans since the beginning.


DCJobber (82 )

7/10/2021 11:16 AM

(In reply to this)

I like that story...


slimp (0)

7/11/2021 4:08 AM

(In reply to this)

Feel free to add to it, or otherwise be creative with the concept.


ErwanNatz (0 )

9/07/2020 3:03 AM

Looks like a damn hot situation!


DCJobber (82 )

9/04/2020 5:55 PM

You may have something there...
I remember that episode of Star Trek.

"Shore leave" the crew members got to get revenge on their jobber fantasies. Then I think
one or two malfunctioned.....


CompactMuscleBoy (3)

9/03/2020 9:49 PM

Any heels looking to disassemble and reboot a fighting Android that no longer remembers its robotic and has a cocky attitude even though no matter what it’s programmed to lose every match?


Anas K (22)

4/30/2022 7:52 AM

(In reply to this)

Really hot idea, especially with the Android not able to remember that he is always programmed to lose and every attempt of him fighting back will be foiled. Would love to squash you in this kind of setting.

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