I’m assuming you get your opponent to jerk you off? That’s always much more fun. I would gladly take you on, as I love a good jerk off and see who cover each over in the most cum
Whoever said "as useless as tits on a bull" never saw how playing with bull nips can get a man insanely horned up, boned, and leaking, on the verge of shooting a hot load of bull spunk!
Fuck. Just typing that has me rock hard. I gotta take matters into my own hands or I'll never be able to concentrate on work for the final hour! LOL! Oh the risks of working from home where the bosses can't see what you are doing on your own laptop while you look all busy and productive on the one they gave you in mid-March 2020!
@CDNWolf. I wish distance wasn’t the issue, as I’d love to take you on naked. Standing toe to toe rubbing each other’s nips, getting each other boned up and ready to fuck each other. Maybe challenge each other to naked combat, Judo or Karate. I will gladly open my pig hole for you, use a double dildo and maybe use a frankfurter so we both get some fun after by forcing the other to eat it. If you are into watersports then bring it on. I’m ready fella!
@SFFight - you wanna amp me up? Pin me, get each bull teat firmly between each thumb and index finger and apply as much pressure as you can, increasing that pressure slowly but very very firmly. No twisting, no biting, no licking or sucking required. I will dribble precum like a leaky faucet, my pighole will open up, welcome your cock, or a fat dildo or buttplug or all of your fingers on one hand up to the knuckles. I'll moan and writhe like bitch in heat. If at that point you so much as breathe on my cock I will erupt like Vesuvius, and roar like an enraged, rabid Tiger.
Be careful, fighters.
I had a 1 on 1 on 1 tag team match 4 years ago...we were all supposed to be fighting each other equally.
Without me knowing, the other 2 had agreed to team up against me.
My ego got in the way and I continued with the match.
Got some pretty good holds on them - double headlock, head scissors and headlock, but they released.
One of the fuckers got me in a spladle and the other fucker got between my legs with totally exposed hole and said, "Gonna teach you a lesson". With all his aggression the fucker rammed his cock in my hole balls deep on a single thrust.
I got fucking schooled.
I don't take it up the ass often, so you don't forget a pounding like.
This is my dream. Each team have 5 minutes to rub their dics to each rival team member. And than all team down to arena, and cockfight until all team member cum. The looser team is the team who all team are cum first
Had a tag team match just prior to Covid lockdown. So want to repeat it. There were 12 of us. We threw our car keys into a pot and pulled out a set to see who fought who. We were all Judo/BJJ/Karate trained, so each pair bowed as we entered the “arena”. One hand on each other’s shoulder, with a minute given to jerk the other off to get a good erection. Then a choice of cockfighting or martial arts with compulsory jerking or each other off. Looser gets fucked. Each winner went forward to another round, decided by keys in a bowl. One winner, but at the end we just got into a massive fight and orgy between all 12.
If we got to fight, I’d love to get a 1 on 1 naked fuck fight, using martial art and fuck skills to determine the winner.
Jerzee guy (57)
10/22/2021 6:11 AMStill first to shoot loses is fav....me and t town in sudden death match dry stroke 3 minute rounds 3 minute breaks ....
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
10/23/2021 11:34 AM(In reply to this)
I’m assuming you get your opponent to jerk you off? That’s always much more fun. I would gladly take you on, as I love a good jerk off and see who cover each over in the most cum
CDNWolf (0)
10/20/2021 10:36 PMWhoever said "as useless as tits on a bull" never saw how playing with bull nips can get a man insanely horned up, boned, and leaking, on the verge of shooting a hot load of bull spunk!
Fuck. Just typing that has me rock hard. I gotta take matters into my own hands or I'll never be able to concentrate on work for the final hour! LOL! Oh the risks of working from home where the bosses can't see what you are doing on your own laptop while you look all busy and productive on the one they gave you in mid-March 2020!
Buzzsawyer (14)
10/24/2021 1:05 PM(In reply to this)
Nip wired here too so I can certainly appreciate what you said and 100% relate
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
10/23/2021 11:09 AM(In reply to this)
@CDNWolf. I wish distance wasn’t the issue, as I’d love to take you on naked. Standing toe to toe rubbing each other’s nips, getting each other boned up and ready to fuck each other. Maybe challenge each other to naked combat, Judo or Karate. I will gladly open my pig hole for you, use a double dildo and maybe use a frankfurter so we both get some fun after by forcing the other to eat it. If you are into watersports then bring it on. I’m ready fella!
10/21/2021 8:35 PM(In reply to this)
Who ever said that never met us bulls.
These bull udders are the tough triggers turn boys into raging cock throbbing beasts.
CDNWolf (0)
10/22/2021 1:10 AM(In reply to this)
Obscenely swollen bull teats attract the hottest, kinkiest pig players.
SFFight (70)
10/22/2021 1:20 AM(In reply to this)
You primal udder bulls are a lot of fun to amp up...
CDNWolf (0)
10/22/2021 6:32 AM(In reply to this)
@SFFight - you wanna amp me up? Pin me, get each bull teat firmly between each thumb and index finger and apply as much pressure as you can, increasing that pressure slowly but very very firmly. No twisting, no biting, no licking or sucking required. I will dribble precum like a leaky faucet, my pighole will open up, welcome your cock, or a fat dildo or buttplug or all of your fingers on one hand up to the knuckles. I'll moan and writhe like bitch in heat. If at that point you so much as breathe on my cock I will erupt like Vesuvius, and roar like an enraged, rabid Tiger.
10/19/2021 7:03 PMBe careful, fighters.
I had a 1 on 1 on 1 tag team match 4 years ago...we were all supposed to be fighting each other equally.
Without me knowing, the other 2 had agreed to team up against me.
My ego got in the way and I continued with the match.
Got some pretty good holds on them - double headlock, head scissors and headlock, but they released.
One of the fuckers got me in a spladle and the other fucker got between my legs with totally exposed hole and said, "Gonna teach you a lesson". With all his aggression the fucker rammed his cock in my hole balls deep on a single thrust.
I got fucking schooled.
I don't take it up the ass often, so you don't forget a pounding like.
CDNWolf (0)
10/19/2021 7:17 PM(In reply to this)
I'd never play hooky if that's the kind of schooling I'd get!
10/19/2021 7:28 PM(In reply to this)
Rough manhandling for a strong, tough hole.
School's in session, @CDNWolf.
CDNWolf (0)
10/19/2021 7:32 PM(In reply to this)
I bet you're one tough, mean Headmaster, Sir.
10/19/2021 7:35 PM(In reply to this)
I take out my aggression on worthy badasses. Cum meet me at the gym for a forced workout, musclefuck...consider it detention.
CDNWolf (0)
10/19/2021 9:39 PM(In reply to this)
Yes SIR, Coach!
SFFight (70)
10/19/2021 9:32 PM(In reply to this)
Pecman and CdnWolf, looking at both your profiles, thinking a nip battle between you udderly awesome fighters would be even better.
10/20/2021 8:23 PM(In reply to this)
That would be a hot match up...bull udders vs. bull udders.
SFFight (70)
10/20/2021 9:01 PM(In reply to this)
Most definitely ultimate battle of the bulls...
SFslam (22)
10/19/2021 3:54 AMWould luv tag cum match
Assasinman (8 )
10/16/2021 11:02 AMThis is my dream. Each team have 5 minutes to rub their dics to each rival team member. And than all team down to arena, and cockfight until all team member cum. The looser team is the team who all team are cum first
Martial Matty (2)
10/19/2021 7:15 AM(In reply to this)
I like that nude from the start first team to cum loses
PwrestlingHB (0)
10/17/2021 6:36 AM(In reply to this)
That would be such a fun fight.
Assasinman (8 )
10/17/2021 8:18 AM(In reply to this)
Yes, I like that
Starfighter28 (0 )
10/18/2021 9:30 PM(In reply to this)
What rules you have?
Martial Matty (2)
10/19/2021 7:15 AM(In reply to this)
Depends On who's in it.
Martial Matty (2)
10/14/2021 8:46 AMHey fellas anyone had a tag team fight first to cum loses? What rules you have?
SFslam (22)
10/21/2021 12:57 AM(In reply to this)
Not a cum tag match
That be fun !
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
10/20/2021 5:21 AM(In reply to this)
Had a tag team match just prior to Covid lockdown. So want to repeat it. There were 12 of us. We threw our car keys into a pot and pulled out a set to see who fought who. We were all Judo/BJJ/Karate trained, so each pair bowed as we entered the “arena”. One hand on each other’s shoulder, with a minute given to jerk the other off to get a good erection. Then a choice of cockfighting or martial arts with compulsory jerking or each other off. Looser gets fucked. Each winner went forward to another round, decided by keys in a bowl. One winner, but at the end we just got into a massive fight and orgy between all 12.
If we got to fight, I’d love to get a 1 on 1 naked fuck fight, using martial art and fuck skills to determine the winner.
Kansas-27 (0)
10/15/2021 5:24 AM(In reply to this)
Size contest? Bigger gets to low blow losers
Starfighter28 (0 )
10/18/2021 9:30 PM(In reply to this)
What do you mean?