- WelshDragonWarrior
- 12/16/2024
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Hi to all friends!
I'm so sorry if I haven't been in touch for a while, I'm still around.
For most of my wrestling friends I'm letting you know that I've got sad news.
My mother passed away this morning. She had been very unwell for the past few years.
I saw her yesterday and was talking and it looked like she was looking better.
She was unresponsive this morning and we never made it in time to say goodbye.
I know it's nothing to do with wrestling but please treasure every family moment together.
The Welsh Dragon Warrior will wrestle again in March next year.
Wishing you guys a Happy Christmas!
My Wrestling Friends
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 6/05/2024
- 4
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Thanks to everyone as a friend, or in the chatroom, for wishing me a Happy Birthday, how kind of you all!
Despite a scary incident earlier at home, also been working, I intend to have a drink to celebrate, maybe even treat myself to a small something!
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 1/01/2024
- 7
- 7
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A very Happy New Year to you all!
I hope 2024 brings lots of joy and wrestling.
I would certainly like to meet new friends and enjoy our friendship during the year.
Take care!
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 12/24/2023
- 7
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To all my wrestling friends and followers, thanks for a nice year of communication and wrestling, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Nadolig Llawen!!
WelshDragonWarrior Wrestles
- WelshDragonWarrior
- 5/15/2023
- 4
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Hi people!
The Welsh Dragon Warrior and a small friendly team of wrestlers will be joining me in Manchester on Saturday May 27th.
Anyone who would like to join us in a practice meet, please send me a private message for all details. Looking forward to everyone joining in.