Gutpunching give/take/trade


BigScorpio55 (5 )

9/16/2020 2:54 AM

Has anybody came in their trunks while being worked over without stroking? This happened to me a long time ago.


Jasubhero (0)

9/18/2020 8:41 PM

(In reply to this)

When I was 13 or 14 and didn't quite understand yet how GP affected me. Was sorta wrestling around with a buddy. I was straddling his hips,pinning his shoulders to the floor. I was almost in a cobra stretch stance. He was struggling to get free. I just kept dropping my eyes to my torso trying to signal him where to strike. I lightened my pressure on his shoulders so he could move his arms better. He finally took my hints and pretended to punch my stomach. It was so exhilarating I told him to do it again and said he could hit harder. The second hit had good contact but not that forceful but it was the first time I remember wanting to get punched like that. Felt a huge surge of warmth and pressure in my cock. He took a 3rd shot and I blew a load. He had no clue what just happened and I quickly got up and said I had to pee. Thankfully I didn't have a stain on my pants afterwards but I was very confused and fascinated by what happened. We didn't resume our rough housing after and he left none the wiser. That has been the only time yet I have nutted from getting punched and I suspect the position I was in probably helped in that experience.

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